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max bitt

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Posts posted by max bitt

  1. And are you a good game designer ? Because playing the games created by a whole team is worth if they are good creators. Had I to play the games I create, I would be really disappointed !  :P  B)


    That's true but I was saying that I am atleast trying to make my own games. Not taht my games are better than a whole team, but it's just that when you make your own games you make it the way you want it to. :blink:

  2. Oh, I can promise you that it is better than Internet Exploder, I mean Explorer.


    Some of the best things about Firefox:

    Tabbed Browsing! No more multiple instances of the berowser to slow things down....


    Speed.  Can't really explain this one, but I know that it loads web pages twice as fast on my machine


    Price: FREE!!


    Ease of Use: HIGH.  It will not take you long to learn to use it, and it continues to get easier to use...


    BugMeNot: An extension that allows you to use predetermined passwords for some internet sites.


    Cookie Control: The ability to control cookies at the site level, decide which sites can place a cookie on your machine, and which sites can't

    And I am still discovering things that I like...




    Wow thanks alot man. I will defently make a switch to firefox. You know I have Comcast high speed internet and sometimes it loads slow because of Internet explorer takes alot of memory. Even though I have 1Gb ram but still it uses proccesor alot.


    Does Firefox use less memory or more than IE. Is firefox better than Opera (not free edition).


    I think Firefox uses tabs right? Instead of like the IE6 not IE7.

  3. To everyone who use Internet Explorer as webbrowser, switch.

    I just say, Firefox! This is the best browser I ever have used, and i have tried many.. Here is the reasson - on Norwegian, I can try to translate, but I am really bad in english who your maybe can see..

    This is some of the things on the frontpage, translated by me..  B)


    I should try firfox. Maybe it's better than Internet explorer.

  4. I'm sure many have heard of FarCry, but has anyone actually played it?  Oh, man, that is a great FPS.  The graphics are incredible - even at a low setting, the story actually meshes well, and, well I must say, the gore is great.  I don't mean to say, I like destruction, but if you really wanna put some bullets in the bad guy, this game is the way to do it.  If you've played it, you know what I'm talking about... I mean, you can just destroy people with your weapons.  All in all, it's very realistic.


    if you're looking for a rocking guy with a good plot and you like the idea of practically ripping faces off, you should try this game!


    P.S. On PC, you better make sure you have a really good computer and video card to run the game, otherwise, you're outta luck!


    Never played it but I heard about it. That you need fast computers. I think I got fast enough. I mean AMD 2500 Athlon XP+ 1Gb Ram RADEON 9200 SE B):blink: I think I will be able to play if I will feel like it right? :P


    But I don't play games any more. I make my own games with Game Maker 6.1

  5. Wha??? this game is sux man. They didn' even model her right. This game looks like made back in 1999 man. Even Oni is better than this if you have played it. B) Those 3d artitsts don't even know how to put lights in the scene man. :blink: I mean look at the picture she look fake enough. Even in Quake 3 characters look much detailed than this one. :blink: Play something like WOW or Unreal Tournament and you will see some real graphics not some fake looking characters in this game. :P

  6. Hi,


    I don't know if there might allready be some subtopic regarding firewalls, but in these anoying computer unhumanity terror days, would I like to discus with others their expirence regarding diffrent security systems.


    I've been using several of these systems, and the most of them without any bigger surpriseing results. As many might allready had mentioned is Norton Internet Security an very heavy solutions, that too often alow virus and other unwanted stuff access your system, and the same problem had I expired with both Panda and McAfee Internet security.


    Still haven't I had these same expirence with zonealarm Internet Security, but the problem with zonealarm is that it's a little too tuff to handle, as you haven't always ideas about what is good to block and what are needed to keep open.


    I've been mentioned under a another topic that I have some trouble to make my apache webserver get up and running, and I have some thoughts that it might have something to do with my firewall.


    My OS is windows 2k, and as mentioned above do I use ZoneAlarm Internet Security.


    I hope that some can give me some of their expirence and might help me out of this situation.







    I use Win Xp Sp2 firewall and it works awsome. Also, I use Kaspersky AV with it and there is now problems at all. As you metioned that you use Zone Alarm. I think Zone Alarm Firewall is powerful enough. Zone Alarm Ani-virus is not that powerfull enough. I know some people use Zone Alarm Firewall but not AV.

  7. Damn good.  :blink: But the thing is, they always invent something new. And offer many stuff for free - like gmail. That way google always stays on track like the best and no.1.


    You right for example like the Google earth free version. The best hha. I think Google sees them selfs as service to public. I mean they give you free version of Google earth and you can use it free of charge.


    Google is defently #1. :P:blink::blink:B)

  8. Google has now released as BETA their Blog Search Engine.  Available as a Google search or Blogger Search interface, it's know really easy to search for content posted on blogs.


    Google says that they can index feeds in both RSS & Atom, so a wide variety of blogs should turn up. The search is not restricted to blogs on Blogger.com (which is owned by Google) but can be extended to blogs hosted on other sites too.


    Of course, the standard Google search operators can be used to great effect and new operators have also been introduced:


      * inblogtitle:

      * inposttitle:

      * inpostauthor:

      * blogurl:


    Quite self explanatory. The usual clean interface helps a lot. It's nice to have one more type of Google search. BTW, Google claims that using the blog search will give better results than using the normal search when looking for blog content.

    What's good about the Google Tolbar search. Is it same as the Google.com or it has more features in it, that let you search better faster? B)

  9. I have Corel and Adobe and I like Adobe a lot better. Its more stable, has more features, and is smoother. Really simple tasks like resizing squares are slightly easier with corel, but once you get to stuff like beizers and gradients and all kinds of cool stuff, Adobe is much better. But like everyone else is saying, get the demo and try it out first.


    His is right. I use Photoshop CS 2 and boy I'll tell you best one. With the new featues they put in it man it is good.


    Healing tools is the best. I mean you use it everywhere in your images B)

  10. I know of some free tools to create animated flash tutorials, but does anyone know what programs are used to create the tutorials from these two sites?





    I know very little on Macromedia Flash itself, so if there is another program that is used to create these, that would be great.




    These two website I think they use CSS.


    You can also you Frontpage to make your own web pages or Photoshop CS Live works too. You can get pretty good results with it man. B)


    I am using Fronpage and it works good man. I do basicly everything with it. :P

  11. Norton is pice of sh*t. It's really slow, and slows down entire system. Use kaspersky, bitdefender, or avast.


    You are right man Kaspersky is one of the best anti-viruses ever made. I mean Kaspersky beats every AV in this world man. In every Anti-virus test Kaspersky is number one because Kaspersky focuses on one thing Security.


    If you guys want to see more about AV test you can just visit this website AV-Comparatives it is porbably number one.


    a while back i got EZ Antivirus.. the company was giving out free 1 year subscriptions. I used to have Norton Antivirus, and I thought it was great except for the load up time. Anyway EZ Seems to be really good, it loads quick, it protects well, and it was free haha.

    EZ might be free but I bet it won't even rich 80% in the real tests.

  12. Word of advice: wait till the 2nd generation Nano's come out. 


    1st Generation Apple Products generally always have issues.  As a big fan of Apple products, I've found it best to wait about 6 months before getting anything new.  Any problems will generally be reported and fixed by then.


    What? Six months woooow. That's along time man. why can't they just released it faster?

  13. Looks usefull but its a Microsoft - They didn't change source code for Microsoft Office last 10 years. Probably they wont until new software appear on market. Then they will rip all they can and make something new.


    What do you mean but it's microsoft. There is no better product like Microsoft Office. Maybe I am wrong correct me if am not but all shool and colleges use Microsoft Office because there will never be better one. :P


    Technicly it's impossible, I mean think about Microsoft worked on for about 10 years. There is no way some other companies will try to make same software.

    MS office has it's reputation. B)

  14. Hmm... Looks like microsoft want's to be back on the track with new horse - Ie7. For me that means stick to firefox for safe browsing, and for average user it means - alot of new spyware and other problems that come with it. Microsoft makes decent software very rare, almost never.


    What? Microsoft IE7 it's safe man you just have to know how to customize those Security setting Local Internet seting, Trusted sites and Restricted sites, Control the cookies too. B)


    IE7 has even Anti-Phising man. I never get any spyware or such thing on my machine. :blink: I use KAV 2006 with it and works absolutly amazing. :P

  15. I use google, and recently I started to use MSN. Looks like MSN has got little better, It really finds many relevant results now, and it's pretty fast too. Anyway google is better while MSN has bunch of ads on first page just like yahoo and altavista.


    I use Google most of the time. You know why? Becuase google basicly focuses on serching staff. Google is fast and it works perfect for me. Basicly shools and colleges use google.

    Yep google is the best.

  16. I'm trying to animate a picture so that two words that are on top of each other, the move apart. Does anyone know a program that allows you to do this? Thanks.


    Use Sony Vegas it's pretty easy. You have alot of control in Sony Vegas.

    Basicly make two layers and that's it. Then just render it out you don't with your text animating stuff. Also, if you first time use Vegas it could bit confusing but then you will ge over with.


    Just wanted to give you more detail about it. B):P:blink::blink:

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