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max bitt

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Posts posted by max bitt

  1. Haha wow...good luck on getting that job. hmmm i didnt think anyone would really reply.  i guess ppl on this board must be nice :]


    Yeah you can say that but you never know. Well offcourse if you are nice to sombody they will bee nice too. :P:huh::mellow::P:blink:

  2. The only reasons why nintendo games are left out is due to "Kiddie" games. But Gamecube have released matured games such as Residents Evil. Be on a look out cuz nintendo will surely do it again, as kids these days reaches puberty abit faster.


    It's true that Gamecube make mature games. It's just Nintendo had this old technology. That's why all nintendo games are not that real. Now they are getting better and better. :blink:B):P

  3. They should think about adding maybe some lower priced cars into the game. Its all good turboing a merc or bmw whatever, but i think it would be more fun if they added a few more of the run of the mill cars into it. for instance, they could add an escort or sierra cosworth (english version) i would much prefer to do up one of those and race that.


    I personally didnt like the second one as much as the first, although it made the gameplay that bit longer having to drive around trying to find the shops, it just wasnt as interesting in my eyes. One main garage that covers everything would make life a lot easier. I did like the new style races in the second like streetx i think it was called, maybe some more style races to improve it.


    They should definately leave it though for the 360 and ps3 though, not much point now as the consoles are close for release. Plus as stated in an earlier reply, the graphics will be immensly better and more life like.


    HELLLLLOOO there are low priced cars already in it. :P:blink::blink: For example, Honda civic si, mazda miata, pontiac and more. Have you even played it? B) UG 2 is much better than UG. I mean everytning for example, Nos goes up when you shift or drift. and much more... :blink:

  4. Just wanna say hi to everyone, I will be around here in the forums.

    Some stuff about me:

    Location: Norway

    Age: 15

    Sex: Male

    Like: Design, internet, games girls and mutch more!

    Homesite: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (in Norwegian, so doesen't think many here understand..)

    I am webmaster in a clan, Joint Operations clan, we have called us self BTK (Born To Kill), we are a active clan, but we doesen't have so many members yet. Else I doesen't do so mutch more, I am designing and coding some sites, and I am here now. That was some words about me.  :blink:


    You are 15 :PB) not that you're young, :blink: never thought you were. I am my self only 17 :blink::blink:

  5. I use AVG Free by Grisoft, I used to have Norton Anti-Virus. I find AVG better in terms of scanning, and also free updates are always available for download. It' very very good value for a free piece of software.


    Payed version of AVG bearly riches 85% itself. What makes you people think that the free version is good AV for more info about AV's AV Comparatives I think you will be dissapointed.

  6. Cos it is easy to code there, you have many extra things, like if you start at the code, you can just scroll down to the rest of it, very easy and good. B)


    Well you are right about the easy coding and I know that you have more possibilities in Dreamware. But still Frontpage and Go Live are enough to make a powerful and professional websites.

  7. BTW I am in no way responsible if you screw up your PC.... :


    These Settings will fine tune your systems memory management -at least 512MB of ram recommended.

    Go to start\run\regedit - and then to the following key

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management


    1. DisablePagingExecutive - double click it and in the decimal put a 1 - this allows XP to keep data in memory now instead of paging sections of ram to harddrive yeilds faster performance.


    2. LargeSystemCache - double click it and change the decimal to 1 - this allows XP Kernel to Run in memory improves system performance alot.


    Reboot and watch your system fly ..happy tweakin


    I wouldn't do this because you still need paging. For example if you have used any 3d software for intstance I use 3ds max and it take about 150 mb of memory and you need paging too. Max is recommended on 1Gb Ram and 1Gb swap.


    Some games requier 512 mb swap space. B)

  8. I have it and wow you can make easy web templates in in matter of minutes. I mean it's even better than frontpage. Well maybe not better, but Go Live got more advanced features that are easily accesable to users that just started to learn how to make web templates.Overall GoLive does the same as Frontpage but it's just easier I think or in my experiece. :blink: Any ways I still like Frontpage better. :blink:B):P

  9. Yes, Firefox has a smaller memory footprint than IE, thus it runs faster.


    Well, in a sneaky way, IE will tell you that it uses less memory, but it lies, it hides all of it's memory usage in other process that look nothing like IE...


    Firefox is up front when it tells you the amount of memory that it uses...


    And yes, Firefox uses tabbed browsing, it takes a little getting used to, but once you do, you will wonder how you ever got along without it...




    Ohh I will get used to it. I am a fast learner. B)
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