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Posts posted by saneax

  1. I hope this is a surprise new technology springing from peer 2 peer architecture. Well so many P2P applications on the block that there is so much to talk about them, some of them are extremely well written code, travesing firewall and NAT :). Yes!

    Joost is another of such P2P technology, which aims at providing multimedia content. Its designed to travese NAT and use UDP, it aims to become very fast and very good quality. If this is a company, you can bet its share prices will rise, and look out for google or yahoo to grab it soon. This is the next Kaaza that the firewall engineers will dread. Since its so difficult to block the UDP NAT traversal mechanism they deploy.

    There is a beta evaluation version available.. and I would suggest you to go and have a look at it.. the site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    some news 1 and 2.

    I am too excited after I saw the performance. it has limitless possibilities in the future. just think if its available on the mobile, and you could podcast it into joost TV. [ :) ] I cant think what happens to all the TV soap opera's.

    I have a great internal feeling that this concept is going to rock the world.. remember it was me telling you :)

  2. The question also arises, that How long the congress is to continue burdening the cach flow on Iraq ? Its a bad move now gone worse. Iraq is in a civil upheaval and Americans are voting to bring back there soldiers. The Big Brother role by US has costed it in vietnam, afghanistan and now its costing them in Iraq, with money and men. Even if the Bush Administration was right in toppling Saddam, there is a bitter irony attached to it, that Bush may loose the election because of Saddam, and God knows what psychological blows he may get from the event. Every Action has equal and opposite reaction (osama's pet ideaology :))

  3. @ leafbunk..


    The very first line in your post could have offended multiple people who are lesbian/gay. Since I don't know anything about the even that you're talking about, I can't really comment on it. I just think it's weird that you want to discuss people's reaction to racial slurs, etc., and you started your post off with saying something that could have been taken offensive by a whole different group of people. :)


    I did not try to mean in the sense you have understood. Queer is also meaning strange. So my reference was for the strange event.. (here are the links 1, 2, 3, 4)


    here is youtube video


    on the word 'queer' here is the wikipedia, I too came to know that it also is a slang towards gay/lesbians. so I am sorry


    The point is an underlying feeling by asians and blacks, against racial abuse. I don't know if people who are native to the place and are white feel the same.. but asians with colored skin do have a problem. There are countless abuses, violence against the Asians, however, since most of us come over to the western world to earn, there is an underlying fear.




    thanks for the explaination, I was bombed to hear I was abusing :)..

  4. Hi

    Hey everyone,

    I am currenly building my own Forum.

    I need people to help me build it.

    Staff i am looking for


    2 Designers (To Design the look and do the pictures)

    4 PHP Coders (To Help me code it)

    1 Javascript Coder

    1 Ajax Coder

    2 Forum Makers (To create the forum)


    If you have all 2 or more qualities the better it is.

    You will get payed with publicity if we sell them or give them free.


    Hope Someone Is willing to help.






    P.S I am posting this on other forums to get people.



    Have you tried the free Forums which are available.. there are many out there.. infact.. I suppose asta host provides the PHPbb. You can set it up easily..



    and if you already know of the free forums.. whats the new idea you are having ?



  5. Firefox has some known issues of memory leaks.
    hence if you keep it running it may use up a huge amount of RAM. so the trick is to exit at some time and fireup firefox again. Or the alternative is Opera. which is faster and remains faster after a long time...

    IE all versions are a big no. since they even do not acknowledge the huge security lapses that there are in it. Nor do they relase any patches..

    If you are an IE 6 User.. try this URL, which would crash your IE definitely.. and if it doesnt please do post me..

    link (remember be carefull since IE-6 WILL Crash)

    All IE7 users are safe :)

  6. Hi Lewisthemusic,

    Can i just clarify that global warming does not mean that the world is going to get hotter, all it means is a weather change and that the water will rise about 5cm and all the low countries will be flooded. If you want to know what global warming is like there's a movie called "The Day after tomorrow" and the movie is abit extreme with the effects of global warming but it explains it well.But, i think due to Global warming and weather change that it hasn't snowed in England :)

    scientists have a queer way of telling us one thing, and then retracting them. The concept that, 9/11 may have benefited us environmentally is a lie. There are no scientific proofs for that.

    Infact, just after the 9/11 happened, there was a grave concern and valid scientifically tangible point that the pollution from the derbies of the twin towers crashing might lead to serious health issues for the people of New York. Infact, to such an extent that, the death toll from pollution might be more than the people who died in the 9/11 aftermath. ofcourse, in a longer duration and much more deadlier way..

    There is some scientific proof for this too..
    here are the links


    hope that clears the airs..

    More so, in case 9/11 has led to the saving the world lets make some more 9/11's :). Thats what some f*****g next psycho osama bin will fight for.

  7. :) This one is queer.Racial slur for the asians is a known, accepted fact. Recently some one in US made a comedy with Mahatma Gandhi. And there are countless offences to Indian Gods. Sometimes they have them on the shoes, napkins, comods and what not. Then why the recent slur on Shipa Shetty has attracted so much of attention ?Is India Rising and no more the meek contender who would take things lying back ?Opinions are invited, besides I am an Indian :) . So my views are here.Shilpa should be more proactive in action rather than words. If She says she is only asking for respectfully talking to her, and if someone doesnt, what need is there to act nice in front of these racist people. aah.. if its for money, she is fit to be called dog.regards

  8. Hi WeaponX


    saneax, not sure if you read this already, but try the tutorial mentioned at:




    If that doesn't or you tried it already, take a look at these other how-tos found by Google.


    Thanks for the link, it was exactly what I was looking for.

    I tried it overnight and I have the minix running,







    Linux was originally used to mimic Minix.




    Is that correct ?


    Minix I have read was originally written for students to understand OS. Linux sprouted from there independently as an alternative OS, which has a feel of Unix.



  9. Besides, I guess blogs benefit greatly from CM systems and my site which's primarily aimed at being the host for my softwares, doesn't quite fall in the CMS based site's category.

    Although you are benefiting from CMS too...

    I am a S/W Programmer. With ideas which I cannot make happen :).
    I am willing.
    I am a C,C++ programmer.


  10. Hi Max Steel,I have a original licenced version of VMware workstation. I already run linux on it. If there could be a tutorial on the vmware or qemu, it would be fine, or if some one has already done it perhaps.The problem with Bochs is, that I have already tried, and it always never boots up after installation.thanks all the same..

  11. Hi,

    Hi, does anybody knows how to delete a service from the system??? that's it, deletes it from the services management console and from the device manager, especially those left behind by software or hardware uninstallation.
    Best regards,

    please look into the reg key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\]

    and try to find your application name.. (some times though its not easy, since it may have a alpha numeric no.)

    if you get it, delete it.
    if you don't then I guess its easier to download a registry cleaner
    check this out http://www.pctools.com/product-eol/index/faq/utility/

    Hope this helps

    Hi mastercomputers,

    that was really cool what you said..
    Did not know this..


  12. Hi Guys,I have recently purchased a 'Operating System' Book by Andrew Tanenbaum.its on minix.however, I dont have a spare system on which I can install minix, so I found out that one can also install minix on virtual systems.. ie. vmware and qemu etc. I tried on both vmware and qemu, several times, but I got disgusted with my failures..Any pointers or helpful tutorials would be appreciated.thanks in advance

  13. This is an interesting information.
    As a System Administrator, you require such knowledge, so that you don't go through the same questions again and again. same clicks.
    Someone above said, incase if you have a windows 2003 server installing unattended is easily achieved. Yes it is, but perhaps, installing server 2003 on other machines cannot be automated.
    There were a group of System Administrators, who once were so bored of clicking through the windows installation process, that they build some scripts and ideas to install windows in an unattended fashion.
    The site is filled with tricks and scripts (in perl and vb) which helps you to install windows in an unattended (remote) way.

    Hope the link is helpful to those few system admins, who are used to linux's unattended installation process, and wish windows were like it.


  14. According to you.. What is the most stabel distro of Linux...
    I use slackware.. IS the best..

    In quest of curosity I have tried a few of the distros.
    One of the most versatile and bleeding edge is gentoo. All the diffcult part is the installation, which is a bit non-standard. But no regrets after that. Debian is another favourite one on stability. Debian is a perfect when you are a Sys Admin (I feel). Slackware is stable, but the worst part is when you need to have a solution and you are frantically googling your way.. you seldom find a page for slackware. Slackware is for a very few geeks. However, one of the good things about slackware is, its versatility in letting you do most difficult things easily. I once installed Xen on the slackware, and after spending toomuch time I couldnt get the virtual networking achive a DMZ. I moved on, and achieved that very easily on debian. I moved to gentoo and I was stuck again, and then I got a brilliant article on Slackware explaining virtual networking, with which I trouble shooted the gentoo problem. But I admire the author of slackware for the indepth explanation.

    As someone already said, usage defines, which distro appears good for you.

  15. Hi Graffiti,
    I think you need a replacement, some h/w gone wrong somewhere. Also you can retry some live CD, like ubuntu, suse to check up the H/W functioning is proper.
    Generally to detect a h/w problem.. load a live CD and work as much as possible try to do all sort of operation.

    Here's the deal: no new hardware plugged in, just the default specs it came with
    (TurionX2 1.66 Ghz, Ati Radeon 1100 @ 128MB shared memory, 2 GB DDR2 @ 400Mhz, 120GB 5400rpm PATA HDD, DVD-RW multi)
    Came pre-loaded with XP Media Center 2005. Typical Acer setup with hidden partition to restore OS in case of crash.
    Even at the shop today they weren't able to get it to restore from there.
    Obviously i already tried safe mode. it crashes or hangs. i can't get into the recovery console because, as i already said, it sticks at the "loading windows" part. I've tried Winternals Recovery Disk 2005. That hangs too at the XP loading screen. The Acer recovery DVD loads into the ram, but then doesn't boot. I've run memory tests. The RAM is fine.

  16. Hi Grafitti,
    I have had a similar issue with sony vaio spg-33 laptop a few year back. It came loaded with windows me. I tried to load windows 2000 Pro. After endless pains, it came up to be a faulty device driver.
    I can just advice you to boot on 'safe mode" YOu can do this by pressing on F8 at the start of win XP boot.
    you can try to uninstall some devices.. (try guess work.. because nothing else can be done.. I dont think windows has a readable log of its boot time ie like dmesg).

    Well.. and the easiest is to have a shiny new OS like Suse-10.2 it rocks and looks more better than windows.

    I have my Dualcore AMD Acer laptop, 5102Wlmi, with a 120GB hd, 2 GB ram, etc. I had a friend buy it in the states and bring it over just 2 months ago. All of a sudden, the other day when i went to turn it on, it would bring up the xp boot screen, and then just hang there. I tried a different hard drive. no luck. I tired installing XP, but after booting from cd and loading all the drivers, right after the FAT and NTFS drivers, it says "Setup is loading Windows" and then it hangs there. I've left it overnight and in the morning it's still in the same place. I can't reformat, install, or repair my XP installation. SO i took the hard drive and stuck it in another laptop to load XP. It ran fine until i stuck it back in my laptop, after which it crashes with a BSOD whether in safe mode or normal. It seems to crash after loading mup.sys, and back when it would simply freeze, it also got up till that particular driver and then stopped. I've tried loading Ubuntu on it. No problems. It loads and runs perfectly. I've tried Vista Ultimate. It also loads and runs perfectly. Why won't XP work? I can't see how this would be a software issue, so it must be hardware. but what? And it would make sense that Vista has more stringent hardware requirements than XP, so if it was hardware-related, wouldn't Vista have even more trouble than XP?

  17. Hi ginginca,
    Check the OS.. I have seen incompatibility in windows OS, when you have a mixed version of windows OS.
    Also, check the workgroup, if you do not have a NT server/ ADS server, then you are probably only interested in getting all the computers under the same workgroup.

    You can get the workgroup properties set, on Windows XP.. by goin on Mycoumputers -> Properties _> Compute Name (tab) -> [Change] (button)
    Look at 'workgroup name.. make sure they all have the same work group.. then reboot all the machines..

    Thanks, I'll give that a try. I was thinking it was a problem with the router.

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