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Posts posted by derouge

  1. I found the following in Geocities TOS:


    "upload, post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas of the Service that are designated for such purpose;"


    Now if only they'd elaborate on what is considered unauthorized advertising. I think the best way to approach it would be to email Geocities and ask if they will allow you to place third party ads on your site. If they say no, it's probably best not to do it. If they say yes, you're home free! :mellow:

  2. Ever get sick of having to register (for free) to a site to access some of it's features? Examples of this can be seen in newyorktimes.com. Bugmenot allows you to right click in a form and select "Bugmenot" to search the bugmenot database for a user who has decided share his screenname and password with the public. Bugmenot download


    Ooh! I'm off to download this one immediately. I hate registering for sites with an account I'll never use again. Things like this is why FireFox is the best browser out there .. they truly take the cake with so many of their features. Go FF!

  3. My experiences with Bittorent have been pretty good. I haven't had any spyware problems, nor have I had any other problems. I dont have great security .. so if the program was intended to do anything malicious I'm sure it would have by now. Good luck convincing your dad! :mellow:

  4. ..bumped enter. Is there an edit button? oO If so could a mod delete this post and tack what I said onto my post? Thanks! :mellow:--I think in the "battle" Gmail will definitely win among the more computer-literate and "hardcore" people. But for folks who use their email for casual correspondance with friends and family, why NOT go with a trusted name like Microsoft or Yahoo? Thats my opinion, anyways.

  5. I just don't know what I gotta do with 1 Gig.

    I'm using Hotmail, but that's enough for me.. so I don't think I need Gmail or Yahoo! mail.

    And maybe Hotmail will follow Gmail and make it 2 Gig.. than I got more space..! :blink:


    Same for me. I've had my Hotmail account forever and I dont think I've ever used over 10% of the space. A gigabyte of space for email?!!? Jeez, I could almost fit the entire content of my computer in there. :huh: I dont do much besides simple emailing back and forth to family and friends, and for that Hotmail works great! :mellow:


    Although, I think in the "battle" Gmail will definitely win among

  6. At home I use (and love) CuteFTP. It's extremely simple with a few nice features. At work I use WS_FTP Pro. Why? I dunno .. because the boss-man says! B)Anyways, my votes on CuteFTP. However, I haven't really tried many. I want to look into Filezilla and SmartFTP and see if they're better than Cute. Also, maybe Coffee Cup~.

  7. Thought I'd give you a little update, and ask a new question.


    First off, the script worked perfectly. Extremely simple but it makes all the difference. Thanks! B)


    Second, my question. I have a "bug report" page set up where users can report errors they find. They fill out a little form, click send, and the script adds what they put in the forms into a database. Now, the question - is this gonna do anything, err, 'bad' to my site? I was worried that maybe somehow a user could abuse this in some form to screw up my database. On that note .. another question:


    How would I limit how many reports per day could be made from an IP? This way I could prevent some jerk from overloading the table with 800 reports, and in the process save me and my staff a major headache. A sorta outline of what I figure I need is below:


    Every time a user sends a report I need to record their IP, and then each time after that I need to update their total reports sent. If a user hits a certain number I'll need to alert them that they can no longer send reports. I then need to block this IP from sending reports. After 24 hours I need ALL the IPs to be cleared and reset to zero, thus allowing another fun filled day of bug reporting.


    I'm sure it's possible, but if someone could point me in the direction of some commands to use, and if it would be something I'd have to do through PHP, or if there is a way to rig up a MySQL database to limit entries from certain IPs.


    Thanks in advance! :P

  8. If I was the only user of the computer I'd have long ago switched to Linux, Xboxrulz. Unfortunately it's shared with a few other folks in my family, some of who play games, and others who'd not appreciate an OS change. But thanks anyways. B)Spacewaste, I havent changed the VM. :/Retaining - great idea! Will try it tommorow and let you know how it turns out. Theres only a few things that I "really" need - a couple of databases and whatnot. Except I've got one question. The computer that crashed was XP Pro. The computer I'd be putting the Pro's HD in is a XP Home. Is that gonna cause problems? :SThanks all others who've offered help! :P

  9. Okay .. got a bit of a question here, so I'll do some explaining.


    I was asked to do a site for an online roleplaying game, specifically, a "blackbook" site. I accepted and began my quest for knowledge of PHP. I've gotten quite "far" to the point that I can now take a user inputted search value and query the database with that value, and then display the values in a table.


    My MySQL table setup is as below:



    When queried it displays the following:


    Violator Name: ['Name']# Reports: ['Reports']Offense(s): ['Type1, Type2']Quote: ['Quote']Confirmed?: ['Confirmed']

    Now the problem area is the "Offense(s):" row. I can get it to output the various offenses, but they're all stuck in one string, with nothing seperating them so it looks like crap. What I want to happen is for Type1 to be displayed, the a comma, and then Type2. But, I also need it so that the comma is only displayed if there is a Type2 value. How?


    I'll put the code below that relates to displaying the date:


    $search = mysql_query( "SELECT ID, VioName, ReportNum, TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree, TypeFour, QuoOne, QuoTwo, Confirmed FROM `blist` WHERE VioName LIKE '$name' LIMIT 0, 30 ");print ("<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=2>\n");if ($output = mysql_fetch_array($search)) {	print "<TR>\n";  print "<TD><B>Name</B>: </TD><TD>".$output['VioName']."</TD>\n";	print "</TR>\n";	print "<TR>\n";  print "<TD WIDTH=60><B>Reports</B>: </TD><TD>".$output['ReportNum']."</TD>\n";	print "</TR>\n";	print "<TR>\n";	print "<TD><B>Offense(s)</B>:</TD><TD>".$output['TypeOne']."</TD>";        print "<TD>,".$output['TypeTwo']."</TD>";        print "<TD>,".$output['TypeThree']."".$output['TypeFour']."</TD>\n";	print "</TR>\n";	print "<TR>\n";  print "<TD><B>Quote</B>: </TD><TD>".$output['QuoOne']."</TD>\n";	print "</TR>\n";	print "<TR>\n";  print "<TD><B>Quote</B>: </TD><TD>".$output['QuoTwo']."</TD>\n";	print "</TR>\n";        print "<TR>\n";                print "<TD><B>Confirmed? </B></TD><TD>"."</TD>\n";        print "</TR>\n";}else {print "Player '$name' not found in the blacklist. Please check your spelling and search again. Or, if you feel this is an error please report it at the Error Report form.";}print ( "</TABLE>\n" );

    So yeah, gah! Any help is appreciated, even if it doesn't directly relate to my question. As you can probably tell from above I'm a newb to PHP. B)

  10. Hey, just thought I'd post this here and see if anyone knew how this problem could be remedied. I went to turn my PC on the other day and ended up getting a major error - a dreaded blue screen! It mentions turning off caching and shadowing, easy enough? Not. I poked around in BIOS and was unable to find either a caching OR a shadowing option. Is there any other ways to disable these features? Would any other information help?Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 1 .. Intel Pentium 4 processor .. BIOS version is 2350_A02. So yeah, ANY help appreciated! B)

  11. The things people will do to get recognition. B) Interesting topic, though. Bonnie's link states that Aliweb was, in fact, out in 1993. However, there are several other mentions of others classed as search engines, although whether or not they were in the same "class" as Aliweb, who knows? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that "Archie" search engine could've been an engine that searched only, say, a single site? Or a single tiny database? I don't know enough about the internet to speculate, so I'll leave it to the pros.But cool topic. xD

  12. Well, as whoever said, a "foolproof" way is to do it all in flash. Won't be too easy to steal then. B) But really, if someone is determined to get your content theres really no way to stop them. You can disable right click, you can page down 100s of lines, you can encrypty it .. but if someone wants it, they will get it. The cold hard truth. Same with images, I've heard of people going through all sorts of elaborate methods to protect 'em, but all it takes is a "Print Screen" and those are wasted.The web has good properties and bad. Stealing is extremely easy, so you just gotta suck it up and forget about it. Add a copyright notice at the bottom - sometimes thats enough to deter a thief.

  13. In regards to the questions on Tibia .. I find it quite fun, having played close to 3 years now. It's for sure an acquired taste, you won't start and say "This is the best darn game ever!!" If you're worried about being killed I suggest starting a Non-PvP world, preferably one that has a load of "empty" (it tells you which are empty when you create a character). This will let you get online fairly easy. However, if you're free account on a full world your chances of getting on at decent hours are pretty slim, unless you're willing to wait an hour. Premium isn't too expensive, $7-$8 a month I believe.The game has an .. interesting community, to say the least. Out of all the online games I've played Tibia is by far the "tightest" community I've seen. You'll quickly get some friends, and probably find yourself gaming for hours on end just to get an advancement. The real joy of the game is how you can do anything and be anyone. You wanna earn your money fishing? Grab a pole and handful of worms and head out. Wanna earn your living hunting deer? Grab that trusty bow and shoot some down. Wanna hunt dangerous stuff and sell their loot? Grab your equipment and head out! Be a merchant? Sure, just get some startup funds and the rest is cake. Contrary to other statements here, you don't have to be a high level to have fun. Mana sitting and chatting is strangely fun, as are simple pleasures. You'll find an abundance of player events, although admittedly, not enough game sponsored events. Theres a buncha quests, ranging greatly in difficulty. Also, if you're interested in a rich history Tibia definitely has one. Collect books and getting stories out of NPCs is fun, to say the least.Why am I rantint?!! I just gotta say, I realllllly like Tibia. It's cheap looking, yep. But it's got a few points that earn it a place on my desktop. For one .. it's sorta realistic, in a way. The community anyways. You have drama queens, jerks, cool people. Theres betrayal and backstabbing, weddings and new friendships. I suggest playing for a month or so and then deciding. To play a day or two is NOT giving it a fair chance.

  14. I have to disagree, Xcl. Runescape is .. blah. I suppose it's decent if you have a crappy computer/internet but come on! It's laggy and repetitive, not to mention pretty easy to level. It's a boring ole hack an' slash. I suggest Guild Wars or Ragnarok - like someone said, if you find a private server. They're both very good and very fun.

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