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Everything posted by Xcl

  1. Just another question, but doesn't google have an advert service? You can place small text ads on your website, and get paid when guests click them? This would come in handy if you wanna make some change for a cheap domain name...
  2. i learned how to HTML code in the fourth grade because of Notepad. I mainly recoded templates, but it tought my so many tags that I now know by heart. I now use Dreamweaver, but only because I have large student discounts. Dreamweaver comes in handy because it underlins mistakes in your code inr ed, so you don't have to cycle all that code to find one mistake. I believe Frontpage does the same, but I uninstalled Frontpage once I recieved Dreamweaver. My finl advice would be to try to get Dreamweaver for a holiday gift or student discount store/catalog.
  3. Yes! You are my savior! I have been waiting 4 months to put in my new drive, and you are basically the last puzzle piece. Great tutorial.
  4. Actually, I have the same problem. I will be typing a school paper, and in the beginning it is fine. But because I type very fast, and I look at the keyboard (habit from playing games), I don't see errors and sometimes I will go back, strart typing, and lose a whole paragraph! I would suggest pressing insert when it happens again, then getting a knife, and wedging out your insert key! Yes, I have done this. Since then, I haven't had a problem. But, if you still have a problem, I advise you contact microsoft Support or a local technology store. You may just have a defective keyboard, or maybe a partially defective system.
  5. If you have lots of patience and time, I would suggest the MMORPG called Runescape. It is very interesting, and the best part is that it is free unless you want to pay! Becoming the best may take 2+ years for even just the free version of it, and the payed version of it takes even longer. Now, you may think that is negative, but it isn't. You get more than x4 the amount of quests, and you have +6 skills free players don't have. The economy is also balanced very well and if you are desperate for real-world money, you can sell the money you make on there for $5.50-$20.00 US dollars per million coins. It's grapchis arent 2D paper cutouts either. They have a huge graphics team always designing something bigger and better. So, I guess Runescape Runescape is my suggestion.
  6. I myself prefer Adobe Pthoshop 7.0/CS and Imageready over fireworks. Although, I do like macromedia flash for small projects. I think that in the aspects of designing, photoshop has a lot more to offer if you learn how to use it properly. But, when coding a website or trying to add a little special touch, I think that DreamWeaver should be your preferred program. I am currently working on a large grachics site and trying to get 30 credits on these forums, but if you really want help with photoshop, AIM me at SwetnK or e-mail me at Astro1131@aol.com. I would be happy to give tips, comment, or even design a few things for you.All in all, I think adobe prducts is the way to go.(and I agree with foola, it feels natural the first time you use it)
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