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Posts posted by marcin

  1. but I just want to affest that 'LOCALHOST' on my computer, and I know, that I have to write that IP on other comuters, to see my serwer.Thanks for the helpAnd I have second question - how can I have a local serwer (for my files and setings from other computers, just like in win 2003, 2000, NT) on Linux? I have 5 computers in home. Is it possible on windows xp (do I have to change my workgroup for domain?)I have to use Samba serwer, yes? Is it hard to do? Can you help me, or give a link for some sites with that configuration?

  2. Funny...

    Avatars can be made in many programs... you can made it .gif, .jpg, or .gif. Sometimes you can made it in swf, that means you can made a simple flash, but you have to install macromedia flash (http://www.adobe.com/) or other program (for example swish). If you want to do a simple avatar you can do it in Corel (visit http://www.corel.com/de/) and if you want, download and try it. I use Corel 9 (I think, that it is the best vershin) and you can do everythink in it. The best avatars are .gif (8bit color) They look the best, and the have no compresion. Another plus of gifs is that they can be transparents. PNG alsow can be transparents, but not in all browsers (our 'favourite' MSIE doesnt show them good...) I propose you to try made some gif for the beggining.

    If ypu want to, ypu can look here for some avatars:
    Those are the avatars, wich can be use in phpbb forums, and I think that everyone can find something interesting there

  3. HelloI have some problem with my apache - I want to configure it to work, when I write in my browser 'LOCALHOST'I have LAN in my house and I set an adress, and when I want to use it, I have to write my IP, what is annoying :]Maby I have broke something in setting of my IP or something?And what I have to do, to have a local serwer on linux (I use Aurox 10.0)Maby that distribution isn't good for a local serwer? maby I should change it for something ealse?Please help

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