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  1. Well,it depends on what kind of site you want to make.If you want to make one without much learning or fancy-pants add-ins,then use FrontPage.If you want to make it like a professsional site,or just didn't want it to look too "out",then use Dreamweaver.OK,I admit Frontpage is easy to use and it comes with MSOffice,but you know,there are lots of things that FP can't make while DW can.I've tried to use FP once,but it's just drag-and-drop or copy-and-pasting things into a template(lame,isn't it?).So I abadoned teh program and went for DreamweaverMX.It was hard to learn at first,but I managed with a book about it and trial and error,it worked great!Making those pop-up messages,moving text on status bar and other things weren't that hard after all...you've heard me!
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