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  1. I wouldn't suggest an Ipod at all, I've heard nothing but bad feedback on them since they came out, go to the apple site they have multiple complaints on every player they have, and they also give you negative if any at all feedback when you contact them with a problem.
  2. Before its over with these gaming consoles are gonna be just like computers..they practically already are you just can't surf the net with them yet. The prices are rising to the occasion of a computer thats for sure and the games themselves have outrageous prices, i doubt i buy either of the 2 i'll just stick to whats made for the computer.
  3. Its called notpron on the deathball site. Stock up on headache pills and be prepared to spend months on it, its the most difficult riddles ive ever tried but so addicting, DavidM is a genius!! Also make sure you check out the hints and forums. At the moment I am stuck on -36 level. Also don't bother cheating after you get so far you wont be able to finish, he is that smart lol
  4. This is a start, if you have the mp3 on your hard drive you will need to find a host for it such as this site, then look on the forums on myspace, it has very detailed help, you will need to find the html code and have the url from the host you upploaded your mp3 to.
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