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About lilmizkat

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. I'm an actress, and I have done a few major motion pictures as a featured extra. I've done a lot of independent films, plays, commercials, etc., and those pictures are from one of the indies on my acting resume. Glad you liked them! Yeah, I don't know whether to think of the subject matter as a suicide or a murder, since I played both female leads! lolCheers,lilmizkat
  2. Yeah, great focal point! It really draws the eyes right in to the design. The movement helps with that effect, too. I say don't change a thing. I didn't realize photoshop could do ALL that. i'm going to have to check that out TODAY!Well done!lilmizkat
  3. Yeah, great focal point! It really draws the eyes right in to the design. The movement helps with that effect, too. I say don't change a thing. I didn't realize photoshop could do ALL that. i'm going to have to check that out TODAY!Well done!lilmizkat
  4. Do you know of a similar website that is free? That would be extremely helpful.Thanks,lilmizkat
  5. Overall, I think it's precious and I really love the reflection effects. And the baby definitely has major personality! In my opinion, I think the whole piece of art could benefit from more contrast and perhaps more color in the baby's cheeks (very subtle, of course.Cheers to you on an awesome design!lilmizkat
  6. The first still is from the indie Live Fast, Die Young. The second is from a music video I did. (I used Nero.)Thanks for any critiques,Kathryn Burns
  7. I'd appreciate any feedback. BTW, I used Nero to capture the stills from the videos. It would only allow me to attach the one photo, and so I'll have to post one more time.Thanks!lilmizkat
  8. Thanks for any critiques! By they way, the first four pictures are from the film Bloody Mary, and in the fourth picture I am superimposed on the movie screen actually about to murder myself, since I played two characters!lilmizkat
  9. Is it free to register to showcase your artwork on that site?
  10. Wow! Are you a professional photographer? I love your style and think you should consider selling those photos if you haven't thought about it already. I especially dig the originality of the first photo, the mood of the second, the title and the movement of the third, and the contrast in the fourth. What photo editing program did you use?Kudos,lilmizkat
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