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Everything posted by snapplekid13

  1. Another way to promote your website is to have something on AIM or Yahoo! Messenger and when your away someone messages you have it say something like this: Hey sry I cant be here right now but in the meantime checkout my website! Here it is: http://ww38.yoursite.com/ I didthat with my other free website and my friends told there friends and there friends told there friends so i had like 50 to 200 visiters a day! Buut the website i got the free one off of said there was too much traffic :sad:
  2. I noticed that you didnt have Runescape which wouldve been my choice because its a cheap fun game with a ton of things to do. But since you didnt have it on there i chose World Of Warcraft because its has some really good graphics awesome gameplay it would be the best EVER MMORPG if it wasnt for the 15 dollars a month thing AND you have to pay for the game. Thats why I cant wait until the new Warcraft comes out because then World Of Warcraft will only be like 7 dollars!!! I really hope the new Warcraft comes out ver very soon!
  3. I like runescape too its a really good game and its really cool that they let out the farming skill!!! I think Runescape is the best free ( well free unless your a member ) mmorpg out there so if your looking for one go with runescape its the best!!!
  4. World Of Warcraft wins by far!! But heres the pros of both and cons !World Of WarcraftPros: cons:Good Graphics 15 dollars a month to playexcelent game play 50-80 bucks to buy the gametons of quests cant use paypal unless u have the debit cardawesome communityGuild WarsPros: cons:Decent graphics 50 bucks to buy gamenice gameplay cant use paypal unless u have the debit card okay community
  5. yes i agree. I think World of Warcraft is the best MMORPG by far i cant wait till the new warcraft comesout and i hope thats its cheaper because i paid 75 dollars for the game ( collectors edition ) and now i cant afford to play it!!! 13.99 a month is a little to hefty for me! Thats why I like runescape all i pay for that is 5 bucks a month which is way better then 14! so if i were you and you wanted to play a good mmorpg and your poor go play runescape!!!
  6. I think I should use clicksor cause its the only one that allows you to put them on free websites. But if you know another one that would be better plz reply i need your help to figure out if i could make some money and start my own REAL website!!!!!
  7. where did you here about this? I never heard about this or maybe im just dumb? I dont think it will be as popular as google adsense but it will atract some people. I might use it if it ever comes out.
  8. that awesome r u gonna use that for your website you get off this? Can i have the code p/m it to me plz i love it! Its really cool i rate it 11/10 lol!
  9. Im gonna buy both personally but i think the xbox360 will be better but the PS3 will have better games. I think the revolution will be better than the PS3 ( yes for once nintendo is gonna beat sony ) Im buying every system that comes onto the market!
  10. I love runescape i play it all the time Im a member too and im so glad they came out with the farming skill.
  11. where do you request free webhosting and how do you know how many credits you have?
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