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Posts posted by runefantasy

  1. On the 28th of June, Microsoft released an Update Rollup which is expected to be the last major revision before Windows 2000 moves from having Mainstream support to Extended Support. Microsoft doesn't add features to products which is in the "Extended Support" period unless it is really necessary so the Update Rollup is just alot of security patches bundled together, with some new ones for low to medium security breaches for Windows 2000 before it moves into Extended Support. Lots of people expected it to be a service pack, going to be known as SP5 but Microsoft announced last November that it was only going to be known as an Update Rollup, not a service pack. The final service pack for Windows 2000 will be SP4. Service pack 4 was released in March 2003.

    Although Microsoft's Windows 2000 operating system has been around for a long time and has been followed by some other Operating System versions (latest is Windows XP), a survey by AssetMatrix showed that Windows 2000 is still quite popular among Small Business and Corporations. Nearly half of all Windows-based desktops now being used by computer users are Windows 2000s. Find out on the survey at http://news.a.com.com/.

    For more information, go to http://news.a.com.com/

    My comment: Well, I just think that Windows 2000 should be special and have a longer mainstream support than other previous operating systems from now on, along with the operating systems after it. As the survey shows, lots of people are still using the Windows 2000 operating system.

  2. On Monday, June 27, 2005 in the case of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. et al. v. Grokster, LTD., et al. the Supreme Court upheld a ruling by a lower court against peer-to-peer file sharing software.  The court stated that distributing a file sharing peer-to-peer software with the intent or purpose that it be used to violate copyright is illegal and the distributor is subject to legal action for the violations of the software's users.


    For more information you can see the entire documetn released by the supreme court here.




    Is this the one I've heard on the news about US courts and people using programs from Internet Cafes and how Internet Cafes are liable? I find that document that you have provided us too long and too time-consuming to read, so i'm saving it for later and so I don't know about what you're saying yet. I thought that it was already that by law, I don't understand. Please explain.




    Turiddu's post:

    Yea, people just keep doing it even though it's against the copyright laws. I have no idea why this has been brought up again and again.

  3. I still say the best way to customize your computer interface...is to use linux...QED haha...hrm...yea


    I would if it was more well-known and more supported. Like, most programs need windows to run on. VB, VB .NET need windows. VBScript needs MSIE(Microsoft Internet Explorer) and Windows Software Developement Tools need windows to run as well. I personally can't find anything on windows that is for linux also(or very few, I should say). Well, I know that linux has some features that people want that Windows still doesn't have but they don't interest me more than my two Window XPs. I hope that Windows Longhorn in the future will have more skinnable areas and have in-built programs to skin your computer. I have no idea what Linux looks like(well, I do, but not alot). It's simpler... I can't find anything on QED though, so I can't comment on that. All I remember for windows WinCustomize products is that I could change Windows to exactly Linux interface with a few products(a desktop product, windowblinds and one more, I forgot)... I wonder what QED will do.

  4. I too am european (dutch) like ^ this dude above me^

    and personaly I realy don`t see the purpose of it.

    The only thing it may be good for(which I DOUBT) is

    the fact that it would cost less other than that it`s just

    mierenneukerij(bullsh*t basically)as the dutch would

    say because it`s simple if you don`t like WMP or don`t

    wan`t to use it simply by other software or download free

    media players and we all KNOW there`s plenty of that around.




    Well, what I'm saying is just that if you don't like WMP you can remove it, dunno what the EC is doing all this for

  5. Urgh. Yuck! Google is offering it and now Yahoo is offering it as well! Well, they are TRYING... Here's the URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Anyway, Yahoo's adsense is called publisher... I rather prefer Google better because they were the ones who made it first. Anyway, you never know what Yahoo! Publisher is going to be like, so I can't decide yet. I don't think Yahoo! Publisher is out yet. You can only register on their website for the mailing list and wait patiently while they make it. I like google better than yahoo somehow, maybe it's because of the roomy space google has on it's front page. I dunno, but I'd stick with google if it's like nearly the same

  6. Do you still remember the days when our free Hotmail and Yahoo mail inboxes were only a few megabytes? 2mb for hotmail and 4 mb for Yahoo! Mail? With the entry of Google's Gmail which offers 1 Gigabyte of free email storage space, the battle is set between all these free email providers. Who do you think is winning?


    I remembered that Yahoo! quickly followed up with 250mb soon after Gmail. I was using Hotmail, and I was conficent that MSN will also increase storage space. But they didn't and I switced to Gmail which now offers 2 gig. Hotmail has only recently gave out 250mb and it was only for US residents. Now Yahoo is giving 1 gig. MSN Hotmail is still slow.


    So who do you think is winning the email battle?

    Notice from m^e:
    This isn't a tutorial by any means. At least make sure your posts are heading for the right forum. Moved to Internet & Websites.





    Nah, Hotmail didn't just 'recently' do it, and not just for US residents.


    1. You had to be an existing user

    2. If you were a new user, you had to wait like 30 days (so that people don't create multiple accounts for lots of extra space)

    3. It's not just for the US. Check out http://www.mess.be/, it 'did' have some information on it and it was for the whole hotmail system

    4. It wasn't recently, quite l ike half a year ago I think


    Well, I 'think' Gmail will win the email battle because neither hotmail or yahoo mail said that they increase their space like every minute. Look on gmail's website.
    it says that it's growing every minute(and you can see it grow, too)

  7. I support the EC in their decision to do that. Is it fair that people pay for something they maybe don't want at all? It's a good that they did it because other companies that make similar products are getting in troubles due to that, what do you want if you own a company that sells programs but you don't sell anything because some stupid looking man who claims to be biljonair just sell people something what they don't want but that they do buy just because they don't have any choice? I don't thing you would be very happy.






    No no no, Windows Media Player is free. You don't have to pay for it. It's just that they bundled it with Windows XP for more performance without more downloading :lol:

  8. I got WindowBlinds :lol: I use the Longhorn slate skin. I once unloaded windowblinds because it was lagging my computer a bit because I was doing like 15 things at once and I don't know how to load it again... :lol: Usage can be a little bit complicated but it's okay once you get used to it. You can download a free trial version at their website and there's a sh areware version with more features if you've bought something from their company online before :lol:.

  9. REDMOND, Wash. â June 8, 2005 â Microsoft Corp. today announced the timetable for availability of Windows® XP Home Edition N and Windows XP Professional N, the two versions of the Windows operating system created as part of the companyâs compliance with the European Commissionâs decision of March 2004.

    Quote from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/




    Due to the European Commission's decision that Microsoft was 'forcing' their users to use Windows Media Player by bundling it with their Windows XP, Microsoft had to remove it from their newest operating system. Because of the European Commission's judgement, Microsoft had to make a new system for users in Europe so that they can use Windows XP. Microsoft came up with Windows XP Home Edition N and Windows XP Professional N. They both don't have Windows Media Player on them. Windows Media Player could be downloaded at http://www.windowsupdate.com/windowsupdate/v6/default.aspx. I read somewhere that Windows XP N isn't popular as it doesn't include any new features, just a removed feature so that Microsoft's trading partners aren't stocking that version.





  10. HI everybody! Xisto is the nicest hosting out there, I can tell you that :lol: Well, I'll tell you a little bit about myself here. (I hope I didn't post wrongly, as this is my first TOPIC here)I like computer scripting and programming. I also like a couple of games which are multiplayer. I have no degree at all on any of these. I just do it for fun as a hobby. The games I like are http://www.runescape.com/ (runescape) and http://www.mapleglobal.com/ (maplestory). I only quite like 2 games. Other small games available on MSN Messenger like hexic and bejeweled I sometimes play with my friends wh ile chatting. I like runescape the most. I program in VB .NET and script PHP and HTML. Nice meeting you here. Please do say hi back to me, I would like to know you guys well.

  11. I personally still use Internet Explorer just because it's more simple and the default 'theme'(not like you can change it anyway) suits Windows XP... Nothing else... I don't use Firefox or anything else because they need the Sun Java SDK for Java while IE uses Microsoft JVM. Those are the only reasons I still stick with Internet Explorer

  12. Well I use .tk domains and I think they are great. I mean I took off the popup. The frameset I did not even realize. It works really fast for me. And the refresh does not bother me but I can see how it can bother others.



    You can disable ads altogether... I have one and I disabled ads.


    Also, You can just set it to redirect and not use frames

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