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About SunBlind

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/14/1986

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  • Location
    Belington, WV
  • Interests
    Raising my son, Aiden, Web design, PHP, Photoshop, message boards, helping others, gaiaonline.com, watching [adult swim] (I love InuYasha), Jeopardy!, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, music, (metal!!!), tending to my garden, reading (Dan Brown, John Saul, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, etc.), writing, decorating my house, home improvement, tetris, monopoly, spider solitaire, and a lot of other stuff... If you're curious, just ask :)
  1. I've recently been trying to read up on using PHP and GD to create PNG's on the fly. I've been doing so in hopes that I will be able to learn how to compile a script that will output an image of a progress bar with certain attributes based on the url that called it (which will be accessed predominately from a forum, so it must be able to be coded as standard BBC). These attributes would include the bar's title (based on the event mentioned in the url) printed centered and right above the meter, a background image (to hold the meter), the meter (the display of progress), and the total progress in percentage based on two values, supplied again by the url, to be printed in the right end of the meter. An example of the kind of URL that I'm looking for would be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, which would return a progress bar labeled "Carwash Fundraiser" with the bar composed of my tiled image stopping at the 50% level with the words "50% Complete" printed in the far right side of the meter. Before I even start my attempt at compiling this script, I would like to know a few things: 1. How would I go about coding an equation to figure out the percentage step that the bar should stop at based on the values inputted in the url? 2. How can I fill in the meter with a tile image rather than a solid color? 3. How would I get the meter positioned so that it sits centered and up #px from the bottom above the background image? 4. How do I specify parts of the title? (ie adding the word "Fundraiser" after the event specified in the url) I would gatefully appreciate any help, thank you in advance.
  2. You're very welcome I just got back from a long vacation, so I haven't posted up the tutorials for the water, earth, or air versions yet... But keep an eye out for them within the week.
  3. You're welcome Glad to hear that my useless tinkering in PS pays off for someone Lol.
  4. Jeez, I don't know what's been up with PicTiger lately... Guess I'll have to reupload them. Sorry about that! I just got back from a month and a half "vacation" so I'll get around to updating the tutorial images within the next couple of days.
  5. Thank you B)I used the Radial Blur, Find Edges, and Wave filters.I'll get the tutorial up as soon as I can.
  6. Oh wow, that's odd... Thanks for letting me know, I'll have to re-upload them."Bluminum" is the original version of this style, instead of looking like gold it was a metalllic blue-like style.I'll get the correct images posted up here in a sec, sorry about that.
  7. Wow, thanks for the great feedback guys, I actually wasn't expecting too many people to like it Lol Cezphus, here's the green one you wanted to see The eye is indeed reminiscent of the Freemason's logo, which is another reason I chose to implement it... being a Dan Brown fan, as well as one of history. It may be a little creepy to some, but as they say, "The eyes are the windows to the soul" so I find them fascinating. I used Photoshop 7.0, zacaroo, and only 3 filters are utilized: Radial Blur, Find Edges, and the Wave generator. Thanks again everyone, I appreciate it. I'll try to put up the tutorial and more variations after I get the rest of my styles for my Elements series finished.
  8. Thanks pyost and HellFire It actually was very simple to make, this one took me about 2 minutes Lol The problem is, since one of the filters needed to produce the effect is a wave generator, the end result isn't always the same. I've made quite a few that went straight to the recycle bin as soon as they were finished... You just have to know how to tweak the wave settings so you don't get something too crazy or too simple. I actually got the idea for the eye from Faith No More... if anyone has ever seen the "Epic" video, you know what I mean I have a green version as well... with a weed leaf in place of the eye (I made it for a friend of mine who's a proud stoner Lol) Hey pyost, here's a 1280x1024 version if you'd really like to use it.
  9. Yes, I'm such a genius at naming my creations... I know. Anywhos, one of these days I'll be putting up a tutorial on how to create a similar effect to this... for now I have to get through the rest of my Elements styles. Whatta ya think?
  10. Did anyone see that one episode of Saturday Night Live where "Steve Jobs" was introducing a new iPod every 3 minutes? They kept getting smaller and smaller, having higher storage capabilities (like 8 million songs), and being able to do crazy things like float in the air because it was so small and lightweight.Lol Sorry, I don't actually have an iPod or follow the technology, but I thought that was relevant to the discussion.
  11. I used to be addicted to Gaia username: SunBlind)... I'm a lunatic for anything allowing customization (which is why I've been away so long... MySpace is a vortex or something)I made graphics for people like signatures, wishlists, ID Cards, etc. Maybe when I get the time I'll stop by one day and reopen my shop.
  12. I'm a little sick right now, so pardon me if I don't seem like my usual self... *achoo* Okay, here we go... This style can be used on any color background, but to make it easier to see I'm using a black background (400x150) and the 120px font Bastarda 1. Type your text in any color. The bigger the font, the better the effect looks. 2. Start with a Gradient Overlay - Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 100%, Style: Linear (Align With Layer), Angle: 90, Scale 100% | Color Stops - FF6E02 at 0%, FFFF00 at 50%, and FF6E02 at 100% 3. Next, we'll apply an Inner Shadow - Blend Mode: Multiply, Color: FF0000, Opacity: 73%, Angle: 90 (Use Global Light), Distance: 7px, Choke: 5%, Size: 13px, Countour: Cone, Noise: 0% 4. Then the Inner Glow - Blend Mode: Normal, Color: FFF000, Opacity: 100%, Noise: 0%, Solid Color, Technique: Softer, Source: Edge, Choke: 32%, Size: 9px, Countour: Linear, Anti-Aliased: Unchecked, Range: 17%, Jitter: 0% 5a. Now Bevel and Emboss - Style: Inner Bevel, Technique: Smooth, Depth: 870%, Direction: Up, Size: 3px, Soften: 6px, Angle: 90 (Use Global Light) Altitude: 30, Gloss Contour: Linear, Anti-Aliased: Unchecked, Highlight Mode: Screen FFFFFF 100% Opacity, Shadow Mode: Multiply FFCC00 0% Opacity 5b. Contour Settings - Anti-Aliased: Unchecked, Range: 0% 6. Add a Stroke - Size: 1px, Position: Outside, Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 100%, Fill Type: Color, Color: FF9C00 7. Add an Outer Glow - Blend Mode: Normal, Color: E10000, Opacity: 100%, Noise: 0%, Solid Color, Technique: Softer, Spread: 12%, Size: 3px, Countour: Linear, Anti-Aliased: Unchecked, Range: 6%, Jitter: 0% 8. Finally, Drop a Shadow - Blend Mode: Normal, Color: FF5B02, Opacity: 100%, Angle: 90 (Use Global Light), Distance: 6px, Spread: 0%, Size: 3px, Countour: Linear, Anti-Aliased: Unchecked, Noise: 0%, Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: Checked There ya go! If you are having trouble understanding the settings, or would rather just get the style prepackaged, you candownload it here: SunBlind's Elements: Fiery
  13. I'm baaack! Lol It feels like it's been forever since I've posted one of these things (I got sucked into the world of MySpace profile making) but here I am with part one of my 4 part Elements series. I shall call him... Watery This style can be used on any color background, but to make it easier to seel I will be working on a black background (400x150) and the 120px font "Bastarda." 1. Type your desired text in any color, it doesn't matter because we'll be applying a gradient overlay, and center it. 2. Now it's time for the effects - We'll start with a Gradient Overlay. Click on the "f" icon on your Layers palette, go to Gradient Overlay, and use these settings: Gradient Settings | Example 4. Next, we'll apply an Inner Shadow Example 5. Then the Inner Glow Example 6. Now Bevel and Emboss Example 7. Drop a Shadow Example 8. Add an Outer Glow Example 9. And finish with a Stroke There ya go! If you are having trouble understanding the settings, or would rather just get the style prepackaged, you may download it here: SunBlind's Elements: Watery Good Luck!
  14. That's odd because all of the code is like that... The only thing I did with the file was add in a few lines of code, but when I took it out I think I accidentally took out an extra line or two...Ah oh well, it's been almost 3 weeks and I haven't been able to fix it, so I'll just get a new Post.phpThanks for the reply
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