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Everything posted by killunow

  1. matt87 : youre a retard, lvl 60 is the level cap noob.WoW is a huge world, easy to meet people and easy to play, but difficult to master. It is totally unlike guild wars, but I cant really say one beats the other. GaGs7997 : "Theres not much you can do when you hit lv 60" Bullshiat. Theres profexxions (for example engineering, in which you could figure out how to make stuff like a goblin death ray or explosives or even a battle chicken) and enchanting and quite a few other ones. The game STARTS at 60.The Bob : Right on.Divest : "stick to Diablo II. (They claimed) it was essentially the same thing" - No, your friend lied to your face. Thats like saying diablo 2 is like pacman. "it lacked any sort of necromancer class" - tell that to my undead priest. "the games magic using characters were almost useless when compared to the melee characters" - Ever see a mage + priest party take down 20+ mobs at the same time at their level?Bottom line is, the games seriously fun IF you have patience (read : alot of free time) You dont really play WoW untill youve been on it for at least 10 hours.
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