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Posts posted by bigredrosen

  1. hu·man Pronunciation Key (hymn)n. 1. A member of the genus *person* and especially of the species H. sapiens. 2. A person: the extraordinary humans who explored Antarctica.nowhere does it say "A member of the genus *person*, although they cannot be *person* ..." or "A straight person...".whether one is gay, straight, bisexual, male, female, black, white, asian, or any thing else that makes one person different from another, THEY ARE ALL PEOPLE. religion should not be used to make gay marriages illegal, as there is this little thing called separation of church and state. i myself am not gay, but being of the Unitarian Universalist religion (http://www.uua.org/), I am 100% pro-diversity

  2. Hi,


    I keep getting the following messages when I'm sending under Outlook.


    The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'tim@xnrmusic.astahost.com', Server: 'mail.xnrmusic.astahost.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

    Any ideas?


    i used to get that message a lot (hence i now use gmail, its amazing) ... either way, i believe that means you need to contact your server

  3. i've found two things that work to get rid of most users from copying HTML/images ... first, there <i>are</i> services out there that will block your script (and images too, i'd assume) without using javascript ... however, these require "mucho dinero" as they say in spain (these can be very expensive) ... secondly, you can always try using redirect services, such as http://www.shorturl.com/. with these, it won't hide the coding, but it will move it to another site, and the user needs to search HTML to find the link to your original code-- bigredrosen

  4. I get my first finger to lay down over all the strings right.


    well its not quite that easy! there are many types of barre chords. the most basic, the "E" form, would consist of this:


    1 2 3 4 5 6








    assuming each number on top represents a fret number, this chord, on the number 2, would resemble an F# barre chord (the first fret is F, then F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B, C, Db, D, Eb, E, in that order)


    For more info, i strongly recommend About's http://guitar.about.com/




    i just realized that picture didnt come out too good ... here's one from the web:





  5. So my question is does anyone know of a free site that has a vocal library, or at least a program that can isolate the vocals. I prefer free or cheap cuz this is just a hobby at the moment  :D Thanks :D

    hey there!

    unfortunately there really aren't any programs out there that can simply isolate vocals/guitar/etc ... if you think about it, it's pretty impossible. i use acid too (4.0, but its the same idea) ... as you know, each track is what you actually want to extract. but when you save the project as an MP3, you're mixing the tracks all together into one track. thus, you can't remove just one unless you have the original (such as your ACID file, etc)


  6. THIS is an interesting concept. A rated forum where respect and intelligence gets you a web account? When I read about it, I had to join.


    I'll be looking around the forums to see what I can learn from them, I always try and make meaningful input, but this almost seems intimidating.


    Still looks like fun though.


    i must say ... im skeptical myself, but it is a great idea! hope to chat with ya!



  7. i especially like your title ... "...still not as good as Google"i've never liked Ask Jeeves too much because they recommend actually asking a question ... if you notice in search engines such as Google and Yahoo!, however, at the top when you'd type in "What is a proton and what is a neutron?" Google says at the top, "AND" not included in search .... Jeeves recommends doing this however, which can actually slow down search resultsbigredrosen

  8. I would like to hear what everybody else uses, and maybe I will try them out to see what they're like.

    it's almost ironic, but the FTP i use is the one that's integrated within HTML-Kit. if you havent heard of HTML-Kit before, I STRONGLY STRONGLY recommend you give it a try. it's 100% free, but i don't know why becuase it is seriously the best coding program I have ever used. you can find it at http://www.chami.com/

    -- bigredrosen



    i've heard norton does the same to other people's computers ... but im a current (and proud!) owner of norton 2005 ... and i have had only a few problems, but none of which have slowed down my computer! what are you running on?

    -- bigredrosen

  10. Has anyone else heard about the fact that the Adidas shoe comoany is now developing a type of shoe that has a microchip that reads various patters in the way a person runs, making it able to adjust arch support and other stuff like that? It shocked me at first, the idea that even our shoes will now posses mini computers. Not that I'm complaining, I love computers.


    that's insane --- i saw a clip of it on the news a few weeks ago. just imagine, though ... if a nice pair of shoes today are considered expensive, i wonder how much those will go for!



    -- bigredrosen

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