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Everything posted by darkparrot

  1. Neither Intel or AMD chips are bad, each chip has its own uses. AMD chips are mainly designed for home/gaming uses. They are the biggest bang for the buck, and do well for most uses. Amd has started to make a dent in Intels profit margin (and are starting to be widely used in home computers), and got the head start on the 64 bit chips. Intel on the other hand are much more expensive (2-3x more). Number crunching, multitasking, better construction are Intels advantages. Used in most servers/workhorses standard they have always been built for heavy use. The chips are built with sensors throughout the processors which react to anything which could damage it. I have always been an AMD fanboy and all of my machines at home have their chips. Though at work, the machine I built has an Intel in it. Each chip has their own uses boys and girls... Harware specs of the cpus: AMD: http://www.tomshardware.com/t/cpus/ Intel: http://www.tomshardware.com/t/cpus/
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