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About ykf

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 2]
  • Birthday 09/05/1977

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Hong Kong
  • Interests
    Photography, hiking, programming
  1. I've tested on firefox before and saw no problem... What's the screen resolution you use?
  2. I just updated my website layout and would like to have some comments~~ SamuelPhotos.com Just drop me some notes so that I can have some improvement. Thanks!
  3. Sorry, film is also a digital media, using grains as its pixels. So its really not a continous device also.
  4. Good point!And actually your concern is mainly on the person behind who takes photographs, not the tools. Giving an excellent tool to a dumb person, misusing its capabilities wasn't really turns that excellent tool into a crap. Gladly I'm not that kind of person, but really I admit there're lots of them. The bottom line is the photographer's mind that matters, not the tools.
  5. My hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting, samuelphotos.com (, doesn't responds to ping. dnsstuff ping and tracert confirms that. Please check.Thanks.Rds,Samuel
  6. Man, I'm using the paided hosting here.... so I still need to apply for the free web hosting?
  7. Hello,I've applied Xisto - Web Hosting account already. In the hosting descriptions of Xisto - Web Hosting, ssh is enabled. But seems I can't connect to samuelphotos.com (my domain) using putty. The shell returns this message:"Shell access is not enabled on your account!If you need shell access please contact support."Pls help.Rds,Samuel
  8. Although it's perfectly OK that the admin is busy, but I doubt there's only 1 person dealing with the whole business, and this I think surely will scare away potential customers...
  9. That means I can't apply until the next week?
  10. Hello, I joined here few days ago, originally planned to get a free hosting here. After posting a few post here, I've found that I'm not feeling quite well for continuously posting just to let my website hosted. I'm quite busy on my works and posting continuously seems not my cup of tea. Since then I noticed Xisto - Web Hosting. After researching, seems Xisto - Web Hosting and this website are from the same company, but for a newbie here, actually I'm not knowing quite well about both sites. What I'm particularly concern is about the stability and service support in Xisto - Web Hosting. Is there anyone here which have hosting in Xisto - Web Hosting? How stable is it? Any downtime so far? You know, for such a low cost web hosting usually stability and support will be compomised. And I'm not very keen on trying something new... Any help will be appreciated.(BTW, I've sent an email to support@Xisto - Web Hosting.com yesterday and so far none have replied. This makes me even hesitate to try it, even though it have 30 days money back...)
  11. Well, if microsoft can really do WinFS what he was originally claimed, then it'll be the best file system since Unix file system. No more directories, file system, totally based on SQL server, catalog using SQL server, can use SQL to query files... etc, really makes me think it's the best thing microsoft have ever invented~~~~~
  12. Can it handle camera raw files? Right now I haven't used any photo management software because no one can properly handle Raw (Adobe Photoshop Album can, but it can't handle my 1Dmk2 CR2 format, so I haven't used that once I sold my D60). If it can handle Raw or Adobe negative format, I may consider using it~
  13. Well, my username is simple, it's just my initials~~ Me, just like szupie, comes from Hong Kong, my chinese name is Yung Kin Fung, so my initials is ykf, and that's my username~~~I also have a nickname called Twister, meaning tonado, in chinese its pronunciation is very similar to my chinese name pronunication. So that's why I'm also called Twister~
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