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Posts posted by Billwaa

  1. wow, it work! Thank a lot. However, when I do Chinese song, it don't work. Oh well, I will stick with English song then. But still it's wonderful. Don't have to use P2P program anymore (didn't use it for like a year already because don't want to do illegal stuffs.) Thanks man.

  2. Can't wait until PS3 come out, it's probably the best game system ever made. Sony always have great system. Microsoft, I think the company only good at oberating system. However, other stuffs, company like macromedia or abroba (however you spell it) beat it. It cool that how PS3 have a projecter. Project the game screen into your wall or what ever. You don't need a TV anymore.

  3. I think they exist for a while already, becuase I saw it in another forum like 3 months ago. Anyway, I think it's still great technology. However, do we really need a disc hold that many memory? A standard DVD movie is only about 3 gig, while VCD is only 1 gig. They probably wouldn't sell a single movie in these discs, however, in moves like Star War, they will probably put all six of them in one of these disc. That will be cool. However, the cost may be a lot.

  4. I just start playing it a few weeks ago. I like the Special Forces stuffs, since that's what my war-game team call. Anyway, it was a cool game, kind of like counterstrike style, though I only play it once. I was going to get counterstrike but since my parent don't really let me play games ( though I get straight As), there is really no point for me to buy a game. AA is cool and free.

  5. Hey guys, I just found out in the discovery magazine that someone came out with a new periodic table of the elements. I am learning the old one right today and I found a new one afterward. Isn't it cool. Have anyone here see it yet? It's cool, the elements are line up in the galatic center to the spiraling outside.
    They predict a few element exist too, due to the pattern.

    I don't think I am allow to upload the table since it's probably copy right by discover of that guy that make it. However, PM me if you want to see it, I can probably send it to you by e-mail. Is that allow?

    [edit] link


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