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Posts posted by wykked_dreamz

  1. I honestly dont like either one. I have my own little site that I use as a journal and I put up a whole bunch of other random things. I use the journal part for myself, I don't really care if other people read it, all the names are changed to stupid stuff like "spot" and "fluffy." LoL! A lot of my friends are on livejournal and they love it. I have a couple friends on myspace, and they like it too. I like my own website because I can do whatever I want. My journal can look like whatever it wants to look like and I don't have to follow any templates or restrictions. I like being unique, and I like the way my website is set up. But that just might be me.

  2. Its a good template, but the main thing that keeps a site going is its contents. I like the "wormy things" in a few spaces but I agree, you use them too much. I LOVE the banner at the top, and I love that the layout is curvy, but . . . . . who likes to look at gray all day? It reminds me of metal and I don't know about you, but it has a cold, hard feeling to it. ::hummm, kind of like metal!:: Honestly, it really depends on the topic of your site if the template/layout is going to work or not. For instance, I love anime layouts, but if the website is about Harry Potter, or Cars, the layout wouldn't work no matter how good it looked. Some people fail to realize this, I did when I first started messing around with webpage design. I hope the best for your site, just keep posting and you'll get it soon enough. Remember to be patient and keep in mind that they don't forget about their request. ::You'll see people request for a webpage 8 times because they didn't get a reply within there first hour after requesting:: LoL! :P

  3. I wanted to try gmail, because I don't have it, but now I think I am anti-google and I am going to stay that way. Invites only is stupid. I don't like google because they keep everything. They've never deleted a single thing in their history. How they managed to do that I do not know but WoW! I don't trust google. I like yahoo better. YAHOO! YAHOO! I'm a proud member of ther yahoo! Okay, sorry, I'm done now.

  4. Okay, I've had one year of programming, I learned Scheme and a little bit of Java and I learned how to program with a 3d environment called Alice. So since I've worked with structures and if/else statements should php be pretty easy for me to learn? The main things I did was program hangman and tic-tac-toe in scheme and an animation in java. All Alice was was neat animations but it used if/else statments as well. I'm pretty good at these three, and I learned them fairly quickly. I just don't want to get into something that I can't handle. I've html for a while, and css is a blur to me, but you said that they wouldn't help so I'm all up for starting over. Is this what I should do?

  5. Okay, I'm a sad little person who's father got her and her little sister an XBOX so that he could play it. But the games we got show how hard core we really are . . .


    Finding Nemo

    The Hobbit (my cousin decided to close the drive without putting the cd completely in it, so we can't get past the part with the gold in the mountian)

    Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup

    Shrek 2

    The Incredibles

    Need for Speed Underground


    Wow, a whole 9. I'm a gamer huh!?! :P Honestly we use our XBOX to watch DVDs more than anything. I am hoping to get a PS3 because I am a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Also I play the Sims 2 on the PC more than any game. MAXIS KICKS BUM!!!

  6. I'm sorry, but google takes too long to load on my computer. I am personally a fan of yahoo! because it load immediately on my computer and when I do searches I always get EXACTLY what I am looking for within the first page. I think it loads faster because I visit it more than any other search engine, plus I use it for launch and for my mail. I have been using yahoo! mail for four years now and I still haven't reached my limit, and I have folders keeping all my old important e-mails. Why in the world would you need 2 gig? And I can't even sign up for gmail, I don't think that it's fair that some people get gmail and the rest don't. Yahoo! has more than 100 times the users in mail accounts than google does. That might be why google can offer more space and I would just like to add the more you visit a webpage the faster it will load in the future. Sorry, I am a bit anti-google. Also, I read in the news a year or two ago, but this might have changed by now, that yahoo! has more webpages in their register than google does, so any "hard to find" websites, or "little" websites would more in likely pop up on yahoo than on google. GO YAHOO! And I am converting a lot of people to yahoo! Trust me I have google blocked on my computer. I don't like google, and one day, yahoo! will rule the unruled internet! muwahahahahahahahahahaha! :P


    I've got to start remembering to close my tags. LOL! :P

  7. WoW rkage, if you can really do all that with php, I might be putting up another website that I've been hoping to put up for years, I just didn't know how to do it. I am currently using notepad, notepad 2, and hotdog to create my webpages. But I am a hard person to please so most of the time I'll gut my webpage and redo the entire index because I don't like one thing about it. Thank you SOOO much for showing me these tutorials, I really appreciate it. I'll probably download Crimson Editor as well since you used it it must work pretty well, and with php. I'm sure that PHP Hudzilla will answer more of my further questions. Thanks again to everyone who replied.

  8. the only reason I have accounts with hotmail and yahoo was to use their instant messenger. every e-mail service ive ever had has spammed my mailbox, but on yahoo i can mark them and then they dont fill up my inbox. ive been trying to get gmail for a year or so now, and I can't even sign up. maybe gmail is so fast because yahoo had 100 times the users. yahoo is available to EVERYONE, not those who catch it when signing up is available. personally, i think all free services suck, but why would you need 1 or 2 gig? honestly! what are you doing writing novels!?! I am personally a fan of yahoo. forget gmail, its all about YAHOO! and besides, im anti-google. I refuse to use google, they're a fishy company. I'm converting my school over to yahoo. AND . . . might I add, that yahoo had more websites registered in their catalog thingy so that more websites are made available to you than on google. YAHOO! YAHOO! Oh yeah, and gmail looks like it was a rip off of yahoo at some places, like the login, and the inbox. Just thought I'd been that to your attention.

  9. Okay, I think I am going to use php. I was also looking at some things, and I noticed that I can have login ins with php. To where you have to type in a username and password in order to view the next. My website is a private site for members of a group, but I don't know if I am going to do that or not. I'm just honestly trying to take a graphic and make a layout out of it. I don't want to use any more premade layouts, not that I don't like them but they make me feel limited and lazy. :lol:

  10. Maybe it could be useful to transfer movies from one computer to another, otherwise I don't see the point in taking all that time coverting and transfering 4 movies on one cd. If you're going to watch the mvie on the computer then watch it on the computer you have it on, otherwise you're going to need to burn onto a dvd-r in order to watch it on either other format. still, if you were transfering the movies, I don't know how the quality would come out. From the others, it seems pretty bad, but it looks like you have an awesome computer or you're doing something that we aren't because you said best quality. :lol:

  11. If the problem is space, use your website for pictures. Put your tutorials on your site and include LOTS of details and pictures there. Then do the tutorial on the board with the before and after pics only. Include a message that if they are having trouble with the tutorial visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for further details. I think that not only would you have a name in the tutorial section, but your website would be pretty busy. If you can pull off a tutorial on half that stuff that you're suggesting, my hat's off to you! :lol:

  12. I can't get it to do any of the effects. I'm trying to learn about it by doing the tutorials but none of them work for me. I follow the steps really carefully. I tried to do something really simple, like blur the image or add the blind effect, I remember doing it about a few months ago when I was messing around with it. But now when I've gotten serious I can't get anything to work. I completely selected the picture, I didn't select the picture, and everytime I click ok nothing happens. I know I'm doing something wrong. If someone could help me on this one I would greatly appreciate it. :lol:

  13. I just starting searching through the fonts on the website until i found one that looked similar to it. I was comparing the g's and the a's and the f's. When I ran across that one I was pretty sure of myself. I hope that you saved the site in case you ever need to find another font again, I am currently looking for two fonts myself but I'm lazy and I don't feel like actually looking for them. LoL

  14. Okay, the last time I actually coded something it was basic html. I lived of frames and I thought that my websites were the best thing on the internet. But just because I had mastered enough to make a decent webpage, it still isn't enough. i love coding webpages, but html isn't the best script to use. I've been seeing a lot of CSS style sheets and php tutorials, and my favorite layouts are all div and table. So, I was wondering, can you target a link into a certain part of the webpage on any of these "new" scripts like you could in frames. I don't want to have to copy and paste the script on EVERY page so that the layout is constant. I want to have a menu but I dont want to have to edit EVERY page when I change the menu. What should I use? :lol:

  15. America is not Africa, or Australia. America is America, and the American government only has control over America. When you try to step in on the HIV/AIDS problem that they are having in Africa you do realize that it would be going in to unknown territory. Africans have different rituals and beliefs, one of the main causes of the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa is a ritual that they do that involves cutting the body with a knofe, and they never wash this knife so when an infected person is cut everyone after that is infected as well. Also many people with HIV/AIDS are told that if the give it to someone else they get rid of it, and this has the outcome of little kids getting it and thats why there are camps in Africa dedicated to infected children. What can we do with those who are infected? We cannot kill the disease, we do not yet know how. What can America do when they have so many problems to deal with. As for the tsunami event, I can recall every school in my state collecting money for it. America is at war in the middle east and has its own expenses to pay. America is having a lot of difficulty with social security. America may be rich to some countries but is not so rich to hand money off here and there. We are struggling through some things but I will admit that are not as devastating as other countires. Also keep in mind, that if we get into Africa's business, we might be getting into another war because look what happened when we tried to help out Iraq. America turned out to be the bad guy to most American citizens but I believe that if you do not understand why our men are over there then you do not need to put your view point into the war. Sorry, I'm a proud American and I will not let someone try to insult America without knowing the facts. Guess thats what I get for being an army brat. LoL. Please keep in mind that I am not trying to attack either one of you I am just trying to inform you of some things that you might not know.

  16. You might want to go to a font site and look in the cursive sections, or fancy or something. I started to look for you and I can give you the names of the ones that I thought were similar and the url that I found them at. I can also give you some extra urls incase you wanna look some more yourself. I think I found the exact one though, but there are several different versions.

    AGFA Nadianna Bold
    AGFA Nadianna Bold Condensed
    AGFA Nadianna Book
    AGFA Nadianna Book Condensed
    AGFA Nadianna Condensed Volume
    AGFA Nadianna Medium
    AGFA Nadianna Medium Condensed
    AGFA Nadianna Volume

    There are very few differences between these fonts, but I'm not sure which one you need. They can all be found here.

    In case that link did not work, go to https://www.fonts.com/, casual script, Results per page = 50, Page 5, and they should be near the bottom.

    It took me about 15 minutes to find this font, so not a lot of time, but time I dedicated to you. :P In case this is not the right font, here are a few more links to help you out.



    Hope this helps and you don't have to spend a lot of time getting the right font. you may want to save these links in case you have to do this again. Since now you know where to go you can do it yourself. Because honestly I don't know very many people who would search an entire site for a font that they didn't need. :( Good luck with your graphic. :(

  17. Western's right, get a cloner and un link your screen names. honestly, I find this easier to do on yahoo, but I've never tried it on msn, but I'm sure you can do it. Good luck with it, but if you were having difficulty before, it might be just as hard when you have 2 or 3 sim windows running with 2 or 3 different screen names, if you catch my drift.

  18. Okay, I know its wrong to use tutorials for a program that I don't have for a program that I do have, but some of the photoshop tutorials I have used before you can use with psp 7. Yeah, I know, I'm old schoool, but hey. Anyway, so I was trying out this tutorial and I got lost in a step, so I was wondering if anybody had psp 7, and could xlear it up for me whether or not this tutorial will work in psp 7. Do i need to add a step here or there, or what? I know, I know, photoshop tutorial, but hey some of them work and some of them don't,, so I figured I should give it a shot because I think the outcome would be pretty neat and I could really use it with on of the themes I'm working on for a layout. Thanks a lot for all your help. I'm sure I wouldn't have any questions if I had the proper program.

  19. Okay thanks that's what I honestly needed to hear. I haven't been able to purchase a domain name for a while, even though I think 10 bucks a year is cheap. I now have a reliable income so I can purchase a domain name without the fear of using it. I was just asking because I saw all this stuff on godaddy asking if I would like to purchase a package and the cheapest package was 12.95/yr and the most expensive one was 34.95/yr I believe. I'm guessing the packages are for expanding what you get with your domain name such as e-mail accounts and all that other good stuff. Is that right or I'm a wrong again?

  20. Haha! That's why I use Yahoo! I've always had this grudge against google, and I refuse to use it. Now yahoo isn't the greatest thing on the internet but I still like it better than google. Honestly, its been proven that yahoo search results are more accurate than google. So ha! and so there! to all those google lovers out there! Love Yahoo! And I will defend Yahoo! till the end of time, or at least until I can no longer defend them because they do something stupid. Big brother, you are going DOWN! LoL! Wow, I'm a bit too hyper. As you can tell. Its 1:05 am and I'm drinking coke. hehe! My parents are going to hate me.

  21. Okay, I want to buy a domain name, but I was wondering if I buy it from a place like godaddy for the 8.95/yr does that include managing it and everything. Because I don't want to buy a domain, only to find that I have to pay 29.95/mon just to use it. If anybody knows how it exactly works please let me know. I'm very serious about a domain name for one of my sites, and my other one on Xisto is going pretty well but this new site I can't depend on forum posting. Its going to be one of my less active ones. So I wanted a domain name. If that makes any sense at all. Please notify me if you can help. Thanks!

  22. I like the new look, and maybe its because I haven't been here very long that I don't find many problems with it. The color scheme is a lot better. I don't have to scroll down to find my hosting credits that i have at the moment so that doesn't bother me. The forums seem to fill the page now and there isn't as much "white space" as there was before. I don't mind the order of the forums since I really never use them anyway, and I just post on the new topics. I have used the forums to post a topic before, and I really don't find them to be all that difficult. I honestly like th font of the "my controls" and the "view new post" links. It makes them stand out and as someone said before, it looks crisp. I dont think i really understand what you all find so negative about the new forum look.

  23. honestly I like version 7.0 better. It looks a lot nicer, and its extremely similar to 6.2. I just upgraded today and I like it better. I think it runs faster too. Maybe its just me, I like updated versions for the most part. For example, i like the look of the Xisto forums better now. I think it looks a lot cleaner and more professional. I am a fan of pretty and shiny websites/programs. Most of the features are the same, 7.0 just has a little bit more to it. I can't understand why anyone would like 6.2 better. But hey, thats just me.

  24. Okay, I don't know how to get the orginal emoticons that come with msn messenger, but I do know how to import your own. You go to tools, the down to Create Emoticons. There you should be able to import your own smilelys and you should even be able to create shortcuts. For example all of my smilelys are cat heads so my cat face that winks, all I have to type is ^wink^. Thats on version 6.2Now if you have version 7.0 then its the same way. If you're still confused, visit the offical link that msn provides for its members. Creat Your Own Emoticons I hope that this helps. If you find the list of the emoticons that come with msn, please notify me.

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