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Posts posted by iceblade1405241492

  1. As I was reading Houdinis first post, I thought about it. About how technology is expanding, and it occoured to me:What if the earth isn't warming up any, but we are just better at sensing it growing warmer?EDIT: And by that, the forecasts say hotter temps. and we subconciously think it is hotter and we remind ourselves how hot it is. Well, its kinda hard for me to explain I guess, but I think it may also have something to do with our minds.Regardless, the climate does change over time, as I think someone else on this thread stated. After all, we have had an ice age or two, haven't we? So maybe its quite the opposite; we're going to a heat age. And, I suppose as I think someone else stated (atleast, I think I read it on this thread), if it is getting hotter, lets just move to the poles of the earth. Even if all the ice melts and what not, it'll still be cooler up there. It'd be quite the opposite of Battlefield 2142 where it is too cold to go anywhere except on the area that the equater is. It'd be too hot to go anywhere near the equator.Thanks for the article(s).

  2. A good free packet sniffer is Ethereal. Link: http://www.aos5.com/cloud_acquired

    I use it on my home network to see where bandwidth is going if I notice it's running slow. In order to have it real-time and display all the packets, you have to jump into the configuration.


    If you're paranoid about your neighbors, most routers keep access logs (that's how I found my neighbors accross the street on my network) so check and block your neighbor's MAC address(es) (that is if you want to be the mean network admin). Ethereal is a more "advanced" packet sniffer. It sees EVERYTHING (I've been able to read AIM conversations in the packet) that isn't encrypted. If you want to check up on your neighbors, but don't want to have to read a ton of technical data, you'll have to search.


    WARNING: DO NOT do anything STUPID with security tools. You're walking on a THIN LINE with them. Some people will look at you as a malicous hacker while others will think you're network security. Most keyloggers are already known so running a spyware scan will reveal them (same with VNCs). That is, unless, you write your own.


    Remember: Security tools are NOT toys! They are "tools" and tools are ment to do jobs. You wouldn't play around with a jack-hammer, so don't play around with security tools.





    Okay, that is a good call back to reality. As for being a hacker, yeah, I get that. And thanks for the warning... But, they would be on my family's internet connection, so... Anyway, thanks. I will keep this in mind. Thanks!

  3. On the news this morning, they were talking about packet sniffers and how people could use them for less then desireable deeds.So, while I don't want one for dubious deeds, I would like one to check up on our network... Our network isn't secured (my dad doesn't want to for some reason?) so I would like to check up and make sure that our neighbors aren't doing anything illegal. So, anyone know of any safe sniffers to monitor network access? Or, really, any utility to do it satisfactorily. It would be an added bonus if you could block offenders. Would also be nice if you could tell their OS system, as I am the main windows user in my house... My dad has one for work, but prefers his mac. Anyway. So if it was windows, I could be sure that it was most likely a neighbor; especially if my dad was off on a business trip of some sort. Free would be nice too...Any other nice security utilities? I know that keyloggers are often hailed as being things to ruin other peoples electronic lives, but I would like one also as a security utility. Any other interesting utilities I may be interested in? :D Thanks.

  4. Okay, Windows is starting to tick me off. I mean, I will deal with it if need be; but I have been looking at Linux for a while, so I thought I'd ask some questions. What is the best Linux distro in your oppinion? I know this will change from person to person - But I would like a general concensus. I have seen Redhat stuff, and I have seen Knoppix and some "ubunto" thing... I would like also one that is bootable from live disk or whatever. I want to be able to check and make sure that I really like Linux before I install it as my main OS.I also would like a GUI. I know, I am not a die hard that will work with text very easily... So a GUI is necessary.None of the Linux distros cost anything... Right?Okay, if I remember any other things to ask questions about I will post them. Thanks!

  5. I just have to say, this is a mad method for "forcing" users to install Internet Explorer 7 and set it as their default browser. Actually, I'll just use the one that is the easiest and most comfortable to use with! And why won't Microsoft do that? I mean, are they all flashy outside and sucky inside? Tsk tsk... I dont know but Microsoft is doing horrible with MSN networks.
    I hope their Windows Vista is a good one.

    Yeah... I can't even get my passport sorted out. It has been messed up for like a year now...

    That was hilarious Earthling.

    I knew that Internet Explorer had some nasty tricks up its sleeves with the whole you-can't-delete-this-or-windows-will-be-messed-up-bad, but brekaing links...

    I wonder if they'll have power over gmail and whatnot? Or, web mail in general?

    Hey Google... Maybe not come out with an operating system but you could come out with a web browser fairly easily?

  6. I think it should run fine on your machine. My machines original graphics card could run the game well, and I had no problems. The only problem is I can't remember what MB it was, but I think it was at least 128. I am sure you will be fine and have nothing to worry about.


    Yes, AA is freeware, but it is a good game. The only reason the download takes so long is because it is just so good. With the new upgrades they have done to the game it is worth the fun of playing.


    Once you do get done, and have it installed, you should install Xfire. It is a great way to communicate while your in a game. If you don't install it during the install of AA, you can go to http://www.xfire.com/

    Edit: What machine do you run?



    I play AA some... As soon as counter strike has finished updating once again, I may jump into AA to try to get my AA playing back in shape... BF2 messed me up, and now BF2 is lagging crazy... Okay, personal rant sorry.


    EDIT: 108soc, your system will probably be able to run it. It passes the min. requirements on graphics card. The next hurtle is your processor speed and system RAM. The 256 MB card is only for higher detail or something like that.

  7. one of the columnist for the guardian newspaper technology section says that he often uses the gmail word processer [i.e. email writer] to do his writing. he prefers it to word and you can log on to it anywhere.
    it would be a very small step for google to turn this into an online 'my docs' with the gmail jog as the editor. and text based files would take alot less space up on servers than goggle video.

    Yeah, I use gmail to write on a short story I am working on. Its very helpful because I can access gmail where ever there is an internet connection that I can get into with my laptop. So I can work on the thing at home, and where ever else. I do most of my writing on my laptop, granted, but since its old and the hard drive may fail at any time...

    Anyway, this would be GREAT news to me. I look forward to it!

    What will you come up with next, google? An OS? A web browser? A music program?

    Okay, google rant real fast before I go to bed.

    I think google is great because they offer most of their things for free. Which is great for me. When ever my dad is talking about email for work or something I just have to throw in the fact that I have over 2.5 GB of space on my gmail account, and I am only using about 56 MB or something (approximately 2% I think the website said) So thats really nice.

    Gmail is really intertwined with mor ethings then I realised. When I downloaded Google talk, I didn't realise it would auto check my gmail emails for me!

    Okay, thats my short google rant. I am really hoping google brings this out for everyone to use soon.

  8. Hello all !


    Someone I know is flying to Dubai and has very kindly agreed to get me any electronic consumer goods that I want. Right now, a personal music player is at the top of my "I want this..." list.


    However, I want to ask the advice of users on the forum as to what particular model they'd suggest. The following parameters are must-haves:

    At least 2 GB capacity

    FM tuner

    ability to play WMA, MP3 - a must. (Plus points if it can also play MP4 / OGG / AAC)

    good battery life - 10 - 12 hours actual playback (which means a rated life of about 14 hours)

    I don't need/want a colour screen. Even removable AAA battery would do as I have plenty of rechargeable batteries lying around.


    Looking forward to your inputs, guys !


    Er, my oppinion is that an ipod nano 2 GB will run you I guess someone said... $200? It fulfills most, or maybe a little less then most, of those requirements. The one that I am sure that it doesn't fulfill is an FM tuner. I think it fulfills the others though. I am pretty sure it can play AAC and MP4, not sure on the OGG. I think it has a rated battery life of 14 hours, though maybe it is just 12 or so. maybe a little researc hat store.apple.com or pcmall.com and/or macmall.com is in order?

  9. My second computer, which belongs to my girlfriend, died (motherboard). I want to get another one but I'm trying not to spend a whole lot on it, but I am a little picky. I would think $500 approx. to spend, maybe a little more, hopefully not. Building it myself is not an option right now, I don't have enough knowledge on the matter to do so. But basically what I'm asking is does anyone know what would be best for this kinda thing:
    ---I want it to have good speed, she download music alot on it
    ---good sound
    ---graphics aren't all that important
    ---good amount of memory
    ---Windows XP
    ---CD-RW drive

    Was wondering if anyone knew the best manufacture to go with for this. I don't know if I even gave good information, but any help would be appreciated.

    Everyone else here is a bit more of a computer expert, but as I was shopping for a computer a few months ago and basicly looking for the cheapest possible my dad ran across a few very cheap computers from HP.

    If you go to HPs website and go to home and home office, then to desktop section, click most left one (should say starting at $249 or something) then look for the one that says $249 or whatever then click on that. From here, you have a choice of AMD processors or Intel Celeron processors. I don't know much about Sempron processors compaired to celeron processors, so maybe a bit of research into that might be worth it. Ask around here, possibly?

    okay, next click on whatever processor brand you have decided on (I am using Intel for example, because I have been told its better for file stuff where as AMD is better for gaming. Don't know on that either.) then click customize. From here, you have multiple choices on making it better... For example, upgrading to 512 MB RAM is around $50 or so. Getting a 250 GIG harddrive is around $100 or so. Adding on a few nice things like a better disc drive is certainly optional, and whatever your oppinion is on it.

    But, you can get a computer for less then $500 that may be operational enough for what is needed. You'll just have to decide what you need...

    Perhaps a friend would build you one? The only problem is the large price for windows home... Its ranging at what, $100-$150 a copy? That knocks hardware spec. possibilities down a bit...

    Oh well, just a thought. Good luck.
    You might also check out compaq desktops... I have one, but be a bit careful. They seem to have a bit lower prices in some things while a bit higher in others. In addition to that, mine has been doing some odd things.

  10. Wow, so according to your screenshot, not only Firefox, but Netscape also does not appear in the taskbar. Does Internet Explorer have the same problem? If all 3 of these programs have the same problem, I think the problem should occur on all programs. But did you say that Itunes does appear in the taskbar?

    If none of the windows appear on the taskbar, it's very likely that the tasks section of your taskbar is pulled to a bad location. Try unlocking your taskbar by right-clicking on it, as wutske has said, and pull the sections around.


    Just checked internet explorer and opera both. Both disappear.


    I guess I should say that its not just web browsers that disappear. Pretty much every minimizable window does.


    Also, when minimzing Itunes, it goes into a thing where you can access the play controls, such as stop, fast forward, rewind, etc. which DOES land on the task bar. However, if I click the bar at the top of say a web browser from Itunes, Itunes doesn't show up on the task bar at all. I will try to get two screen shots that show that:


    https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ - With itunes. I think. On the taskbar.

    https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ - With itunes, not on the task bar but above the web browser bar.


    Does anyone know if Steam or Counter Strike: Source or Battlefield 2 cause problems like this? Because I just recently installed these, so I wasn't sure if that might be the problem. I uninstalled Steam and Counter Strike: Source, but nothing happened.


    Well, thanks for the help... We'll continue on this journey together I guess, eh?


    I also tried unlocking the task bar. Nothing really worked... I just pulled it up though. I wasn't sure how to move any other sections around.

  11. it just came to me today as i was looking in the cupboard.
    the next step for the ipod is a wifi card. with that and a home wifi network you could stream to anywhere at home and plug into stereos anywhere.

    there are of course a few problems i can see there. to do with updatingyour ipod. other wifi networks.

    do you think im right or wrong. i just thought that the video would come out and then a few weeks later it did. it'll be more than a few weeks for this but whatelse could it be.

    With a web browser? Okay, I am addicted to the internet...

    But, I think that would be a major appeal. Being able to check the weather at the airport? Yeah yeah, it'd be insanely difficult to navigate the pages - I think - but it could be managable, especially with an add on or two possibly.

  12. I just bought my first portable MP3 player a few days ago. I only had $100 to spend, so there was no way that I would get some brand-new, eight-thousand-gigabyte player. But, the advantage for me is that I only need a few CDs' worth of music on the thing at any given time. I just use it when I'm going to or from classes, and maybe sometimes when I'm at home with my family - but in the latter instance, I have my laptop right there so I can of course transfer new files in whenever I feel like changing things up.
    Anyway ... I ended up with an iriver, which I really like so far. It holds 256MB of music, runs on a plain old AA battery (very easy to change out - and cheap to replace), and came with all the accessores I wanted (and some that I didn't, like the armband). And, if I get bored with the music that I've loaded, I can switch to the radio option.

    Apple's only comparably-priced product is the Shuffle, which I don't like. For 100 dollars you get 512MB of space, yes, and you have the convenience of being able to use iTunes. But you don't get a display screen. My iRiver, on the other hand, has that display - which is pretty much vital to me.

    So, I'll take half the space to get the digital screen any day. I think that a lot of Apple's sales are just for the trendiness factor anyway. A lot of people call portable MP3 players "iPods" even when the device in question isn't made by Apple. It's sort of like how we call all tissues "Kleenex" even though we're blowing our noses into some generic brand. *shrugs* We'll see if Apple can stay on top.

    Hmm quite interesting.

    And about the thing about kleenex's and ipods... Its the same way with handheld games. Everyone calls them a gameboy unless they know better.

    *shrug* just an observation.

  13. This is a similar problem for me, when I use Maxthon at work. If you have the same proble, disabling the boss key will do the trick.

    Sorry, I am not very computer literate. What is a boss key?

    I am working on a screen shot.


    Okay. It is a bit hard to see, but you can zoom in a little bit.

    I have tried resizing the bar... Nothing...

    I appreciate the help.

    EDIT: Need anything else? I may get a screen shot and crop it soon so its easier to see...

  14. Sounds good. Its nice to see that so many kids from other countries are getting computers. I don't know if you have heard about the used to be crank computer (they changed the mechanism to generate power, which used to be a crank) that will be sold to goverments for $100 to distribute to children in their countries. Anyway, my other comment is that... Man, inflation is pretty bad in that country(ies) if 3 million whatevers equal $300. Er, no offense if anyone is from there...

  15. First off, I would like to say thanks for taking the time to read my thread... Er then I won't have a second or any others, I will just get to my questions.Okay, so I recently noticed that my web browser windows when I minimized them to the task bar just disappeared. They seemingly minimzed to a spot that I couldn't see to the down and right of the start button. I know how to get around this in a couple of ways if I have to... But I was just curious to see if anyone knew how to fix it a better way? My "solutions" to fix it are:1) If I hit ALT+TAB at the same time and there is just one window up it'll load it back up for me. If multiple windows, it'll give me an option. This works okay, but it is not really what I am going for... I would prefer a more clean interface. Oh, Itunes still minimizes to the task bar by the way. 2) I could restore the computer to factory specifications... But that would of course erase all my files. This is not a "work" computer so it wouldn't be as big as if I was a business man or something, but it would erase all my game files. Which, if I have to do this to fix it if I just can't stand it doing the ALT+TAB stuff then I will do this... I guess... Grudgingly.3) Buy Windows XP and reinstall (haha yeah right). This is an option, but even less likely then the above. I would just deal with it I think. Also, I have tried a "system restore" thing, however it tells me no changes have been made to my PC. WHAT?! I may try an older system restore soon, but I don't know if even that will work. Um, if you need any other information, I may be able to provide it. Its kind of hard to explain, but I will try if more information is needed. Thanks!Oh, also, if this is the wrong place, I appoligize and request that it is moved to the right spot. Thanks!

  16. I heard that it was because a type writer maker (as many have said on this thread already...) was frusterated because people were typing too fast. And for some reason or another he couldn't speed up his type writer. So, he changed the keyboard layout so people would be slower while they learned the new layout. I have no idea what he was going to do if people had gotten accustomed to that before typing was sped up, but thats the story I heard. Also, I guess since people have just used it ever since way back then, its just whats stuck.For me, I am not sure I could change to a new keyboard. I mean, I am in the younger crowd on this website, but I have used this keyboard plenty long enough I think that a different keyboard would defiently throw me. But, it'd be something new and exciting I guess. Kind of like trying a new OS or something...

  17. The first thing that I would do? Check into upgrading the current system. That might actually be less expensive than buying a new desktop and upgrading it to meet your specifications.
    I say that because you're talking about upgrading to Vista at some point. Not necessarily right after the new OS comes out (which I wouldn't advise anyway), but you're right about it requiring more memory to run. (When has Microsoft released a new OS that *hasn't* required more? Hehe.) If I were you, I would consider doing minimal upgrading on the current system so that it will do what you need and saving the rest of your money for a new system after Vista's been out for awhile. That way you won't have bought and upgraded a system only to find that it's not what Vista needs.

    For what you're talking about investing in a system, you can get a really good one from Dell after Vista's been out awhile and the new, bigger system requirements are pretty much the standards installations across the boards.
    Then again, I pretty much always recommend putting off chucking the current system for as long as possible simply because technology improves and drives prices down for yesterday's stuff.

    However, the flip side of that is I hear vista was pushed back. I know that technically my hard drive COULD last for four years or more... But, when Vista comes out, it'll be ALOT more then buying say, an XP system. I could get a some what decent system for $500 now... I mean, I appreciate the input. I asked for the input, so yeah. Thanks :o

    Anyone else?

  18. Well, my computer is over three years old, and from what I've heard, hard drives last about three years. So I have started looking for a new computer, so when my hard drive finally does bite the dust, I can hopefully get back to normal computing quickly.This is also a chance for me to get a much, much needed computer up grade. Right now i'm running a 1.7 Ghz celeron processor with 128 MB of RAM and running windows XP. Since my computer was just about a year away from possible death (about a year ago) I decided not to spend the money to up grade it. Now, however, is my chance.I would like this to be a decent enough computer that it could play, say, guild wars, and possibly some other MMOGs. Right now, I'm looking at a $350 HP desktop that I could up grade to a 2.4 Ghz AMD processor. The default is 2.2 Ghz. The advantage to the 2.4 Ghz besides being more powerful is that it says it can handle 32 bit and 64 bit at the same time, so when Vista comes around and I deem it important to upgrade, I don't have to buy a whole new tower or whatever as well, since it says that it can handle 64 bit apps. Okay, also I was looking at putting a gig of RAM on there. That'd really help preformance for me. I mean, I'm kinda used to my slow computer now, so I can barely imagine it being faster (I mean I can, but a gig is a little under 10 times as fast as this computer is, I think, I guess. I'm no math wiz) So here comes another delima. I've read that Vista will take atleast 512 MB of ram. Meaning that depending how much I will need to let the graphics card use, that wouldn't put much for the game itself. About 256 MB I guess. And thats just an estimate for Vista that was a few months ago (November I think).Okay, next delima, I was looking around on HPs website and I remembered that my dad got a Compaq laptop and he seems to like it okay (though he uses his ibook more, because he prefers macs) so I figured I'd check out the desktops. Well, first I went to the graphics cards. Thats really the deciding point, as there would be a $250 I would get but it has an integrated graphics card. So I was looking at compaqs like I said, and they were selling a 256 ATI radeon card 1300x pro I think it was already installed on the machine etc. for $170. That was pretty tempting, because I don't think my dad would let me try to install hardware myself. Besides that, it looked like it could play pretty much any game for me. However, it was on compaq desktops only, and when doing a search, and talking to better hardware oriented computer friends, they said compaqs weren't very good. Are Geforce 6200 SE cards any good? I think there is like, 64 MB of RAM on it. I mean, I understand that unless I put the graphics card in my self, it won't be that up to date and that great, but in small relativity...So, thats basicly where I am at. So far, my dad understand that I want:2.2 Ghz AMD Athlon Processor1 gig of RAMGeforce 6200 SE with 64 MB of RAM with it.Grand total: $509.99 I think. I'd like to throw another $260 of stuff on there (another gig, if it woulde helpful....) and a faster processor, if that would also be helpful. The processor is $80, the RAM is like $180. RAM could be added later fairly easy if I deem it terribly necisary. However, a processor can't, I don't think. So I am considering asking for an up grade in that if it is considered a good improvement for $80Comments? Basicly what I am asking is are the things I outlined above what my dad has already agreed to good enough to play some good games, or am I seriously just lacking in everything? One of the things that makes me especially want/need a windows is because of all the games I have collected the past six years orso. Well, thanks for everyones input. In advance. (sorry, after all this, if it is the wrong board. Additionally I am sorry for any grammer and spelling mistakes.)EDIT: Something else, building really isn't an option either. As the most my dad as done is put RAM into his laptop which just consisted of lifting up his keyboard and probably had step by step instructions. I don't know half the parts that I would need to build a computer, let a lone how to actually build is. Besides the fact that I would probably get bored with it or mess something up.Also, is a sound card something I should invest in? Does it really make that much of a difference? So long as I can hear decent sound, I'm okay with it.

  19. all it might be is someone runing around during night near the pyramids cutin peoples heads off and throwin them into the ocean or somthing or they might be keepin the heads somewhere safe


    Hmm, seems to me that some cults (occults, whatever) can make some pretty gruesom sacrifices...


    Now, it seems perfectly logical that it could, and is, and was, people from long ago... All I'm saying, is that that stuff still happends today, I think, I don't join cults just to see what they do. They seem pretty "strong" in mexico, and cuba I think has also been said? Anyway, just a thought. Interesting find.

    Oh, something else, the Romans for all their "civilized"ness still had gladiators which weren't quite as bad as just random chopping off of heads.

  20. Now, as a kid (well, I still am, are... Which is it? Anyway, I still am a kid) I was always taught "Never tell anyone your last name or address online!" and now all these websites are asking for last names and addresses... Why? Is it just if you upload illegal content they want to track you down I guess? I'm new to computer web hosting I guess, but it seems like geocities never asked for that...Thanks.

  21. Romeo is in the center of varrock, not falador, and juliet is west out of the city, just so you know ;-)I play it because its pretty much the only MMORPG that my computer can handle. If you download the client (browser thing) it takes alot less system resources. My friend says that there aren't enough newbie helps. And no one helps, and if you die, like has been said, you loose everything but you're three most valuable items, technically.If you ask me, and can afford it, and have the system for it, either get guild wars (haven't played, but looks really good for costing nothing but the game and your system and internet, y'know) or play eve online or another game like it... Both I think will be more fun over all.It gets boring after a while.

  22. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I'm still kind a newbie here. For christmas since my sister is still in college and has college fees to pay for, she bought a cheap copy (legal) of Tribes 2, however when I ran it and tried to play online, I was told that my version wasn't updated and there was no update to get. This is the best seller series by the way if that helps at all.Sorry again if this is the wrong place to post, just thought mayeb you guys could help. Thanks in advance for any help. (by the way, I downloaded the update 05/22/03 from Sierras website and installed it. Again any help? Thanks...) Ice

  23. I heard the nintendo is going to crating an other consol after the game cube ,if it true can you give me more information Please !!!!!


    Yes. Nintendo is creating another console.


    The revolution is the "code name" of their next console, because it is supposed to bring a revolution in gaming.


    The revolution will be able to download retro games and play them, for a small fee.

    There will also be free wifi service(possibly, not confirmed yet, but pretty much assumed.) assumeing that you have the hardware.

    The Revolution will play gamecube games as well.

    I gotta go for now, but when i get back in a bit i'll explain more about the revo.

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