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  1. Hi, I'm using Mandrake 10.1 and was able to follow the tutorial fine (a few files were in different places but that was pretty much it), and everything looks good, but when I get to steps 9 and 10, this is what I get:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-[root@localhost etc]# service named restartStopping named: rndc: connect failed: connection refused [FAILED]Starting named: [ OK ][root@localhost etc]# dig danspage.info; <<>> DiG 9.3.0 <<>> danspage.info;; global options: printcmd;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-Any idea what is wrong? Also, I will want to be using this on the internet, not just my intranet, so do you have any idea on how to fix the "rndc: connect failed: connection refused" error message. I was previously just trying to set bind up with the webmin, but was getting this error then as well. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.DanI was able to fix my rndc error. I had to go into named.conf and rndc.conf and make sure all of the key names matched (named.conf had 'nrdckey' and rndc.conf just had 'key'). So I matched all of the names up. It sill wasn't working, but then I noticed the 2 files were using different "secrets", so I just copied and pasted my rndc.conf secret to the named.conf and no more errors :PHowever, I am still getting a timeout when doing a dig to my server. Any ideas?Thanks. Dan.
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