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Posts posted by renshs

  1. Even though i only use a home computer i have also noticed how sluggish it makes it although i find that it only happens on pro it doesnt seem to effect home. however i decided to get rid of it and install norton system works and google toolbar wich together gave the same and better effect than sp2. sp2 also gets annoying with its constant bubbles telling you that your system is under virus threat or something like that. it also stopped me from connecting to game arena

  2. I cant see how they can be compared because they were both made at different times. if they were made at the same time halo 1 would have to win because the story line and the challenge is much better where as halo 2 had to extend on halo 1 so not as many challenges could be made. the graphics on halo 2 is much better though because it was made at a later date when graphics had improved just like shrek - shrek 2.

  3. if you were running an older version of windeows and now home this may be the problem because xp uses mopre ram. if you want to upgrade the hard drive i would get a hartddisk for a desk top and get a caase for it of ebay. i did it and for a stage there i had linux running of it but i have a desktop so im not sure how fast the hard disk would be.

  4. yeah spacewaste is right accouts are always added as admin, this can be changed from the main account by going to the control panel then user accounts ( if it opens in the current account press home) then select the account and click account type theres 2 administrator and limited (best to have minimal administrators.

  5. As "everydaysushi" said the problem is common. even i had the problem. The problem anoued me so much i formated. if the problem is only new you could try a system restore. when it was a problem for me i restarted by pressing the restart button on the front of my pc which shuts it down and restarts it but you need to close all other programs first otherwise they can get dammedged especialy mediaplayer. I have a custom computer that is just entering its second year.

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