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Everything posted by altieva

  1. Here is a form validation I always use, it uses an alert box instead of HTML. I will do it using an example of 3 fields, name, email and password. <HTML><HEAD><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">function valform() {var name = document.form1.name.value;var email = document.form1.email.value;var password = document.form1.password.value;var errmsg = "";if(name == "") {errmsg += " - Name field cannot be blank\n";}if(email == "") {errmsg += " - Email field cannot be blank\n";}if(password == "") {errormsg += " - Password field cannot be blank\n";}if(errmsg != "") {alert(errmsg)}else{document.form1.submit()}</script>.... (continue with form) ... I hope this helps you in a different kind of validation. PS im in a rish, will xplain some other time.
  2. I can assist you with MySQL. It's all rather easy, search google for a MySQL tutorial and it will give you you all you need. I would do one, but they're tedius to write. As for searching however, most tutorials will tell yuo to do "... LIKE (%whatever%)... But that isn't any good as I found out lol. The best way to do is use a Fulltext Search and on the MySQL website, there is a step by step walk through. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/fulltext-search.html I hope this helps
  3. I find IMESH is good, adware & spyware free, or, if you do a search on google, you can look for a free version of KaZaA LiTe which is spyware & adware free. (Link to IMESH http://www.imesh.com/) Also, for those who are struggling, I find LAVASOFT ADWARE is the best programme for getting rid of adware & spyware.
  4. I am not spamming or advertising, and if it looks like it I'm sorry, but I would like to put forward the website address' of some good low price computer component Stores. (admin, if you believe I am spamming, please delete the topic). http://www.ebuyer.com/ - Good all round, especially on choice, lots of choice all at near trade prices. Also sells ready built computers. https://www.aria.co.uk/ - Good all round again, cheap delivery prices as well, good website allows easy naviagtion. https://www.cclonline.com/ - Low profile computer component supplier but again, low delivery prices and a well desgined website allows easy navigation. https://www.shop.bt.com/?utm_source=dabs+migration&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=auto (UK) https://www.shop.bt.com/?utm_source=dabs+migration&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=auto (US) - Good prices, well known!
  5. I find Notepad best because I use a lot of Dynamic Scripting language, I have to be able to programme without the editor editing it. E.g. I use to use Frontpage, however I stopped because when I wrote PHP, I would write <?PHP echo "Hello World!"; ?> And I would get <?PHP echo &quote Hello World! &quote; ?> Things like that just put me off. In regard to dreamwaver, I do give it credit because of it's fantastic CSS compatability tests and editing (I'm a bit dusty on CSS).
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