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Posts posted by chaosx2x

  1. nothing in this life is free, i'm sure there are some combat sims out there for free, but they proberbly only have a few levels, the grpahics suck and you can only play them online. On the other hand you could download them from a p2p software, if you don't mind the fact thats it's illegal as hell.


    yep! =) for free i haven't found nothing....same friends tells me that MS combat flight simulator it's great, but i've tried il-2 sturmovik and it's seems me better than MS.


    another great combat sims it's lock-on but it require a very powered pc, on my pc it doesn't run :D so i can tell u nothing of sure.....but any of this games are for free so or u download them from a p2p software(anyone tells me that's illegal -.-)...or buy it!


    i prefer to buy it =)

  2. If you've got 50 credits you should make some more posts and get yourself about 70 credits. Then apply for a starter package at first immediately followed up by an upgrade - if that's what you want :D You'll be able to get the full blown account immediately.


    All the best :D


    uhm...so i need 60 hosting credit for getting the second package(starter and then upgrade?)? i thought that only fifty credits needed -.- but maybe i don't understand what u are saying ;) can u repeat me please?

  3. while I was trying vBulletin that happened to me a bit.. 


    Read the installation guide that must have come with vBulletin ..  make sure you're trying to access the Admin page as directed... 




    The first thing you need to do is refresh your browser..  most likely this is the cause for the same page showing up..  Especially if you're using MSIE...  it even happens upto 3 times refresh on Netscape..  I've not faced this problem with Firefox though..  So if you're using MSIE ..  hit TOOLS> INTERNET OPTIONS> Under Temporary Internet Files, hit 'DELETE Cookies' and hit 'DELETE Files'...  > OK....  this should dump your temp files and current cookies..  try loading your page and start from scratch now.. 


    Should that not work... 

    Check the following.. 

    Go to your cPanel and click on phpMyAdmin..  this will bring up your installed DB (the database with your vBulletin should you have multiple DBB's...  click on the table 'USERS' and browse this table..  it will show you the logins that are available with the vBulletin DB..  this is to check that the login you originally enetered is correct..  NOW...(assuming you remember the password)..  go back to your browser and try the login with your password..  if this fails..  then there is a possibility that your config file needs checking..  or if this is fine..  then you probably need to start the login process from scratch.. 


    __Checking your 'CONFIG'


    use your FTP client to go to the directory where you installed vBulletin and download the config.php file to your computer..  Open this file in a suitable Php editor and check that the database string points to the vBulletin DB you checked earlier using MyPHPAdmin..  next check that the username is correct as should be the password.


    If you're unsure of the username or password go to your cpanel...  click on 'MySQL Databases'  under ' Site Management Tools' and make a new user id with a new password..  make sure you also update the access ..  that means you check to see that you've made the username for the correct DB..  most times.. you'll need to first make a username/ password before you can use most installed php suites.. 


    After you've done this..  add the username & password to the config.php file..  save it and upload it to the same location you downloaded from..  Try your browser again.. 


    This really should get things working...  of not..  the next option..


    __Adding a login directly into your user table...


    Use phpMyAdmin again..  click on the 'USERS' table.. browse this table..  insert a new login and password directly into the table.. 


    Go to your browser..  refresh your browser..  use the new login and password you inserted directly into the Users table.. 


    Any one of the above may solve your problem..  although if you're still facing issues..  then you can simply delete your entire installation...  Delete the original database and reinstall the entire package..  infact if you have a fast connection..  I'd suggest you actually start from scratch.. 


    All the best..  R.A.


    i was using as my browser Firefox, i have also cleared browser's cache and cookies, but the problem is that when i'm login vbulletin tells me that's my pass and user tha's right but he continue to redirect me back to login page, for me maybe that in any pages there's something wrong, as i can i'll try to made a new one installation of VBulletin...but before i'll try your soluction :D


    uhm...i think i'll change my board if a new installation not run correctly :D


    thx man for your help!

  4. try getting the newest drivers for the radeon 9600 pro. 


    often, updated thing drivers fixes compatability problems


    if not, perhaps you can try reverting back to a previous set up on your computer


    i've tried with the latest ATI's driver but the problem is the same, so i've tried out the Omega drivers but nothing iss changed, i reinstalled also the Os with an OS Iso but nothing is changed yet :D perhaps it's not a software problem? maybe an hardware incompatibility?

  5. I have Red Hat Linux installed in my PC... I am a Novice and don't know much about the greatest eye catching features of Red Hat but due to its ease of use, I prefer Red Hat and I have voted for the same. Moreover I think installing softwares in Red Hat is easy like it is in Windows... so I like Red hat to others...


    about other features... I am still exploring....


    u can try also MEPIS Linux, installing software in that is very easy as in Rea Hat Linux but u have for u all the software that can be found for Debian (an huge resource :D ), but it is more light than Red Hat =)

  6. google it's the best search engine for my :D it's my first choice every time.me too hate the fhis fact for small word cut out from search but i solve the problem with "" most of time...i don't like the sponsored link in first pages ;) but i don't like other search engines so i prefer this sponsored links and i'll continue to use Google! :D

  7. I hav kinda the same problem. But my does it every time. I must wait about 3 min when the black screen appears. After that all go to normal and the login screen display.


    I have 9600 PRO and and ASUS A7V8X-X motherboard


    The only thing i tried is to uninstall all usb2-drivers. It helps but then i can't use my mp3-player. 5 gb. i takes to long time then.


    not every time, sometime, for example yesterday i've turned on my pc at 7 AM, at 15 PM i decided to reboot my pc, black screen....five minutes ago i did same thing and pc rebooted normally

  8. Firefox is already almost a barebones browser if you don't install any extensions.  Basically, you can just simply surf the web with it.  Its already a pretty well designed browser compared to others like IE and Opera and its probably the best choice in browsers so far.


    i'm agree, if u don't install any extensions it's the top :D but linux version is faster then his windows version :D

  9. about five years ago my school needed to renew the site, but the webmaster was fired so the site was unmainteined....and at that time i wasn't studying anything for school, so i tried to make a good site for my school, i searched for examples in internet, from other sites and i bought a book, then i started to make on a block notes the site map with the things that i had to put into the site :Dthen i started to make some web pages, and remake the same pages until the results was quite good =)

  10. I dun think Flash will EVER take over Java. Flash has it's pros and cons... So has Java. Java is something like "Pure code" and Flash has programmes for you to use where there is a "Feel and Do" Situation. Flash is for not that developed people to use. For experts, most turns to JAVA as the graphics created by JAVA can often be better than Flash. But then again, if you really are an expert in Flash, you can make things better than Java. So there is no point in saying Java takes over Flash or either way round. Both will certainly exist until one goes out of date or un-usable.


    i'm quite agree with u man!


    I dun think Flash will EVER take over Java :D


    but....i think java is very slow in his applications, for example when i start a online game as bridge on yahoo.com that use java technology...my computer start to run very slow and when i turn of it all return normal -.-


    it's only my thoughts =))

  11. Okay, I will show you for Windows, (I've never gotten Linux to host for me, so I won't give you bad directions) using a server called OmniSecure. Step by Step Directions will follow...

    Download the server!


    Make sure to pick the correct version for your operating system




    WINDOWS 95/98


    It will take a minute to download the file.

    Install the server.


    Run the file that you downloaded.


    Follow the Directions in the installer.




    The First screen that appears is the Welcome Screen.


    Read the message that is displayed for info on the program


    Click on Next to Continue


    The next screen that appears is the Select Installation Folder Screen.


    The top box displays the default directory for installation


    The bottom box displays the drives on your machine that you install the software to.


    If you wish to change the directory in which it installs the server to, then click on browse.


    in the window that appears, enter the directory that you would like the installer to install the program to.


    click on "ok".


    Click next to continue.


    The Next Screen that appears is the Confirmation screen


    On this screen, the program tells you that it is ready to install the program to the directory that you chose


    Simply press next to begin the installation


    The Installation wil begin


    Depending on the speed of your machine, this could take from a few seconds up to five minutes to complete


    The next screen that will appear is the Installation finished screen


    On this screen,  the installer will display a summary of the installation


    Click on close to exit


    Congratulatins, you have now installed a webserver.


    WINDOWS 95/98


    The First screen that appears is the Welcome Screen.


    Read the message that is displayed for info on the program


    Click on Next to Continue


    The next screen that appears is the Select Installation Folder Screen.


    The top box displays the default directory for installation


    The bottom box displays the drives on your machine that you install the software to.


    If you wish to change the directory in which it installs the server to, then click on browse.


    in the window that appears, enter the directory that you would like the installer to install the program to.


    click on "ok".


    Click next to continue.


    The Next Screen that appears is the Confirmation screen


    On this screen, the program tells you that it is ready to install the program to the directory that you chose


    Simply press next to begin the installation


    The Installation wil begin


    Depending on the speed of your machine, this could take from a few seconds up to five minutes to complete


    The next screen that will appear is the Installation finished screen


    On this screen,  the installer will display a summary of the installation


    Click on close to exit


    Congratulatins, you have now installed a webserver.

    Configure the webserver.


    Both Windows Platforms are the same from here on out.


    Locate the Omnisecure folder in your start menu.


    Click on the "OmniSecure 3.0 Administration" item.


    This brings up the Configuration screen.


    The configuration screen has the following items:


    Virtual Servers in this profile Box.


    Web Server Global Settings button.


    Default Virtual Settings button.


    Backup Configuration button.


    Restore configuration button.


    Double click on "localhost(defualt)" in the virtual server in this profile box.


    This brings up the server properties Dialog box.


    The only thing that you need to worry about is the following boxes, and what they need to be set to.


    Server Root - Set this to the folder that you have some internet files.


    Default Index - Index.htm


    Admin E-Mail - Set this to the E-Mail address that you want visitors to this site to cantact you at.


    Click on "Okay" button to close this Dialog Box.


    Click on "okay" button to close the configuration screen.


    Congratulations, you are now ready to move on to the next step.

    Prepping DNS (This step will varry depending as to wether you have a dynamic Ip from your ISP, or a Static IP.)


    Dynamic IP (IP Address changes each time you connect to the internet):


    The easiest way to do this is to download the No-ip Dynamic Update Client.


    go here and enter the required information to setup an account on thier DNS server.


    you willrecieve an e-mail at the address that you registered, find it and click on the activation link in the body of the e-mail.


    You will be taken to a site that will now let you login.


    Login and then click on add under the hosts colum on the right side of the page that you come to after loggin in.


    Input what you want to call your site in the tope text box.


    Select the subdomain that you want in the Second Text Box.


    Make sure that DNS Hots (A) radio button is selected.


    Check the box next to allow wildcards.


    Click on the create host button, and you are finish setting up your host.


    Once your account is setup and verified, then Click Here to download the Dynamic update client.


    Run the File that you just downloaded, and follow the on screen directions.


    When you run the installed program for the first time, it will ask for some information:


    Enter the E-mail address that you registered at No-ip in the E-mail Field.


    Enter the your account password that you setup at No-IP in the account password field.


    The Dynamic Update client will then connect to it's servers and get the list of host that you have setup, and it will constantly keep the client up to date with the server as to the ip of your computer.


    Static IP (Your ISP gives you the same IP everytime you connect to the internet)


    Go to the website of the registrar of your domain name


    Login, and find the modify DNS record link


    under the DNS server entry, enter your IP address and click submit.


    After 24-72 hours, your webaddress will resolve to your computer



    Tell people the address of your website, and you are hosting your own website from home.


    THX! i was searching for this some days ago but i have little time dfor search :D


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