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Posts posted by chaosx2x

  1. there is someone that know programming on runuo and ultima online? I was trying to make so that he could himself be created account through web but the script that I have for the game server (that he update the account stored in database and synchronize them with the database) gives an error to me: ( if someone is even than it helps me, it says to me that it does not find the data origin (i think the database that i specified) given that I have specified: ( perhaps mistake driver -. -

  2. I think that between all the several one browser that I have tried, mozilla firefox is the best one. reliability, semplicità of use, and one great variety of plug-ins. also in how much to reliability he is not indeed not bad, before the time that I have installed it has carried to me endured to a page where there was a connection in order to unload the bug fix... that to say microsoft sucks! :lol: P.S. sn found to me also with Netscape well but firefox remains always the best one:P

  3. sincerely, from always I have used hotmail even if I did not find myself very well with the service, then I have uncovered gmail and from then the service of hotmail to me the much most reliable one has become useless gmail is a service, with the possibility to apply filters and other that renders its I use simplest and above all it concurs to reduce the Spam are three months that I use gmail and I have not never found one mail of Spam. if also it became to payment task that I would pay gladly for having a service of this quality:P

  4. 1.how I can use the pages jsp on the space supplied from Xisto? the thing that + interest to me is like can use pages jsp (or also forum) with the space, like approaches tomcat in order putting us the files to the just place? 2.I have had of the problems to the PC and in order much time not being able to allow a new PC to me I have not been able to maintain mine package, as I can make in order to activate it of new? I must bring back my credits in positive and enough?as always i hope that my bad english don't affects the understanding of my thoughts

  5. The third episode of the series of Burnout has caught up levels of impressive realism. You can participate to race spericolate in order to try all the emotions of a adrenalinica guide, and to use the own car as an arm and makes you a name in the group of head clearing up you of yours avails again thanks to spectacular incidents. You can aim at the first place or more simply to placare your rolled up sheet silks. Seventy different models of vehicles, between which articulated trucks. With its sontuosa diagram, its modality multiplayer (between which Quick Linens, Battle Race, Road Rage and Party Crash that concur until 16 players taking to part to the competitions), hundred of tests shared on 40 circuits (against the 32 of the previous version), nine different modalities of game, Burnout 3 are the maximum for your consul. Personally I adore it, us I would play also all the day, sin that I must work:D

  6. If you like flight simulators, then you probably already know the Almighty LOCK-ON: Modern Air Combat. Because, in fact, it is one of the best sims on market today. Not only LO:MAC has one of the best graphig in a game (and, in a sim, graphic is very important), but the feeling of realism is heavy through the entire game, from weather to combat to simple roaming.The story is simple: a faction has invaded an area of the Black Sea, and you and you must fight back with "air-to-air" and "air-to-ground" mission. Period. Not much, but then again realistic somehow (showing some FMV isn't necessary for games like this).The graphic, as I said before, is incredible: every aircraft and ground veichle seems almost real, with an incredible number of details. Even weapons, such as missiles, are very realistic: if you look closely some air-to-ground, you can see the mini-camera inside the head!!! The ground, instead, is poorly designed. I mean, it IS quite good, but nothing like the rest! At least, water is good, very good. The cockpit is full of working details. You can look around using the mouse or, in latest update, the little pad on top of your joystick. You can virtually fly without looking out, with all the instruments in your plane.The sound is great. No music, but that's obvious: who listen to music during a mission, except for Tom "Maverick" Cruise... but if you wish, hey! turn on Winamp! The effects are realistic: from explosion to engines, it's like the real thing! Nothing much to say on sound: it is the least for every sim.Controls. If you use a keyboard and a mouse, shame on you! G0 PL4Y D00M3! Seriously... if you want a simulator, you MUST buy a Joystick,better with rudder. I own the X45 from Saitek, and it's quite impressive (but no freedback... ;_:P. With a joystick, you can unleash your firepower, fly around, chase enemy, do acrobatics... well, like the real thing! COntrols are quite responsive, even if sometimes you will feel a little delay (but I think it's simulated. I mean, you're not on a GameBoy...). After a little tweaking, you can be free from keyboard, assuming you own a joystick with at least 8 extra buttons.The gameplay, for those who like flight simulator and don't own a jet, is the next best thing! It's the more realistic, complex yet simple, complete flying system ever. The missions are simple but hard enough to keep even the aces on them a little. But, 'cause there is a "but", there are not too many missions. There is, it's true, an editor. And on the net you can surelly find a good amount of missions. But I want to review the game, so the durability of the game is not that high, assuming you only play the missions.One positive note is that every aircraft has its own set of mission.Overall, Lock-On is an incredible game. If you have a good computer, you can enjoy every single aspect of this game, at maximum level of graphic. As I said before: if you don't own an F-15, buy LO:MAC with a good joystick!Over and out!

  7. More space, pages load faster, send huge files, can be used as a drive and its google, why wouldnt you want it.


    i love gmail! he allow me to send to my other friend big mails, gmail don't have hotmail limits, it's faster, no spam in mail box...and it's simply fantastic!!!


    i think that it will become the better mail service on internet :P 1GB of space for your mail!!! WOW!!

  8. Very Great game!Graphics : excellent, the developer make the best from DreamcastGameplay: total, you can decide to make everything: u can play all day long without do anything else, u can work, gamble, fight into "street fights"...and many other things such as go to gamesroom (i hope that's the right word ) and play Outrun, Hang On or Space Harrier.if we want to find a weak point....we can find it on the protagonist: he's a steam-roller who think only to avenge his father and he don't realize how many women wants to f*ck with himI think the first Shemnue it's great....but the second..Shemnue 2 it's really a masterpiece!!i've tried Shemnue 2 for DC and it's fantastic...but i dunno how is it on X-BOX

  9. uhm...no i don't like baseball's game, i prefer soccer, or basket or golf games, but baseball is not for me :) but EA Sport mark tells me that game may be a good game, if i'll find a demo for Pc i download it and try out this game, (my Ultima Online Shard is down so i can try various games for now :()

  10. Who said 2D is dead? Konami surely don't, with it's Castlevania Symphony of the night. The game is a platform/rpg: you, as Alucard Von Tepes (the son of Dracula, half vampire, half human), must battle in Castlevania, the castle of your father, to find the last of the Belmont, the legendary Vampire Hunters. While you do that, you unlock your hidden vampire powers, find weapons and armour, gain control over magic, and raise levels. The controls are easy to master, as there's JUMP, and left and right hands attack (both of them can equip a different weapon).The map is huge. And when i say huge, i mean HUGE. There are many secrets to find, many powers well hidden, many endings. At least 10 hours to beat it, the first time, only to discover the tip of the iceberg. All in a PSX disk. Surelly, one of the best platform EVER on psx.

  11. for me SATA is better than EIDE, i've tried both drives and theperformance of my pc has been incremented very very much, but when i bought my SATA hard drive it was more expensive than an EIDE hard drive, it was newest technology and so it has a major price, but now the prizes aare quite the same, i Italy a SATA haard drive with 200GB of capacity cost me about 109€ and EIDE hard drive costs me about 90-100€ so i think it's better buy a SATA drive.i didn't any test as magazine's test (PC world etc..) but i've only installed my SATA disk and installed the os and all my programs, and i've seen that performance was better then an EIDE drive :)

  12. i think that there's a thing that differences PS2 from X-Box, PS2 is a gaming consolle, x-box it's a good attempt from microsoft to create a consolle but with the only result of have made a mini powerful PC: for me X-Box it's a PC not a game consolle but this is only my thought.i prefer ps2 'cause lot of my preferred game are for that platform :( but i like a game for x-box: dead or alive 3 :)

  13. Worl of WarcraftThough massively multiplayer online role-playing games have been around for years, it has taken this long for the genre's breakthrough hit to finally emerge. Here is the online role-playing game you should play, no matter who you are. This is because World of Warcraft brings out all the best aspects of this style of gaming, if not many of the best aspects of gaming in general. It also features many of the specific characteristics that have made Blizzard Entertainment's previous games so entertaining, memorable, long-lasting, and successful. Of course, the company's past track record did not guarantee that World of Warcraft could have turned out this well. Such high quality simply cannot be expected, nor should it be missed.uhm....in practice it's a great good game with an excellent graphics, i played it at my best friend's house and i've been impresed from this game, but i cant spend so much money for playing a game...:) but this new Blizzard title rocks, that game have been success also in italy, a srange thin for a massively multiplayer online role-playing game =))

  14. great game!!!! it's the first pc game that i've tried out!! when i was very young i spent a lot of my time on playing pacman, it captured my attention, for some people it can be seem as a stupid game, but for me it's a piece of video games history!!!i played also to Mrs. Pacman and other version of pacman but the version i like is that eith a spartan graphics e very basically sound, like bar's videogames.

  15. Halo is a great game. It has great graphics (ok, not like the well known graphic demo Doom3, but it sure runs smoothly on lower end systems), a good gameplay, tons of enemy, weapons, and one of the most complete environiment ever showed in a game. And in a world like this, there's variety in what you can do, too: you can go around shooting at everything, or jump on one of the veicles and go on a street rampage, killing everything that comes under your wheels. The story is good, but surely could have been more developed... But overall a great, great game.

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