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Everything posted by rgginc1405241480

  1. My opinon on Windows XP...I REALLY dont like it! I think they added too much things that wernt needed. The look of it is kind of ugly to. I like the older pcs better even though all of this new software requires XP. The security that is supposed to be so great really kind of sucks. I think I could crack a username in about 5 min. or less.Of coruse thats just my opinion... What do you all think??
  2. My top 5 pc program would have to be....1. Opera - One of the more faster browsers that I have seen around. Compared to IE (microsoft crap) its light speed. This program also has custom skins and a pop-up blocker that actually works!2. Frontpage 2000 - This is the only Microsoft program I have ever liked. Its a really good html editor that I use to correct things and add more to my website. The only thing I really dont like about this program is your host has to have frontpage extensions to use the navigation tools.3. Ulead PhotoImpact - This is a great photo editing program also used for websites. You can pretty much do anything to a picture. You can convert images to differnt file types and tons more.4. Yahoo Messenger - This is by far the best messenger in my opinion. I have tried most other messengers and they dont even have half the features that Yahoo Messenger has. The one thing I dont like is the time to install it depends on your internet connection.5. Amorphium Pro - This is a 3D modeling program that I use for alot of things. You can render anything from a still .bmp to an animated flash file. This is really good for website use.And those are my top 5
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