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Posts posted by kenjvalip

  1. Use the latest nero version of burning rom. And be sure the dvd drive is clean. There are instances that blank dvdrs are incompatible with the dvd drive. I also have a problem with that when I bought a generic blank dvdr with 4x speed. It seems that it would write but when it reaches 10% it fails. Then I would continue to write using the same disc and retry everything but this time it completes and says burned successfully. But the disc after burning can't be read. Try some other variety or brands of dvd discs, or if not it is hardware problem.

  2. Theory is something like a wild guess of how things and may actually appear. We need facts and actual findings as well as observation to prove that this matter is reliable. Theory just complicate the way the people should go, it is by any means a great factor on how people relate at things. We don't need theory we need facts. If you people have evolved from monkeys then why did your relatives remained monkeys or apes? Charles Darwin has his own religion so be careful on what you say, Religion: a set of beliefs concerned with explaining the origins and purposes of the universe. Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups. Darwinism believe of mother nature, so he has a belief. For him mother nature created everything, and if you are a believer of darwinism you an be able to do what ever you want and every sinful pleasure without conscience, so we would say you are an ape go ahead kill your group and smile but do it becuase it pleases you. That is your darwin, that is your firm belief darwinism. For anyone that believes in darwin should and always study him first. Because if you do believe in his theories, you are one with his religion and your creator if mother nature. Wake up this is not about christianity or non-belief it is plain fact. Apes are apes and humans humans, but who knows if you really came from apes, you might be a resulting experiment of ape and human gene combination, hehehe. Just study first something before you site and say "I believe this..."

  3. wav's are standard windows format sound file. It was included and bundled a long time ago since the release of the windows operating system. The release of mp3 was based on the mpeg and was discovered by fraunhofer. There are two types of mp3, the standard and the mp3pro. Wavs are really big files and mp3 is compressed audio. Encoded in pcm, acm, a/mu-law, dvi adpcm and windows adpcm. There are also vox audio iff, svx, aif, snd, format files, snd. The difference of standard mp3 and mp3pro is when you encode them at low bps the mp3pro can still preserve the quality of the mp3 and be restored when encoding at higher bitrates and hz. Mp3 can be high quality if you encode them at 320kbps, 48000 hz. The higher the quality the bigger the file. I suggest that mp3's are the best music file format you can find in the market today as because many companies are releasing mp3 players and the like...

  4. To consider security one has to be aware of the threaths and the attacks of a virus or virii. Some few tips before we get started, never accept certificates or automated installers from unknown web source or ip addresses, don't visit porn sites and other crack sites that contain malicious wares, always turn your firewall on, install anti-spyware products, use latest anti-virus programs, scan and maintain your pc regularly, now this has been an old thing:"scan diskettes that came from outside your home before using it". We now head to the combination of security, there are a number of anti-virus and anti-spyware programs out there and I will supply you with the most basic setup. First install norton anti-virus and update it, if you have mcaffee that's fine because some viruses are seen on norton some on mcaffee and vice versa. But the thing is you can't install them all at the same time so choose from the two or this one is time consuming, install the other one scan clean uninstall and the other one again. Next is you have to install spybot, and ad-aware. Combine these three and update it regularly as necessesary, also use windows 2000 and above anything below this is internet browser threath, hehehe. If you have winxp upgrade it to sp to and enable personal firewall. That's basic, now I can't guarantee you 100% as because new viruses come first before the cure. Just be a vigilant internet user, don't just surf unverified sites that contains spyware and malwares or exploits, if also some are data miner. Be careful.

  5. Talking about old school adventure games, I consider super mario as an adventure game, although not an rpg it is side scrolling adventure game. I could still remember the super mario 1 where you battle enemies in 8 worlds and 8 castles, those mushroom boys frequently tell you that the princess is in the other castle. And I played super mario 3 where you have a tail we call it "pidol" and you can fly, there are also secret places like crouching for 8sec on a white hill then you go past the backgroun instantly, hehehe, wala secret flute. Then There is this super mario 4 where you will ride yoshi and become super mario with a cape and fly like you never flied before hehehe and glide. I like the blue yoshi that flies always as long has he has a turtle shell in it's mouth. I have to land oftenly to spit the shell and eat it again to avoid blue yoshi swallowing it. I also liked adventure island, on adventure Island one you play as a young jungle boy that throws axe and rides skates and stuff. There are also secret places like hidden elevators and stuff like that. I also like adventure island 2 and three where you can already ride dinos and new weaponry. THere is also this vertical scrolling game called ice climber where you axe ice and climb up and that is the main goal. Well I liked those games, and the last but not the least, I could not forget this game because this is the first game where I knew that there are actually cheats on a game. It is contra I can never forget this " up up down down left right left right select start", hahaha very very funny 30 lives. Those are the good old games... When I go tired of new games I go back to the old games like mario 1, I have zsnes win version and got this game genie code, hehehe mario is not affected by enemies instead they become power ups, what I mean is no enemies all mushrooms and flowers they just appear to be enemy but when you stick at them you grow and have flower, but still die from a fall. I can do multiple jumps and never touch the floor as long as I keep on tapping the jump button. I just love those good old times...

  6. I frame tag is a good tag, which can include different location on a same page. It is also good to the eyes if you can integrate it and it will match the design of the parent frame. The big dis advantage of this is that this is not robot friendly, it is primitive, and not effective for corporate and high quality web development. This tag is a tag for a child. hehehe, well I use include function in either php or the webbot function. All works perfectly. Very nice...

  7. I like this game very much, it has many game functions and upgrade to the car. The only thing I never liked is in the ps2 version there is no dashboard display on the game. I guess it would have been a better game if that game has a dashboard. But still it is a great game. I have that game title but there are so many game titles that I want to play rather that nfsu2. BUt I would say it is a great game, nfsu games if you finish them has no extra games like the other game titles. I finished nfsu 1 and after that the career mode has been disabled, wow man it sucks.

  8. The first tekken title I played was tekken 3, that was on the year 1996 or 97, the first time I saw this ps1 game I was so amazed it was realistic (those times). It was the first 3d game engine that looked much better than virtua fighter 2 (arcade). The story was great and some unusual characters like fighting logs, bears, ogres and etc. the moment I had ps1 was on the year 1999 or 2000, I was so excited and played tekken 3. I finished the game unlocked all characters, and stories. But I wanted to know more about the story so I tried tekken 1 and 2. For no good luck I never liked both of them, graphics looked very primitive and no side steps, ow... In the mid 2000 tekken tag was released. I heard that there was a tekken tag release for the ps1, (there was no ps2 console yet in that time in our place), it was a limited edition. I was not able to grab a title because the stock got depleted. So I waited and waited... Then there was the release of tekken 4, the first time I saw tekken 4 was on the arcade. At first glimpse of the game, wow I couldn't believe arcades got this super hardware to render such smooth glassy and high res graphics... By that time ps2 was so popular. I was still a student those times. I saved my lunch money and purchased ps2. At last I bought ps2 and there is a special offer which gives you 20 game titles free for a purchase of a ps2 system. Luckily I was the one who got this offer so I chosed all the horror games available at that time and of course tekken 4. I also bought tekken tag tournament for ps2 which has good graphics but tekken got has more better graphics. Recently I was able to buy a tekken 5 game title for the ps2. I was so excited to play it when I reached home, uhmmm, there is this funny mini-game spaceship theme loading stuff. Hehehe I thougt that was the game. Then I saw the story, heihechi got killed ??? but when I played kazuya he survived. Jinpachi was introduced to the game, the grandfather of kazuya and father of heihachi. His moves are very insane... The graphics of tekken 5 sucked a bit because tekken 4 had more better graphics. I wonder why namco did it... To save space or something else. The game contains the tekken 1-3 arcade versions and the minigame with jin's story line. But I liked the gameplay, when the game starts namco removed the ability to move before the battle begins unlike tekken 4 that you could jump side step and other stuff. You need to tap up or down directional buttons to execute a walking continuous side step. The only thing that the graphics got better was the stages. The character skin looks very pale and like a paper drawn and sticked on a wooden figure. Hehehe well this looks crazy... Concluding I still liked the gameplay and became addicted just like before the other early game titles. There were many additions to the moveslist of each character. Jin can still perform the 5 hit combo and there are added features like 10-hit combination, (jin never got a 10-hit in tekken 4). I still have to unlock jinpachi and d. jin. If you are planning to purchase this game title go if you like the new moves and gameplay and if your in for graphic enhancements it won't impress you.

  9. I disagree gay marriage, because it is much more like taking drugs... It is a bad habit and you know people wanted to do everything that would make them happy whatever the cost maybe. This issue as to be studied, tested, cross examed, and simulated. But this processes may not be enough due to the randomness of the way things go. But if we think from a simple view it really has no good effect or advantages. It invites unnaturalism towards the human are built to be. Humans never existed to stay in a minimum number, can both sexes reproduce? It is against human nature, and the effects can be devastating. It is okay to be gay but is it okay to marry? It is like a banner showing to the next generation, try this you'll like this. You see it's much more like taking drugs, you know it can never have good effects but it feels so good. Gay marriage is more like fencing, you never got what normal marriage feels and never enjoy your gender. If you want to build gay community please don't display it to the next generation it deminishes the quality of life the future generation will experience. It is good to have relationship, but marriage? What is the definition of marriage? Union of man and woman. Let's not term it as marriage let's use forbidden relationship. What will you trust? your mind or your comfort zone?

  10. Life is some action, motion. Life is something that moves and goes from one place to another. We see the definition of life is something that is in motion or is dynamic. If we would know what would our lives mean or what does life simply mean? We can conclude our own ideas based on experience, learning, belief etc... You could search for the meaning of life all your life but you still won't find it. The answer is on your heart... DO you feel it? Do you see it? Who are you to rely on, yourself or Someone? What are your motivations for continuing to breathe.

  11. THat is a good thing, it was very nice. Nintendo was one of the most exciting games I had when I was a kid. From retro games to something great. The helping stuff they got with sony, it ain't bad... At least game consoles were developed even under this heavy circumstances. The one thing I don't like about nintendo consoles is that it runs on an ac/dc adaptor. I forgot the adaptor of the gamecube and puff, broken. And the worst thing is no-one could fix it and no stock being sold here. Isn't it ugly??? Unlike sony that is direct power 220v and 110v. But at least all things that they did worked together for good.

  12. How to stop gambling? Gambling is a form of vice, vice is a habit that is hard to quit. When you do it in a long time it is really hard to remove especially if you got good memories at it that make you feel good and excited. There is a way out of there, if you stop immediately it would hurt you so much you end up going back to the same habit. When you want to stop don't stop instantly, do it in a decreasing manner. This is a different way in treating vices, this is an action that has been accumulated through frequent application. It has become your lifestyle, if you plan to stop, first think of a great plan to divert your attention or be excited to something more productive. Your excitement is based on your personality. There are billions of productive hobbies in this planet you will not be able to miss them all. Also use your mind to think positive things like, "when I quit this thing I will be a better person, I will be a proud one". Choose you friends and interests, if you are just influenced it is much harder to quit because you might hurt your friends when you go away. Just think of yourself and how better you could be when you do something great. When you quit this vice it is not you that will be the only beneficiary of your action. Even the people that are close to you. If you are still dependent to parents you can save thier effort building that kind of money just to be gambled. And if you are an independent person, you could spend more money to buy foods, educational stuffs, or productive activities. And think of the value you can put in your money if you will save it. When you gamble there is roughly 10% of you winning depending on the rules of the game. It's all in the mind, train your mind. Psychology is the answer.

  13. I was not able to play this game title yet but I can see all the game way and feel. My big brother plays it always and finished it in a day. Samanosuke was the main charater of the game. I have only seen onimusha 3 and it is cool. Genma forces were able to time travel and reach the future. So as Samanosuke, and the man from the future named jacues switched to the past. I was so amazed that his son can communicate him from the future using psychic. Very astonishing game worth the buy. Dynasty type of game with super human powers. I will play this but I should grab the early game titles before I play, like onimusha 1 and 2. Going directly to 3 would spoil the fun right?

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