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Kyle Perkins

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Posts posted by Kyle Perkins

  1. I agree with you that people should devote most of their attention to their family, but to play the devil's advocate here, I think that technology is necessary, and deserves quite a bit of attention. Think about it: a society is truly advanced when people stop farming for themselves, and rely on others to produce goods for them, so they can devote themselves to advancements in scienc, medicine, architecture, etc. Also, I think there's a point in every society where they become so large that they reach a cusp, and must either die out or exploit the resources they find outide their area (this can work for people living in a small town, a country, or a planet. If we ignore technological advancements completely, we will just fade away, and wear out our planet in the process.-Kyle

  2. In case you think antimatter only exists in Star Trek, here's some information I found out about how factual it really is. This information comes from the Swiss research group called CERN."In 1995 a team of German and Italian physicists (experiment PS210) succeeded for the first time in building up nine atoms of "antihydrogen": while in normal hydrogen an electron orbitates around a proton, in such antiatoms a positron was made to orbit around an antiproton. The result was confirmed, by the end of 1996, by a team at Fermilab. Experiment E862, using antiprotons extracted directly from the Tevatron Antiproton Accumulator, detected several antihydrogen atoms."Supposedly, a drop of antimatter would power New York City for a week, with no radiation or side effects. The only problem: if antimatter touches matter, even air, it reacts violently and explodes, literally vaporizing all matter within a certain blast radius. Therefore, it must be kept in a magnetically charged vacuum, so that the antimatter particle remains "floating." What do you think about this controversial achievement?-Kyle

  3. Has anyone ever heard of the book Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown? It's about antimatter, another clean energy source, like fusion. It's not just science fiction though, it's science fact. A research facility (the name escapes me) in Switzerland succeeded in creating antimatter by hitting two particles together at extremely high velocity in a giant particle accelerator. The resulting collision creates a mini big bang (yes, as in the big bang theory), and produces both matter and antimatter out of nothing (yes, it goes against the theory of conservation of matter). It's pretty cool stuff.-Kyle

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