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Posts posted by silverkirfsco

  1. this game is a great game for the dreamcast. when it first came out, the graphics were unbalievable. it had a good story and had a very detailed city that the game took place in.a lot of people didnt like it because they felt it involved too much talking and going from point a to point b. there were some fighting parts in the game, and there were also a good amount of side quests.

  2. well they are both good and each have there advantages.the ds is a neat idea. duel screens could certainly be useful for some games. it also has mario which runs very well on handheld consoles.the psp is obviously a lot more powerful and has better graphics. it also has the analog controller which could be very useful for racing games. however, the psp costs more.

  3. I definitely think half life 2 was a great game. I think the story was coolor in Half Life 1 though.Half life 2 had some pretty emmersive levels though and some pretty fun sequences. There actually was a boss battle at the end. Perhaps it wasnt a moving enemy, but shooting the thing Dr. Breen was in was kind of like the boss battle. As far as the ending goes, it would have been nice to get more information about the story, but at least it leaves room for half life 3

  4. the avarage monitor size is probably about 17 inches. 17 inches is fine for pretty much anything. there are different types of monitors to consider such as crt or lcd.lcd is a good space safer but they have slower response times than crt.

  5. hi i just got my starter package, and succesfully uploaded a 3mb .avi video.how can i create a url for the video so i can post i direct link to the video that people can click on. so when they click on the link, it brings up windows media player or whatever. (i dont want to give them any access to my site, just allow people in forums to have a direct link to a video)thanks a lot!

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