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Posts posted by hihihihi88

  1. Hmm, for me, I usually use Photoshop CS for editing my photos. I put up a tutorial about editing photos in the tutorial section, and what I wrote in the tutorial is actually what I usually do to my photos.


    For me, I like to think it's more of photography skills than actual editing. True, editing can get you a good picture when you've gotten a not-so-good one, but I think what I'm trying to aim for are pictures that turn out great when I take them, without having to blur stuff or change exposure and colour saturation and stuff.


    Haha when I get to that level I can dump colour film and start shooting medium formats and slides. But that's if I ever get there. Currently I still need to change the colour settings for the photos, and do some dust and scratch control.


    Oh yeah a good camera and lens helps. This one was taken at 50mm at like f1.7 which explains the lovely lack of depth-of-field and blurred background.


    I also using Photoshop CS now , I have the Panasonic FZ-20 DC , also , I have the film carmaer . I have the film scanner in my office .


    I post my photo here and give me opinion plz


    Thank you very much ~~~!

  2. Good method - but instead of designing multiple copies of the same page - it'll be more efficient if you use style-sheets.  For say 3 different browsers, make 3 stylesheets and use php to make the same page load a different style-sheet in each case depending on the browser. It works !! :)



    it is a good solution , I also facing this problem of my website ..>.<

    now I try to slove it .

  3. yeahthank you very much ~~~!!!I think first I will make the cloud give moving and then the rocket boost up faster .For making this banner I am using a programme named "ainGIF" somthing like that , I am not clear the name is right or wrong . But I will make it again using Flash now . Using Flash can make a smooth animation and easy control the backgroud (the cloud).For the finial I will put it in it .^^

  4. Umm .. ye I always use flash and I love it... U can read tutorial for action scripts it'll help u alot.. its easy to understand.. I'll suggest http://www.actionscript.org/resources/categories/Tutorials/    here u can find all kind of level of tutorials


    That's great .

    I am also want to learn action script .

    I am now making a flash game. It is very useful for me . Thank you very much ^^

  5. I have the both film and digital cameras . I am agree with OpaQue . In my opinion , not only the professional photographer perfer film camera but also the phototaking lover . As I have the both film and digital cameras , I always using my film camera the reason same as OpaQue talked .Why I bought a digital cameras ? Because I think I can use it in snap shot .I think the digital cameras during the developing period . In that time digital camera cannot instead of film camera . ( specially the cost ^^ )In the problem of storage , buy a film scanner is high but I am doing design work so I can scan it in my office :D

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