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Silent Shadow1405241477

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Everything posted by Silent Shadow1405241477

  1. I have played Runescape before, and actually I just started playing again yesterday. The graphics could use quite a bit of work, but the place is pretty big. If they worked on the graphics and made getting around a little better, I would definatley play more.
  2. Thanks for the great list ya'll! I love RPGs, but it's getting harder everyday to find good ones. RAGNAROK looks awesome, too bad that you have to pay to play.. Anyway, thanks again for all the links.
  3. Thank you so much for this list! I love to play MMORPGs, and I find it quite hard sometimes to find free MMORPGs. The newest game I have started playing is called Rubies of Eventide, but I don't remember the website..It's quite fun but I always have major LAG and it always takes at least an hour (usually more) to actually get on. I played Thang Global for a while, but I had a hard time moving around I don't know if it was just me, but after Iplaed a few times I quit. Thanks again for the list! I greatly appreciate it.
  4. Personally, I have always prefered the darker colors. I like black the most, or a dark blue or purple. I also tend to like silver, not too bright. I really dislike the 'professional' style. If it's on websites other than my own then I don't mind, but I am not the serious, professional type and in my eyes it always looks to..ehm 'old' for my own website. I think a white background might be okay if you put a cool design on it.
  5. Aww..I want a tablet so bad! My mom said she was going to get one for me for Christmas but she coudn't find any.. Now I have to wait until my birthday. My friend has had his tablet for about a year and he's always telling me how much easier it is. I just want to kick him over and take his. Lol, just kidding. Anyway, his is a Wacom and he really likes it. So hopefully after my birthday, I can come on here and brag about my tablet.
  6. I prefer to drink Pepsi. Mainly because thats the only pop that ever seems to be in the house, so that's all I drink. Now I am used to it so much, that I can't stand Coke's taste.
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