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Posts posted by Dementour

  1. Many of you wouldnt know about this game, I wont be surprised as it wasnt that popular but yet was better than many action adventure games I have ever played. My mother bought it for me, I think it was saying congrads or something for how well I did in my exams... Cant remember though. But anyway, this game is amazing. Its spawned on four discs, each disc contains a different environment and continues with the cinematic-style storyline. However each disc only goes on for about 30 minutes, not even that if you complete the puzzles quickly. The reason why it needs four discs is because they managed to create Playstation 2-style graphics for a console that Sony claimed was 'impossible' to do. But they managed to do it with FX Technology. But of course the PS2 console has come out so why would we need Fear Effect for? Well, because it has the most original and immersive storyline ever! Go look it up in reviews online and I bet they will rank it near enough to the top. This is a must, so if you still have your old PS console or the PS2 then go and buy this game, as it probably wont cost much by now. The only downside I can think of is the puzzles are ridiculously hard

  2. Never took much interest in the Final Fantasy games. I remember FF7 for the Playstation, I really tried my best to get into that but I just couldnt. The storyline was really good to follow, but I didnt even finish the first disc before I decided I had enough. The graphics were superb which I notice has been the same from the others as well, but i didnt like it that I had to read the conversations Cloud has with everyone which happens very frequent in the game. I heard some great things about FFX and FFX-2 my friend is trying to get me playing them saying their alot different to what they were for the Playstation but I dont think I can since theres alot of other games I would want to play more

  3. Yes! Like I said in my Need for Speed post, I dont like driving games. I find their all the same, just go around a track three times collecting time from each checkpoint, when you come first it says congrads and then game over. Pretty pointless in my opinion. But Breakout 3 isnt like a normal driving game and really pushes the boundaries to a whole new level. The graphics are nothing short than amazing and... Well thats basically it! If it wasnt for the superb graphics this game wouldnt have been very successful as that is what makes the crashes great and fun to do on purpose. I also love going into slow motion as well.

  4. I think its alright, Im not really into my driving games as much in the gaming world, but there are one or two that I could actually sit down and enjoy. My girlfriend has this game, she forced me to sit down and play it. I was better than I expected and I could see better than she expected as well lol. The graphics are amazing, and is cool that you can kit up your car after winning alot of money, and have it sponsored in magazines. It has little FMV sequences which a woman talks to you, you will always remain silent though, the FMV sequences are impressive but pointless. Also the tracks arent anything spectacular. Their basically the same. Dont expect any variation.

  5. I played a demo I had with a Playstation 2 magazine and it was something different than I played in the Star Wars series. In fact I thought it was good enough to buy, even though I havent yet, still waiting for it to go down in price at preowned game stores. I played the level in the forest, you can choose from the good side and the evil side. You can also ride those vehicles they do in the woods in Return of the Jedi. Pretty cool stuff

  6. The Medal of Honour games are amazing. I remember the original game for the Playstation. One of the few First Person games that I wanted to play over and over and still not get bored.The sequel Medal of Honour Underground was pretty good as well but I much prefer the original to this.Medal of Honour Frontline is the best out of the series so far! The sound effects are absolutely stunning especially if your television has Dolby Surround sound! If you read reviews for this game you would find its hailed for its first level; D-Day :) Medal of Honour Rising Sun was a good game, not as good as Frontline but comes in second especially for the Pearl Harbour levels. Dont listen to the criticism towards this game, if your a MOH hardcore fan then you will enjoy this.

  7. Spiderman 2 is much better than Spiderman, even though I love the both movies. The action sequences are better and more of, if a little over-the-top but hey its a action movie. The special effects is amazing, the original had portions that you could tell was computer generated, but the sequel was all done making it look very believable. And of course the villain has more style than the Green Goblin. I really cant wait for the third movie, I dont know how their going to do it as it seems they filled the missing pieces and didnt leave us with anymore missing :) oh well guess we'll wait and see

  8. I take it you been waiting for Resident Evil Apocalypse. So have I, even though I hated the original. I finally got to see the sequel and thought it was alright, better than the first but I think thats because I knew what to expect and didnt have high hopes of it being like the game. The nemises is really good, I love the way they did him, the only thing is they have it fighting Jill which ends up being a action sequence that makes him laughable rather than scary. The special effects is a huge improvement than the B-movie-style original

  9. I thought it was really good. Just what I would expect from Freddy and Jason hehe the storyline worked out nicely as well. I would say its more of a black horror/comedy and even though has some nice action sequences between the two villains it also has some juicy scare tactics and some amazing death scenes. Look at the extras on the DVD and you will be surprised how much effort went into the special effects.

  10. my girlfriend is obsessed with that movie! we saw it last Saturday, only because she loves firemen :) lol I didnt mind the movie but I could see she was loving Joaquin Phoenix more than the film. I thought it was clever the way they did it, and the ending was actually surprising... and sad. I would say I wouldnt watch it again but knowing my girlfriend we probably will :P

  11. It was a good movie but not what I was expecting. It should of been made by a different director, the storyline was alright but the scenes were more action giving eye candy rather than suspense and terror. Freddy vs Jason worked perfectly in my opinion but thats because the two horror icons have been in corny joke-filled series. With the Alien and Predator movies their treated more seriously, so it doesnt go right with AVP.I might buy it on DVD preowned for a few pounds, but thats only because the special effects were good, on the aliens especially. But if your after a horror film then this is definitely not for you. The characters you dont get to know well enough before they die to care for or even remember who they are. The jokes are pretty funny but are delivered more than they should. The violence is not too bad, but dont expect gory action that will make you cringe. If you didnt like Resident Evil, made by the same director, then dont watch this as it basically has the same methods.

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