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Everything posted by tattoopunk

  1. Skatebording, Dirt Jumping (MTB) and Freestyle walking
  2. Ah this is a classic...I believe that PC should be used for most of the computers for two main reasons. They're cheaper to purchass and maintain, and most people know their way around them. I do believe though that macks should be used in every art department acrost the nation. That is what they are designed and optomized for. Graphics=Mac's Everything else=PC's
  3. If you go to the website review section, then to my post, you will get a discription and a link.
  4. Woah! Amazing, I hope it dosen't end up like the latest C&C where the graphics are really the only improvement, that would be such a shame.
  5. Here's some photos of tribal designs I like for my border. What do you think?
  6. Heres some more to add to your list if you like punk/ska/alt...The Phenomanaughts (think its spelt correctly)The Secretions (My girl friends friends band, he's also in another band, an indy pro wrestler, and yes a elementary school teacher)The Groovie GhouliesThe Planet SmashersGWAR (had to include them just for their crazy insainness! There more of a metal band than alternative)
  7. Amazing isnt it. The only times they have been seen is upon washing up on shore. I can't wait for the day we get to see some actual footage of one of these wonderous creatures skirting through the depth os the ocean. I assume that they must move amazingly fast underwater if they move like a regular squid. they are so amazing, i would die to see one in its natural habitat. Sadly, you know the second we find one, its going to go into captivity right next to Shamu at sea world. So amazing man, thanks for starting this topic, I never would have thought to.
  8. Along that same line, any idea why I can't find the site on any browsers like google? Even if i enter the sites name.
  9. I could also use some type of nice border for the forum, and i,m working on a high transparance tribal background. What do you think i should do about the border? Tribal, or nige 3D-ish one?
  10. only one question, whats keyword spamming?
  11. Definatly the red one, its cleaner and has a better pop to it. The other is nice, but the red is much improved. Very nice work.p.s. it makes me want a coke, i don't know why. Keep up the great work.
  12. I think all that you hve to do is stay active on the forum. Just be helpful and your account stays open. It's pretty easy once you get going, you'll have 10 points in no time. Remember, just stay active. And welcome to the site!
  13. proper term is anime not manga animation, manga is a comic stlye book as well as a compant that produces anime, at least you didnt say japanimation. I used to love the series and game, then came magic the gathering, then dungeons and dragons, not i'm hooked on white wolf's role playing series world of darkness.
  14. Was this directed towards my last post? If so what television have to do with my friend? They are in a dangerous enviroment, and they don't have anyway to go about telling their family safely.
  15. I'm having a really hard time coming up with even the most basic of main pages, any help would be great. Thanks
  16. The album is a few years old isn't it? I thought it came out in like 2003 or 2004.
  17. The clock on my forum is off by +5 hours. Everything is configured for my time zone, but it still shous up as GMT. What can I do to fix this?
  18. What do you think of my forum? It's not much, but I just want some input. Also, I don't know what board style to work from. Please feel free to post there and here. And thanks to all the posters and administrators who helped me get this site. Any ideas on a site to support the forum would be great, I'm somewhat stuck right now. I would like to include a gallery, but that will mean upgrading, mabe to an upgrade here or by actually purchasing a domain. What do you think? GO HERE: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. google it? That always works pretty well.
  20. Because, wonder and a search for meaning is part of many peoples lives, and thus is part of their own meaning of life.
  21. I must agree with MTF here, but there is no real way for us to say, when I was X years old I didn't know the difference. Its really the old nature vs. nurture delima, would you turn out the same way if you were raised differently? For a personal example, my best friend from higschool is gay. They were raised in a very harsh inviroment,m one where their sexuality would be a real threat to their wellbeing, yet they still are gay. Does this prove or disprove the theory that enviroment effects how you turn out? I don't know, but i think that the enviroment only lead to their keeping this a secret from their family, even now after about 4 years of knowing.
  22. Vagrant story was amazing, trying to find a copy but with no luck, if somewhere knows where i can buy or otherwise obtain a copy let me know. same with chrono trigger.
  23. Lets ignore genetics and upbringing and all that other rubbish, all we need to reconise it that this operson loves this person and thus they should be allowed to expresse it to the world through marrige. Personally I feel that the greatest thing about being in love is intamacy. If two guys or two girls love each other, i feel that is is our job to tay out of their own private buisness. Why is it theat the media and politics are so concerned with how people love? Why do people hide behinde some 2000 year old story book (no offence intended here it is just my belief or lack there of) when things get to different? Also merrige is not all about a religious bond, it is about the stattus as well as the benifits that a married couple recvieve on taxes, health care, etc. I for one am proud to live in the great state of Mass. where gay and lesbian marriages are LEGAL. Were talking full fledged marrage, not some crappy civil union that holds little meaning. I just hope oneday people can forget about these little differences, and it really is a little difference, its not like homosexuals are a differend breed, they are humans too and deserve all the same privliges and rights that everyone else has.
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