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Posts posted by Ryan1405241476

  1. This by far is probably the most controversial topic in US politics today.


    The only valid reason President Bush had to invade Iraq was because he suspected "weapons of mass desctruction". There has been to signs of these weapons since the war started.


    Way to many lives have been lost and the US is losing lots of money it could have spend elsewhere.


    I believe once the US Army pulls out of Iraq, it will be no different from before other than the change of government. What was wrong with the government? How did Bush thing he could get his country to solve their problems, if they even had any.


    I agree Saddam Hussein was a bad leader of the country. There was no democracy in Iraq.


    Its been a few years since the "War on Terror" started. No one has gained anything, there are still bombs going off, people dieing everyday.


    I don't see how Bush can defend this war day in and day out.


    The only thing I'm confused about is how Bush got reelected. With everyone against him, he still manages to pull ahead of John Kerry, who was prefectly capable of leading his country and would most likely have pulled his troops out of Iraq now.


    Whats next? An invasion of another country?


    intellegienc e said their was, even democrats though their were, if we didn't take action, saddam would still be in power, their would not be upcomming elections, and we could have a nother terroist attck by saddam loosing even more civilian lives than military life fighting their, we could just as easily be fighting this war if bush didn't act, just own own soil.


    and i don't even think kerry knew his position on some thing, he was always flip-flopping, it was so obvious one day he would be oppsed to something, later that day he said he favored it. plus plesope don't like changing commander-in-chief durring war, and thats not why bush went to war eaither.

  2. netsend works for me, lol, I just write the command in the command promptnet send (user/computer/ect) (my message)the bad thing about it is it can be used to send messages to people who don't want to be bothered, otherr ones like the one built into windows you both have to have the program up and they have to "pck-up" and accept the chat session with you so it depends on what you want to do, but I ffind net send quick and easy, at least for short quick message to someone.

  3. I have to agree compleatly and fully with bush and the war on iraq, if we didn't go in their is the possiblity where we would still be fighting this war, just at home, people don't think about that, pre emptive action is a great tool when used wisley as bush did, even kerry thought at first their were WMD's in iraq, thats what the intellegeince report sayed, nobody said it was 100% accurate but its not worth the risk if you are asking me.

  4. I have to say windows all the way, i am a big windows fan if you couldn't tell, LOL, i use visual basic .net for my programming, it and the .net framare brillient, I really haven't tried to develop anything on any other OS but y waste money on another operating system and ccomplier when i got a working set already.plus visual basic .net is great for a beginning programmer if you ask me, i should look up some c++ tutorials though and learn it to.

  5. Out of curiosty, have you used any non-windows OS's for any extended length of time?


    i have an old mac laptop that I have used thats about it though, I wouldn't wate money to buy another os when windows xp works just fine, beside from what i hear about other os's like mac and linix are that they aren't as good as the public seems to think, but xp on the otherhand i know for sure is.

  6. Firefox all the way, I wouldn't use anything else, at least not ie, ie is the one microsoft program that sucks, badley at that. Plus firefox has many diffrent extensions you can install like the ad blocker and even a proxy toolbar, and a lot more too. ie has none of that, plus it's buggy, the only time i use ie is at school sicne thats the only browser instelled on the computers.

  7. I don't see why people don't like SP2 I don't see what is so bad about it, it just fixes security holes and adds features. It includes an enhanced firewall which i run, in addition to the networks hardware firewall just for added security. I would really like to know what it is that makes people not like it.

  8. Te sad thing is you would think this would be common sense, but its not, another ting is how everything is sposed to have a diffrent password, but maybe if you are paranoid and can rememebr them all and what they goto, lol, the adverge american person has 4 diffrent password which i think is enough, thats all I use but and one is really stong, a have a couple of short, simple ones for things that 1 i don't care much for security of and 2 i want a short password because i use it all the time, ie my im client uses one of these but even still someone would have to know me pretty well to guess it and my forurth one is like in between for things that need a bit more protection.

  9. not only are they overrated but they charge too much, they would probably say its because of all the features you get with them and not say netzero which is half the price, if i abosolutly had to have dial-up to have internet access, i would not use AOL thats for sure. But I have DSL and I wouldn't go back to dial-up unless i couldn't get faster internet, except maybe if i could get dial-up or say direcway which is overly expensive is only like 500Kbps and my DSL is 256Kbsp and direcway is over twice as much as me DSL but it isn't even twice as fast.

  10. php is server side code, it generate the html code to display the page, viewing the source wounldn't show say db information, example, just view this pages source, you don't see the php coding, just html code to display this. If you are talking about protecting php code that you distribute their are encoders yo can use, the downsite to using such encoders is the server must have software installed to read the encoded php files.

  11. 1TB of storgae :) that must take up alot of servers with alot of hard drives, who would use all of that, I cannot even use my GB from gmail. 1 GB is beginning to become overkill but over 1 GB that just is overkill. I would think gmail would be past the beta or at least be to a public beta so you won't need an invite to it. Gmail is kina nice this way though, it seems more elite in that you have to be invited to it by a member, if they have invitations.

  12. Forums like this are good and I use addme.com to add me to like 30 diffrent search engines fro free, perhaps you should also find sites that are sumular enough to were people who go their might be interested in your site and see if the owner will be an afflite so you link to eachother and register and be active in forums around the internet, add your url to your profile and in youur signature.

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