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Posts posted by Ryan1405241476

  1. The answer is no, a site with that kind of name/content will attract hackers. Even if you don't have that intention they would be trying to see if they can. And in order to hack your website they would hack the server that everyone is hosted on. Anytime you setup a server like that it has to be dedicated or you will trash other users data also.




    they do not hack the sever, they manipulate php scripts and figure out passwords, they never gain accceess to the server, the challenges are simulated script manipulation or cracking passwords from diffrent types of protection, i do plan on having some challenge to break into an actual server but thats will only be if someone will donate a dedicated server for a couple of days when i want to have that challenge, they DO NOT gain access to the server the site is hosted on, the Xisto server.

  2. Ok i want to start a new site but it gets kinaaod fuzzy near the illegal/hacking part, is's more something like hackthissite.org but it won't damage the server in anyway unless you fail to properly secure it, but that might happen anyway, they won't hack the site persay, thats just the name, they have simulations of finding out password using diffrent methods, manipulating scripts, they will never gain anything like ftp access and i personally concieter it more computer security but want to check first.

  3. For those complaining about price, go get a mac mini.  Including the cost of software it costs about the same as any random computer, but it looks nicer, isn't loud, and you don't have to worry/deal with malware.


    The weakness I see in the mac lineup is the step up from the mini.  It is a huge jump to the imac.  That, and there low end powermac's are overpriced.


    I want a mini-mac, for only $500 thats a good deal, and whats really cool is you can open the case yourself and not void the warrenty so i can upgrade the ram and the hardrive myself without voiding the warrenty, anybody want to loan me $500 at say oh -100% intrest, in other word i don't even have to pay you back the $500, lol. I willl get one to try out when I can get $500, the only thing i really don't like about macs is they are too expensive, until the mini-mac that is, but I cannot even afford that, just my luck!

  4. 1Gb is overkill, the adverage person probably dosen't save every message and even if they did most non-spam messages are small little 2KB each messages. 1GB or more is just a marketing ploy, people thinks thats so great but nobody keeps near that amout saved, most read and delete. and by using that lrge amout they attract more customers, so naturally people want to advertise their and they get big money and most accounts they host get no where near that amount of mail, the only way i cou;d see one mail box getting all that mail is if you do what they did on what is now G4techTv's The Screen Savers, they got a gmail invite and created the account fillmyinbox@gmail.com, they then advertised on natinal tv for people to email them and fill it up, actaully you might get more faster if they didn't know you wanted it cause that would attrct spammers, then just turn off spam filtering and that would be the only other way to fill it, anyway 1GB is more than enough, though gmail is cool, i like it, I have an account, not because of the size really but the features and its a little more exclusive at this poin since you need an invite.

  5. I agree I wouldn't bother with it, somethings are hard to pursue, if tyou mean this for a small internal search engine for a website, i am pretty sure their are ones that exist pre-made or you can use google search, as long as google has added you to their engine. other search engines like yahoo and whatnot may also give you that ability like google. :)

  6. I didn't tell you this but their are programs that connect though porxies that may work, like i belive one is callled yourfreedom. Try a google search on that, then the only problem is installing it on the school computer i don't know if it needs to make registry changes cause if not you should be able to copy the program to a cd and run it from the cd. But remember you didn't hear this from me.

  7. i have never encountered such a program i use 2003 ae myself, you could always try to copy all the code and start a new project or solution but the when you paste in the new code it might cause the same problme, if it does all I can think of it get your hands on 2005 and convert your project. what is wierd is that i edit that code sometimes and never had this problem, the only think i can see as a cuase is if you messed up the code, but you says its an old well-know bug, i've never heard of it or had that problem when editing that region, i wounder if you remove the region tage if that helps? thats somethign else you could try cause the problem could be related to how the region tag is.

  8. i use ryan.com lol their is actaully such a site with a web search on it, lol, actually i like websearch.com since it searched multipule engines at once and displayes the results from all, it dosen't search google, probablt cause they didn't get permission to do so which i believe they would need, but a fundemental problem with google is its ran by spiders, so often i seem to get irrelevant results, with yahoo, one engine whose results are on websearch.com its ran bu humans and i find i get more relevant results.

  9. thanks for the advice  :P but as the forums arn't going to be the main feature of the site i think i'll just stick with phpBB. It suits me fine. And Nils which image do you mean? i don't see it? which browser are you using?




    ok suit yourself, but if you decide to at least look at SMF a demo i just found is avalible at support.simplemachines.org/demo
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