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  1. Yes, try Jigloo; I've tried VE and I'm not satisfied at all; the generated code is ugly, and if you try to put your hands on the generated code your WYSIWYG editor is broken your CPU runns up to 100% until eclipse complains about an OutOfMemoryError But don't forget: If you want to create a complex gui which performs well and does not leak your memory forget about editors, consume some books and get your hands dirty with the editor Cheers JDrive
  2. Well, I dont know any free e-book that really covers SWING; all free available e-books cover the basics of SWING; but to have full reference you should consume (ebook - PDF - Java) Manning - Java Swing with Samples.pdf or Java Swing from O'Reilly. Also, if SWT is not possible, you should consider to use FORM-Layout instead of the standard layouts, it's free and can be found here. Cheers.... JDrive
  3. Hehe slow down dudes; i dont like M$, but i know that in big companies it's a long way to buy an external tool; so many developers that *know* that the company will buy a license use cracks so they can use the tools months before the company has the license. Imagine: "Good news! Yes, we will buy the license for the tool which will help you to solve your perfomance problem! The licenses will be available in about three months!"What would you do as developper? Rollout is in one month... Right, astalavista baby... :)I think the same happened here, they just forgot to apply the real license. That shows to me that M$ does not "steel" other programs, they always bought other programs/ideas and made a good marketing with it, but they have a poor quality management;Cheers...JDrive
  4. Hi all;I'm working in the J2EE environment and I have a question that borders me all the time; discussions with co-workers are endless and I want to know how you think about it:Whenever you do a MVC-Based J2ee applicaton in 99% it looks like this:You have a Client UI (Web, FatClient, whatever...), you have some EJB's and a Database; Let's take - oh what surprise - an E-Bank application; now the Business Logic fits into the EJB, so when a client deposits 100 Bucks the EJB reads the actual amount and add's 100 bucks to it and updates the database... Ups! I feel wrong here; What happends in a clustered environment with concurrent requests on the same account? What happends if in 5 years, if EJB's do not exists anymore? I would prefer that the business logic (what happends to an account if 100 bucks are deposited) is defined IN PROCEDURES ON THE DATABASE. ok, it still could be the EJB that invokes the procedure, but now the EJB does not know about the business logic; also, I think creating a JDBC - connection to a database is bad, the technology is slow and the approach to directly access datatables from a java program is dangerous;In our project we use TopLink as O/R mapper;A mapping from our Business Objects in Database tables ends in long long (Toplinkgenerated) statements that block datas for too long.The end of the story: you change your Business objects, now they look like data-tables and not anymore like OO-Design.Also the clustering brings many problems: TopLink caches the objects to gain performance: but in a clustered environment you waste much power to synchronize the nodes-caches; The end of the story: you disable the cache, you loose the perfomance boost;All these problems would not be if the logic would be in exp PL/SQL on the database; no cache synchronization, no OO-broken Business objects....How did you deal with these problems? CheersJDrive
  5. That's because the import for the DateFormat is missing; DateFormat is not in default package (java.lang) so you have to import it as you did it in your jsp either by import java.text.*;or by import java.text.DateFormat;in the import section then it should work.... Cheers... JDrive
  6. Hello; What exactly you want to know about SWING? I've visited some workshop's on SWING and I know, creating a complex UI in SWING (which should also perform) is very hard, but possible. Now in java 5 the default Look and Feel looks great, but did you consider using SWT? For SWING there exists many books, creating a complex UI is far away from a Content Pane with the Label "Hello world". But even if for SWT there is not a lot of Documentation to read I would recommend to use SWT, it's easier to use and performs much better; there are some things in the concept of SWT that must be memorized, but after all I think (hope) the future of UI in Java belongs to SWT.If you have a precise question about SWING repost...Cheers....JDriveBTW: my first post here
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