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Everything posted by everydaysushi

  1. That's a good point. I have to visit a lot of different business' websites at work, and it's amazing how many of them have these snazzy flash intros... some are obviously not tech-savvy because they look horrible simply because the connection is too slow or something. It's like, everyone wants to have the best-looking stuff so they automatically think it's the newest invention or the thing with most bells and whistles. Some of the sites that've stuck out in my mind are simple and most importantly, EASILY NAVIGATED. I hate having to wander around looking for something so simple as a FAQ!! And even when I'm at home, looking at music or movie websites, I find myself skipping the flash intros just because I'm so impatient nowadays. Ironic that technology makes us so impatient that we can't even enjoy the fruits of technology's labor. :oP
  2. I was just having a discussion at work the other day about the pros and cons of advanced web design... great to look at! Hey, I love it, but I have DSL and a relatively new computer... but still, shouldn't we keep in mind the vast majority of people out there who still have dial-up and/or old/cheap comps (they're making them so cheap nowadays, which is great, but there's serious skimping on resources... at least in my experience)?
  3. Haha well I guess you have to just see what other people's experience is with different hosts. I use imageshack and you don't have to register or anything so they don't even know WHO you are, so they can't possibly send you spam.
  4. I love using Slimbrowser (downloadable at cNet's download.com)... since I usually have a million windows open at the same time, my memory slows down after a while. But Slimbrowser open up like one browser, but you can open up multiple pages WITHIN it. So you use less memory... I have 50 million pages open inside Slimbrowser, but my computer doesn't really know it. ^_~ Check it out!!
  5. Indie artists, of course! Have you heard Interpol? Dandy Warhols? They rock!
  6. Guess not a lot of people like classical. I figured JAZZ goes in the classical section 'cause that's how it works at the bookstore. I'm new to jazz, used to hate it, growing to love it. Anyone got any faves? I like slow stuff...
  7. Well the Beatles'll never be like Linkin Park or Black Eyed Peas, both great bands. Beatles have their own style... I never liked them much until I heard some of their less poppy songs... their later stuff is great. "Long and Winding Road" and "As My Guitar Gently Weeps" or something like that... are great EMOTIONAL songs. "Eleanor Rigby" all about a funeral or something. Anyway, still not cranked up like your favorite bands, but you gotta respect that the Beatles had some development along the way. They're not as one-dimensional as they're portrayed.
  8. Yeah there are some real 80s freaks out there, but I wish I was one of them. The subculture because they grew up in the 80s (were teens in the 80s)... so there's a subculture for every "age" of music, like every decade (check out VH1's "I love the 80s"..."I love the 90s" etc). When I think 80s, I think Flock of Seagulls, Journey, Phil Collins, Madonna, Michael Jackson... Funny 'cause there's an 80s throwback right now, you can see fashion is going full circle and people are wearing legwarmers and big shirts in the cities, etc. Good luck with the project!
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