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Posts posted by Brian1405241474

  1. Cocoanut, what sort of video are you putting up on your site? As you know, depending on who is watching the clip, a minute can be quite long. You could experiment with the clips and make them shorter and still get your message out to those who are watching.Don't forget that there are still people on dial-up connections and waiting for a long video clip can take them so much longer. If they have to wait for a long clip, they might just click and head elsewhere.I've been told that an audio clip also equates to about one mb per minute, so I guess having audio wouldn't make much difference on your site.Don't forget to share your url when your site is up and running.

  2. Yes, I heard about the sale the day the news hit online. It must have be great to have your small company recognized and bought by such a large company as Yahoo. When any small company finds their name linked with someone as huge as Yahoo, it is a big deal in the business world.

    In fact, I did some searching and found that Konfabulator is free without the reminder windows that pop up asking you to register. That is a nice bonus, isn't it? Don't forget to download the latest version 2.1 which is about 5.2 mgs worth.

    Go to Konfabulator and read the new information they have posted about the sale and the future. They are more than excited and I don't blame them. I'll be keeping my eye on them to see what changes happen.

    According to this article in MacWorld, Yahoo is interested in macs. If anyone wants to peak my interest in a company, tell me they are interessted in my favorite computer. This is good news.

    I already make my own widgets. Life is getting better all the time.

  3. saxsux, try to look at this as Yahoo trying to do something good. You might not prefer Yahoo as your search engine, which is your choice, but allow the company to grow and change.There are plenty of people who use dogpile.com or other search engines. It is all a matter of getting the most information possible, right?Give Yahoo a chance and as Rudy said, don't allow your personal feelings to take over.Knowledge is power.

  4. OQO is the smallest pc on the market. It costs approximately $2,000 USD. You can pay more for additional software and accessories. To see a photo of it with the keyboard and stick, click here.

    It is incredible to think that a fully functioning computer can fit in my pocket and weigh less than a pound. Times sure have changed from the beginning days of computers when it took a whole room to house a basic computer that is now considered ancient technology.

    I started searching the internet to see if there were more of these small pcs being manufactured. This MSNBC article is pretty good. They writer was able to play with a Sony U50 and gave it a nice review. He did say it was over a pound in weight, but still, it is small.

    Being that I'm an Apple lover and user, I'd love to see one being made that I could put Mac OS Tiger on, but that might arrive in the future.

    I could see it replacing the pda for many people, as you could carry around all your documents and emails. It could come in handy at school, work and play.

    What do you think about these ultra-portable pcs? Would you buy one and use it?

    Technology is just so exciting these days. Thanks Mom and Dad for starting us on those first Apple II computers when we were kids. It has us well on the technology road.

  5. Coconut, you might want to have your site up first, then get partners to share links. It is hard for anyone to know if they want to swap links if they can't see your site first to see if it is something they want to have their site listed on.I just have my personal stuff on my site, plus my forum. You might not like linking to me.Post again when you have that site up. Quite a few people here who would like to take a peek at it, including me.

  6. Welcome to Xisto.As long as you're sharing and contributing to the boards, you will never feel your life is being eaten away.There is a lot of knowledge in these forums. I learn something every visit here and I'm sure you will find some new things yourself.With all the computer stuff you have, I hope you have plenty of storage room in your house. One can never have enough spare parts, right?Don't party so much that you forget your new family here. We need you!

  7. This is the article that started this thread.

    If you want to read on laws pertaining to cell phones, click here. Actually, if you read on that site for any period of time, you might just never want to use your cellphone again.

    Cellphones do have a purpose. It keeps a person connected and can be used to get help in an emergency. The key is to be a responsible user. You control the cell, don't let it control you.

    Ever see a double eighteen-wheeler whipping on down the interstate going better than 70 miles per hour while holding a cell phone? Watch that guy exit and enter a two lane highway still with that phone pressed against his ear. That is not a comforting site.

    Granted, there are those people who are considerate and I wish there were more of them. Ever watch a person in the car next to you while they are chatting away? Some look at the phone. Hello! It isn't a video-phone yet, so why are you staring at it?

    In grocery stores, you see people running about in the aisles talking to someone. Some conduct business and others are talking to roommates or friends. When they are talking, seems to me they can't even push a shopping cart in a straight line. Can't imagine them on the road, behind the wheel of a car zooming around.

    I heard about cell phone jamming from a news article. Many people upset at having a meal disturbed in a restaurant would aim a jamming device at the offender. Imagine talking and losing your call? Jamming isn't the answer. It could prevent a call to 911 when someone has an emergency medical or law enforcement is needed.

    When someone is in a store or restaurant using a cellphone, at least they are not on the road zipping about where an accident could occur.

    Watch the news for more polls, research and laws. It is going to happen.

  8. Multi-purpose phones are nice, but it reminds me of multi-purpose electronic devices where one part fails and you're stuck with a huge repair bill.When you buy a television, do you buy one that has a built-in dvd player-recorder and vhs player? A repair guy I know said that when you buy all in one devices like that, you may as well plan on something breaking and the whole thing needing repair. It is cheaper to work on a dvd player or a vhs player than to work on the whole enchillada.When it comes to cell phones, they have already gotten into more areas than we could have imagined a few years ago. On the news recently, I saw video clips taken from a cell phone. The clarity wasn't that good, but it was video.I know the Swiss Army knife is pretty cool. Now the more gadgets on that knife, the larger it is. How can this new utiliarian phone be so small and do so much?Technology is just so incredible. It's great to be around now, isn't it?

  9. I'm not sure I quite understand what you are trying to do.As far as I know, there are no free starter domains.What is it that you and your buddy are sending back and forth? You could always use an FTP program which would make it easier to store information on the server.Have you considered giving your website a shorter name? If you don't like typing out a long address, wouldn't you want to make it shorter for yourself and those who might go to it?Need more information so we can help you here.

  10. It depends entirely on what you want to do with the video clips. If you just want to show them on your computer, it would be fine. Depending on the resolution, it might not look as good when you display in on your big screen television.Most digital cameras have a zoom for photos, but not all of them allow for a zoom in on the video.Do you already have a digital camera?One thing to think about is the software used to create a movie. I'm sure that with a little imagination, you would be able to put together several one minute clips to make a nice sized movie.With different programs, you can add text inbetween segments, which could helo if the audio portion of the clips isn't easy to hear. Give it sort of an old movie look.And while Agatha swims in the ocean, across the miles, Reginald sits in his car waiting for the ice cream to melt.....that sort of text.Many cameras come with software to do movies and there are many programs that are free or shareware online.Let us know what you finally do.

  11. I looked all over the site and it would seem that the price for renewal of a domain name is at least $5.99 or more, depending on what you have.


    Hereis where I looked. Check on the domain section. There seems to be an annual price, but there seems to be no discount for the domain.


    I assumed you meant the price of a domain renewal as the topic is "very cheap domain names"


    Why not just sent them an email and ask about renewal versus new domain registrations. I'm sure they will reply.

  12. That taken around sunset? The dark against the colors of the sunset give it just the right contrast. I like the colors in it.


    Do you use anything besides iPhoto to edit your photos?


    Gimp is a free program for both mac and pc which offers you a new way of altering photographs.


    It does require that you have x11 from Apple, which is a free download.


    Digital photography is the best way to be forced to use graphics programs!


    Nice job.

  13. Just think of your index.htm page as being a place holder, a promise of things to come.If you want to share your web address with people, it is a good starting point. You can put up one of those "under construction" type signs or come up with something unique.You are limited only by your creativity. It might be fun to just have something on there, even if you never use the space beyond storage.

  14. Mac Review Zone looks like a good place for price comparisons. In fact, I'm bookmarking this one.

    Cnet Shopper

    Just two places that list prices for iPods with price comparisons.

    As for eBay, there have been problems with sellers who were less than honest in their descriptions of items where buyers have been cheated.

    When it comes to something electronic and you might want the manufacturer to stand by their warranty, buy it from a reputable business.

    There are too many horror stories of items purchased from eBay and the buyer has no recourse when the item stops working after a few days. There may be perfectly honest sellers on ebay, but as the expression goes, one bad apple spoils the whold barrel.

    Many resellers online have used or demo units, which have been refurbed and come with a warranty. One of my favorite places, Small Dog Electronics gives detailed information on their used/demo units as well as explaining any warranty that would come with them.

    It pays to shop around.

    Hope you find an iPod in your price range that works great. My big sister gave me one!

    Think I could talk her into buying me a new powerbook?

  15. EveryMac has the specs for your iMac. It looks like a standard ethernet. Are you sure the cables is in good working order? Often the least thought about solution is the easiest one.

    I'd call the company you have internet with or check their website for some trouble shooting.

    More ram couldn't hurt. Mac OS 9 really needs more than 32 installed.

  16. Before rushing out to buy these cheap domains, please take time to read this article from Zolmedia about domain registration and ownership.

    I know of one women who purchased a domain for her business and allowerd her internet service provider to be listed as the owner. She paid for it, it should have been in her name, but it was listed as belonging to the ISP.

    Read the fine print, people. It might prevent a lot of trouble later.

    A webmaster I know who sells domains said the one complaint she has with her clients is that they change their email addresses. Once you register a domain, please don't change the email address that is associated with it. It seems to cause problems.

  17. This is my favorite site. It lists what you is allowed on planes now and about security and handling of your items. Camera on the road is good enough to be bookmarked.

    Travel Photography Tips has some good solid information and tips on xrays and film cameras. It also has information on taking a camcorder through airport security.

    Photo Net has several posts from people who have taken their film and camera through airport security. It might make you feel more comfortable reading from those who have already been there.

    This site from Kodak has information from two years ago. It may have some relevant information for you.

    Just be careful when on the road and don't forget to take lots of pictures. The best picture taken isn't always the one you planned, but the one you find in the prints you get made once you're home!

    Enjoy your trop.

  18. I did a quick search and found something very worth your time to read.

    Apple knows they had a problem with the older iPods and there is a way to get help.

    For information, go to iPod Battery Settlement Explained

    This wil bottom line what Apple is offering and which models are covered. It is a very good overall site for all the information you might need.

    If your iPod is one of those mentioned, go to Apple iPod Settlement Page where you can download the proper form to return your iPod as well as get additional information.

    I hope you're covered under this.

    Let us know.

  19. There is a lot of information out there if you do a search.

    Just doing a quick search, I came up with a few places which seem to have good information


    I like this one and have bookmarked it to keep. It lists several problems of recording and how to reduce noise. You might want to read this before you go out and buy anything.

    Digital Sound Recording

    I know that one time I was trying to get an audio cassette I made into my mac by using an cassette player that was powered by electricity. It produced a hum when recorded on the mac that wasn't on the original cassette. When I used a battery powered cassette player, the hum was not there when recording to the hard drive.

    Don't give up. You'll find a working solution. Let us know what happens.

  20. Reading all these stories made me wish I had a fantastic story of my own.Guess I could try to say that my nick was derived from something special, a revelation from game playing or a favorite character in a book or movie.Can I blame my parents and say that their using my name so often is the reason I am using it now? :) BRIAN, clean your room.......Brian, take the trash out.....Brian, you'll be late for school.....Brian, time for supper.Well, you get the idea.I suppose that being me is all I am at the moment.Thanks everyone for sharing. It makes for entertaining reading! :P

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