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Everything posted by kajaco

  1. This kind of Windows/IE biggotry is really stupid. There are a lot of techie/programmer types who use IE because it gets them where they want to go. I have a dual boot system (Windows Advanced Server/Red Hat 9), and when I'm in Windows I prefer IE. It's true that tabbed browsing rocks, and that FF rendering is somewhat quicker, but I have had some nagging problems with responsiveness. For example, when I logged into this website, FF asked me if it should remember my username and password. When I affirmed, it took about 20 seconds for the little dialog box to go away. This also happens when I just pull up the "About Mozilla Firefox" window from the help menu, so that eliminates a network issue. And neither IE nor Netscape have this problem, so it's not a ram/hardware issue. Also, it is sluggish when I scroll with the wheel mouse. I think FF must still have some bugginess to work out. Also, if anyone wanted tabbed browsing with IE, it would be a pretty small project to write a VB application that instantiates the IE engine in multiple tabs.
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