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Posts posted by Xaine

  1. In response to your first sentence.

    I agree with it. I am from S. Korea, and there is very strict gun control there. Even policemen rarely carry guns. Our citizens don't really make a fuss over the need or the right to carry a gun. Possession of an illegal weapon, and then you're just in jail and in S. Korea there is no such thing as bail.

    We even live right next door to N. Korea, where there is a communist army over 3 million strong, and the S. Koreans don't really cry for the right to possess a gun.

    Surely you would need a gun when the red army is marching down Seoul more urgently than when a single person who may or may not be in possession of a lethal weapon threatens a loved one.


    So America really doesn't make much sense to me.


    Question to Xaine, what would you do if someone threatened the life of a family member and you if you had access to a gun. Would you pick up the gun and shoot to defend the innocent person or would you stand there watching while that person was gunned down? Would you pick up a knife to defend that person? maybe a baseball bat or a rock?


    A valid question. If in that situation, I doubt I would have the courage to attack another human being with a deadly weapon, even to protect a loved one. And I doubt many people would. Maybe a baseball bat. Just because a shot kills, and a person can probably take a couple of twacks with a large wooden stick.


    Yeah I know it isn't personal. =]

    This exchange of ideas is good really, it reminds you that there are different people out there, with different backgrounds and different opinions. Thanks for your complete response.

  2. And without gun control what would keep people who are not law-abiding citizens from obtaining guns? What if that psychopath you mentioned about had a gun, thanks to the lack of sufficient controls on guns?I think we both agree that limitations and restrictions should be put on guns, judging from your post above. But I still believe that a lot of people are underestimating the destructive power that a gun has. One shot will kill you. This isn't the Matrix or some action movie or game where you can get hit as many times as you want before you die. Oh well. At least we can both agree about the law-abiding citizen part.

  3. Yeah. The Gamecube really isn't a very popular system. Because it really does have a "kiddy game" kind of reputation. (Strangely that's why I got the Gamecube. Really, it's like a teddy bear complex, except with a nintendo.)I don't think the main character being a girl has a lot to do with the game not getting much respect. Maybe it has something to do with the atmosphere of the game. Yeah...

  4. "I pledge alliegance to the flag

    of the United States of America

    and to the republic

    for which it stands,

    one nation, under God

    indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."




    I prefered Kerry too. But really, he failed to make the people see him as a strong candidate. He just couldn't repair the damage the Bush campaign did to him. Bush just has amazing people working for him.


    The best example is the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" or something to that effect.

    Here we had a decorated Vietnam War veteran against a National Guardsman who never really showed up regularly for duty. And the National Guardsman won the election. How?

    Some really good and early advertising by the above mentioned group. The issue should have fallen on Bush for "being a coward", but instead the issue fell on the person who did actually lose blood in Vietnam.


    Then this former National Guard who has never seen war first hand is leading America in the War against Terrorism?


  5. I'm for gun control. I just don't see the sport in hunting animals with a gun or the need to protect myself by having a gun in the house. And I believe that the right to bear arms in the second amendment was taken out of context. From my point of view it refers to the maintainence of the state militia. But that's just me. A somewhat liberal asian guy.

  6. Yeah. When I was little my parents tried to force the piano on me. Later I played the alto and tenor sax in the school band. It really wasn't that fun. The tenor sax never really has any interesting parts, except in jazz band, and that's only sometimes.Now I tried to learn some classical guitar. I'm lazy, so I can't really play anything. Heh.Also I play around with Garage Band program sometimes.

  7. I agree. Starcraft is like the ultimate game of the genre, simply because it is the perfect base for any RTS games. It is that way because it's so simple and base compared to some other RTS games that try to be so different from one another that they ruin the best part of the kind of game.But still, the three races are unique from each other, providing balance between each other and special attributes. I really don't find that in WCIII... Anyway, it was an awesome game. Yeah. There it is.

  8. So is the meaning of life the same as what it means to be human?Everyone can agree that in the end all humans become dust and nothing more. Without God or any other religion that promises eternal life, this life is the only life we will ever have. All we can leave behind along with our dust is our name. So I believe that humans are in the constant search of immortality. Power, love, children, God are all ways to immortality. Of course, this is just my opinion and a generalization to a very diverse race, mind you.

  9. wow I like that man. It would take some work though I don't know if the perutation points run that way. I have never seen the admin opptions for them so I have no clue. But it is a good plan specially since the example you used is exactly what we all know would happen to someone. I think it would take some clever programing to get that to work.Oh and just for such a good post. I am giveing you +1 rep points! :)

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