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Posts posted by cryptwizard

  1. actually, your horrably wrong....

    windows is 1) not campatable with anything 2) a nightmare to program !!!


    first off, take a program sice as KDE. its a whole destop environment, grap the source code and compile it... compile it on FreeBSD, compile it on Linux, compile it on OpenBSD, solaris, whatever !... the same source code will compile on all these different operating systems,a nd work...


    however with windows, nope, it will not compile. nor will windows source code compile on any other OS.


    Plus,, has anyone ever tried compiling and using a DLL in windows... its a nightmare, in linux, its as simple as turning the "share" switch on when compiling, to make an .so (shared object)



    and here's what annoys the CRUD out of me...


    last time i tried to compile the following code in VC++, it failed with an error like "error variable array length"


    int number = GetStrLen("hello world");char *StrArray = new char[number+1];

    that code is perfectly legal c++.


    Well, the C++ part really pisses me off.

    Try compiling it with GNU's g++.

    Ultimately prove that GNU is better than Microsoft!


    Yes, Linux is 'just the kernal', but thats not how most people talk about 'linux'.  When people mention linux they mean the whole deal, the kernal+xfree86/x.org and some windows manager like KDE or Gnome.  That together is what is usually meant when a person casually mentions 'Linux'.  Which is what I did. 


    That being said, the things that make KDE/Linux/etc 'hard' are dealing with things that don't work perfectly the first time.  Sometimes, when you plug something in, if you have a nice distro then linux detects it and everything works just fine. When this doesn't happen, things can get irritating, such as messing with config files.  In terms of KDE, I remember installing KDE on my laptop and having it show the screen a few pixels to the right, so that the right edge of teh screen was gone.  At the time(this may have changed, this was a few years ago), there was no simple option to adjust the screen image a few pixels left to fix the problem without doing some low level config hacking.  I never ended up bothering, too much work to get something simple to happen. 


    Other things are basic HCI issues.  I remember the options/preferences/settings(whatever its called) in KDE was terribly organized, making it hard to find or do what I wanted. 


    Using RPM's to install programs works, but was less intuitive, or at least less familiar than the windows installer type method or the OSX 'Drag the icon to the applications folder and its installed' method.  This is even more true when something goes wrong with an RPM.  Apt-get is nicer, but isn't on a number of major distros.


    Finally, on a personal preference level, I think KDE is ugly.  I haven't played with KDE 3 though, so that may have changed.  Granted, Windows is almost as ugly, but thats not a nice comparison.


    I can't strees the kernel part enough.

    The correct name is GNU/Linux.

    KDE is much nicer now.

    Try the Plastik theme.

  2. websaint, I think you should clarify your question a bit more as signified by the previous posts (in a way).Some people have interpreted the question as being about forum software, while others are interpreting it as referring to sites.For software, Invision Power Board is the best. It isn't availabe for free anymore (they went completely paid).For sites, this site!

  3. I would like to help, but I don't really understand you.If you want help quickly, it is suggested that you give as much information as you can.The few seconds extra that you take to give information, could get your answer much quicker.When I do that, I always give as much info as I can and I usally get something that works within the first 2 responses.

  4. My favourite is Java.When I learnt programming, I was farmilirised with C style syntaxes.So, I know C, C++, Java and PHP.I have also noticed that C# (pronounced C sharp (like in music)) is very similar to Java, so I might learn it.However, I don't like Pascal and derivitives such as Delphi and Visual Basic since they have this weird syntax (in my background).Blocks of code start with the keyword "Start" and end with "End" or something.I perfer simple braces ({}).

  5. There are many factors to consider.Windows is compatible with a lot of programs, whereas GNU/Linux has great customizability (<-- Excuse spelling).Mac OS X on the other hand has the advantages of both worlds in being having lots of good software and having a stable UNIX foundation.I would vote for Mac OS X.I don't have it, but really really want it...

  6. I personally believe that Java and Flash are only barely comparable.Java is for programming and has much more functions, where as, I believe that Flash was originally intended for things like movies and animation.Please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't really know much about flash.Now, to my opinion.I personally believe Java because there are much more possibilities, but they are merely harder to use.Also, I think Flash requires propriety programs to create.Once again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

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