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Posts posted by ouachiski

  1. Do you know if youre computer can boot from usb. not all computers can, check youre bios settings. If you can there is bound to be a way. maybe not necisarily emulating the floppy but instead having the files required to boot and the files required for the rescue.

    You may want to have a look at puppy linux. It is a linux distro that boots from a thumb drive. You may get some ideas there. Here is the link to there site. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  2. I like about anything that has to do with rock or blues. I dont like music that is driven by corporate big wigs trying to make a buck tho. all of that stuff is trying to tell you what you like insted of deciding for youre self. A lot of the realy popular bands today actulay had a good first album before they got tainted by the money. My favorite style of music right now is goth metal and trans metal, but I allso realy enjoy some lighter stuf at times.

  3. Keyboards, you can go very plain and non name brand and get one of the best ones out there for about $6 US. Just look for a plain Mitsumi keyboard. I have had mine for 4 years now with nothing but joy ^_^. Printers, I would have to out lexmark on the top of the list for one reason. For the fact that they now have the Z605. The disposable printer. It costs $30 US so whenever you need new ink cartridge you go buy a new printer, and it prints verry good quality to boot. Now on to speakers. There are just too many to name here. I personaly use a home sterio for my speakers and it is beter than any of those, but as far as specificly designed for computers what about klipsch.Last but not least digital cameras. You have got to put Nikon on the top. Allso Olympus and Sony are in the same groupe.Well that is my two cents worth.

  4. They are allready planing the demize of DVD. Can you believe that right after evryoune jumps on the bandwagon they go and switch things up. It is called Blue Ray. It is a laser disk with a more dense data patern than DVD and an extremly hard shell. The shell is so hard that the only way to get a decent scratch on it is with a knife. If you have heard about the new TDK dimond plated DVD-R's that are scratch resistant they use the same material. This technology has great potential I believe but I think that they will have to make the players play DVD's allso. They will allso have to be cheap because evryone just baught DVD players and they are not going to want to give them up and run out and buy something new.

  5. Ah maxtor problems. I am having that same problem intermitently right now. I had another one do it earlier this year allso. It is the wright heads going out I believe. If you have acces to a copy of knopix try booting it up and se if you can see the files on the drive that way. If that works Try to find a program called Spinrite 6.0 And give it a try. Its worth a try even if you cant get it to mount under knopix because spinrite does some pretty amazing stuff.

  6. How does the computer memorize all the file? I mean, we've delete it and emptied the trash can... So it's like gone forever or is it? I really wanna know how this works... Tell me and thank you... ^_^


    All of the files on your hard drive are scatered around with litle links telling where the next little bit of information is to be found. The proble is finding the first piece of the file to link to the rest of the data. On a hard drive there is a special sector seperate from evry thing else called the master file table or MFT for short. It is basicly a map to all of the starting points of the file stored on the disk. When you delete a file all that you actualy do is erase the link from the MFT leaving evrything intact on the disk. with nothing to refer to it it can now be over written by other data. If you are able to recover files they have not been overwriten.


    Most disk formats just wipe the MFT and thats it. You can find programs to rebuild the entire MFT for you if this is the case. A low level format wrights youre entire drive with 1's or 0's making it imposible to recover the data theoreticaly, the government has ways around this to. But there are stil ways to do beter than this with multiple low level formats. that is where you take and whipe yore drive with 0's then 1's several times over. There are programs that do this automaticaly to make it easier.


    Hope this answered youre question.

  7. I have looked at the new Microsoft search engine. Looks promising but I dont believe that it will be all that google is. That is what Google specialises in and microsoft has a habit of coming out with this great new product and leting it sit on the shelf and rot, never making upgrades and improvements (Internet Explorer).

  8. I use Firefox. I allso have opera an ie witch I dont use very mutch since I started useing firefox. Firefox's tabed browsing I do like sometimes more than opera. Firefox's speed is comparible if not faster than opera if configured properly. Firefox's extensions alow you to customize it to youre liking. It allso has RSS and ATOM feed live links making bookmarks stay up to date with what is hapening on a site(great for youre G-mail acount). Probably my favorite extension that I have found lately for firefox is the Tab browser extensions witch among other things lets you unclose tabs and restore tabs after a crash, witch hasnt hapend since going 1.0.IE. To many security flaws and crashes. Allso the sp2 popup blocker dose not block spyware popups.PS. Those of you with fire fox faving trouble installing java click on the little grey sircle right below the x to close firefox(you know the circle that swirls when a page loads)and click plugins. They have a java plugin there that works.

  9. I am totally for it. The good far outweighs the bad. Stem cell research could totally eliminate dideases like parkinsons that atack healthy people at allmost any age(although mostly seniors) for no aparent reason. There is not realy that mutch to be against it about. They remove the stem cells from discarded umbilical cords, and babies that did not survive birth, only with the proper permision. Then there is the cloning issue. The people that are going to try and clone a human underground will try and get there hands on the stem cells anny way be it legal or not. This is how I feal about it.

  10. I have got a Hitachi 120 Gig Deskstar harddrive, a Maxtor 30 Gig, a Seagate 20 Gig, and an IBM 800 Mb. They are not all in the same system but are all functioning. That totals up to 170.8 Gigs of storage. I allso have a 40 gig maxtor with dead wright heads on it that I am currently trying to salvage the data off of.

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