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Posts posted by jipman

  1. Well you can think of it this way. If you get 'hacked' (i'd rather have you say cracked), it's probably your own fault, let's say your website gets hacked, this could probably be because of a exploit that was possible in your code. If you use PHP or something like that, try to keep this in mind : ' NEVER EVER trust the input that is POSTED' Then you might be quite safe, unless they 'crack' the whole server, but then you're not to blame.

  2. create one yourself, it's really easy ,use PHP. make a script that reads the number from a textfile. then add 1 to that number and display it, then save that number to the file and exit.I could give you a example but i'm to lazy :D. But i can give you a list of commands you'll need. Then you could look them up on php.netfopen()fwrite()echothat's all ^_^really, if you use a premade thing you might have to customize it, but if you create yourself, you can be proud of your own few lines of code.btw. I think it's possible to use only 5 lines of code.

  3. But still, one little floppy disc can save your data, and sometimes, it can do what cdroms and other big data devices can't , they can BOOT your computer, because sometimes cdroms freak out while trying to boot. AND, at school we don't have cd drives, so if i want to boot knoppix from my usb stick, the almighty floppy has the drivers to enable this ^_^Not reliable?The silverfoil of cd's can let go, or you could get scratches, OR your cddrive could tear it up to pieces (:D, silly, but true)

  4. I still can't believe how email worms can have so much success in infiltrating people's computers, who would fall for a i love you letter (A) ^_^. What i mean to say is : If you just be carefull on the internet you don't need a virusscanner, because most of 'm will have to be launched by the user. Firewalls, if an OS has a security hole in it, a firewall won't help, firewalls just help against trojans or dDos attacks.

  5. How about if i told you guys about a scanning tool that PREVENTS all spyware from getting on your computer. That it will also protect you from ALL virusses around, and you know what? It's completely freeware, and thousand's, maybe millions are using it, but noone uses it because it has a 'difficult' interface and people are to lazy to use it.

    Wanna know what it is? This all protecting too is called LINUX, 99.9% of all virusses won't run on it, spyware also won't run. And best of all, it's completely F R E E. Ever heard of a Linux user needing a virusscanner or spyware scanner? NO, because they don't even NEED one.

    If you're all so paranoid about your privacy, get rid of your lazyness and try it today.



  6. LOL, it all depends on the subscription. Here in Holland (europe), we've got cable and Adsl at very different speeds, cable speed depends on the number of people in you neighbourhood having cable, ADSL, is independant of the number of users. At the moment, ADSL is more popular here than cable, because it's cheaper (about $ 15) AND the higher speeds for lower prices :P. I've got ADSL for about 10 months and i haven't had 1 downtime at all.

  7. :P, why use FTP anyways? I use SSH to maintain my site, is easier, because you don't have to do the "open-edit-save-upload routine" but a "open-edit-save-done routine", just mail the support to enable your SSH thingy and get putty (ssh client). On topic, best ftp manager for me is total commander, it's a file manager, decompression-tool too. Too bad it's shareware.
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