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Posts posted by jipman

  1. @jamesAnyway, if you have a new computer you don't want to put back a backed up version of your old puter.Windows should automatically adjust itself to new or different hardware, that's not the case, but it leaves the question wheter you want a fresh computer have such a already used windows installation.What i'd do is transplant the drive in the new pc temporarily and just copy everything away.anyway, still no reply from the topic starter, locking this one up.

  2. Americans are just plain dumb in these kind of cases, all they are trying to do is making money out of everything they can think of. Even if it means they are making complete fools out of themselves.Any normal human would adjust the volume of their mp3-players to a normal volume. It reminds me of some (american?) people sueing mcdonalds because they burned their bloody mouth on a apple pie that was too hot.ps. I'm not trying to bash americans here, it's just that they come up with so many silly things these days. (War on iraq, george bush, software patents, sueing for silly things). :)

  3. Just realized I contradict myself LOL.

    I suppose quite a number of people will have problems.


    Most people should have learned by now and won't fall for such tricks anymore.


    Anyway, Since just a while I've been getting quite irritated at news-articles stating that another pr0n-promising virus has been sighted. And still there seems to be people falling for m, this has leading me to the conclusion that people who are still being naive and click everything in sight are just plain retared, for which I have the following arguments:

    1. Since the I Love You virus i-dont-know-how-long ago there have been constants news items over new discovered virusses and WARNINGS to watch out with those.

    2. Even if you did get virussed once by mistake or whatever, you should've learned from your mistakes.

    3. Even if you get a virus, most people call in some computer-whizz they know and have them fix it. Such lazy assed approach won't help you learn from your mistakes.

    4. Getting virusses isn't really a shame, since some just exploit some bugs in windows. But 99,9% of them are still depending on the user to activate so catching that kind of virus everytime over and over is just... plain... dumb... pardon my french.

    ps. Are there other guys who are starting to get pissed at people for still falling for the same old traps again?

  4. I think the Norton Ghost was the kill here. As far as I know (read some stuff about it), Ghost only backs up entire drives, that means that the exact data that is on the drive at that moment is backupped. This also means that the entire partition/drive is filled with data (wheter usefull data or null bytes) when you restore the image. This means that the data you wanted to restore is also overwritten, although there are expensive ways to recover documents even like this, it's waaaay out of the league of us regular computer users and it has to be done by some specialized company for some insane high price.So, unless the document was very valuable, you should consider it lost.

  5. For a simple php counter there's no need to use databases, flatfiles will do fine, the example by websaint is suffice as long as

    <p>Number of guests visiting my site: <? include('alle.txt'); ?>.</p>

    Is stored on the server and is not changeable or dependable on userinput.

    Anyway, I was thinking that using an OOP approach here might be an overkill. What if you take the following PHP file

    <?php   $countfile = file("alle.txt");   $count = $countfile[0];   $count= $count + 1;   $fp = fopen("alle.txt","w");   $fw = fwrite($fp,$count);   fclose($fp);   echo $count;}?>

    Basically you know that whenever vc.php is called there is a new page visit so which means that you need the variable $count back.

    So all you need to do now in your other php files is to have them include("vc.php") in the code.



    This would be failsafe for any crosssitescripting attempts since there's no userinput expected. Also, even if the name of vc.php is known so people can call it directly, it doesn't matter since they could only +1 to your counter, which is also possible if they reload your page 20+ times. Also, people still need to know the name of the counter script, which is quite difficult to guess if they don't see it stated somewhere.

    Alternatively, you could also add an ip banning system to this script to check if a user has accessed this site before. Which is not really necessary if you want to know how much your page has been loaded.

    About the busy website thing, it'd take quite a lot of requests per second to be faster than the opening and writing of one byte in a single file for it to have a deadlock. Also, If one has a busy site that can accomplish such thing, it'd be wiser to use a database approach since you can generate more statistics than just the amount of page visits (which is only interesting with a lot of visitors).

    Ps. Anything flash is bad :)

  6. Probably copyrighted freeware, you need to register to play, it's something like America's Army's concept with ranks and stuff.[spoiled-brat-mode]They could use some anti alias and more detailed textures, also, dynamic lighting would be cool too :). (Played too much Call of Duty 2)but for a freeware game it's certainly great.[/spoiled-brat-mode]

  7. Before I start ranting I'd like to point out that I'm NOT trying to start a flame war here.As soon as americans start playing dating sims the world is coming to an end. The actual game is usually being presented with 4 or more options and having to choose one from them... That's the whole gameplay to it. You don't even need actual skill to play these games in terms of skill with handling mouse and keyboard. Basically, you're just choosing from 4 options and looking at some 2d flat image of some girl or whatever... :|...Someone explain to me what for crying out loud is the fun in those things :S@viciousGreat Teacher Onizuka rocks eh :)?

  8. Didn't you see the prices when you actually acquired the webhosting? Golden rule with buying whatever is to read the fine print (especially the part with the prices). Even if $100 is unreasonable, if it was stated on the contract or whatever agreement paper and you still signed it. It's your own fault :|.(Still wondering if the costs weren't for something else)...Now...If you would just give us a name of that webhost?

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