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Everything posted by friso

  1. with every mb adding up to it, i just keep loving gmail more and more, and i already loved it a lot! those crazy people who said 'yeah, but they scan your email!' should just stick to their other not so good provider, although they would miss a lot...
  2. well, you might say that they are nice sho®tcuts, but they do ask 500kb of your RAM... each of them! not so nice, eh? that's why you could better have them all grouped in the start - programs folder, and have about 10, 15 on your desktop. oh, and if you did the 'Ctrl-A >> Delete' thing, you could also right-click on the trashcan and choose restore, because ctrl-z won't work after some time ofcourse, there shouldn't be *real* trash in the trashcan
  3. well, if you are not hosted yet, you need 50 (or 10 for the starters package) hosting credits - link #1.f you are hosted, they need to stay above 0 - link #2. and the first word in hosting credits is hosting - link #3
  4. quoting does NOT get your credits up, i'm almost sure. it's also used alot for news messages, if you just want to share it. so don't think like 'oh that [username] is such a fraud, he always quotes the whole message, just to get hosting credits...' because if you only want to quote a specific part, you have to cut it out of the 'code', and some users might be too lazy for that
  5. yes, and the package is upgraded too! so you get more, for less! and it already WAS a great host! YAYAYAYAY!!
  6. [late reaction]with the new packages, the html files are edited, they had to be edited anyway, because you now only need 30 credits for the default package(good thing bytheway!) and now it's all rightjust telling [/late reaction]
  7. edit: i submitted them, check them out please http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82684-topic/?findpost= and you can now decide, before other people submit banners, the less concurrents, the better. although i'm afraid chiiyo will win, your banners are great! anyway, comment please!
  8. can any of these programs rip a dvd to mp3's, because i just bought a U2 dvd, but i want to have the cd too, so can i rip the dvd to mp3 with losing the video, so i can put it on a cd with any of these programs? thnkas! (guess what i meant)
  9. here is my entry, mind you, i only used paint, and logo creator just once, for the blue shadow thing on the first banner i put them here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ please comment in the comment thread, and mind you, i only used paint, and logo creator just once, for the blue shadow thing on the first banner. :P
  10. friso

    Kotor2 RPG game

    i'm currently playing KotOR 1, almost finished with 1st of 7 worlds (Taris), and i love it. maybe i'm going to buy kotor 2, but not before it is €30,- or less, and if i'm not going to, i will buy jade empire, if it comes out for pc
  11. yes, i saw it, that's what the 'notes system?' topic **admin only** topic is about, right? well, anyway, just nice to see something like that back in the forum
  12. yes, but a text file asks you to save each time you use it, and you can't copy-paste stuff or urls into a notepad you got lying next to your computer.
  13. woow! i wanna submit some too, i will hurry, but please dont decide yet! mine will be the best! i can finally do something back :P
  14. well, i think it is bullcrap,maybe if you let it work at it's hardest for 5 hours, and then put in right next to your testes for 1 hour, it might be permanently damaged, or if you let it drop from 20 mtrs right into your groint, but that's got nothing to do with the heat. well, i don't use a laptop anyway, so i don't care
  15. gmail is the best, what more can i say?simple, 1GB and it's by Google!
  16. ok, here is my promised review:there is a tower (orthanc, right?) a globe, and some textthe tower is just like in all of the old drawings by john howe and other artists, and i know they worked with tolkien with the drawings, so this is what tolkien wanted it too look like. that's a good thing. i also like the tower because you can clearly see what it is, although you only see the contours. that's great. it's hard to do such things with a mouse, congratulations!ok, the globe. is it a real globe, or just some lines, that make sea and land? anyway, i like it, because it is simple. now the text: what exactly does it say? and what language is it? well, i like the font, did you type it with a real font first, and then remade it, with extra stuff like the long line in 'R' in 'Ringen' or is it all your own fantasy? conclusion: very nice,because it is simple, but maybe just a little too simple? the colors are a bit too simple i think, although you should stick to black&white, maybe just a little more different types of gray.
  17. just a short tutorial, if you are sick of those yellow post-its on your monitor saying: 'get milk' 'post new tutorial' and so on. you only need outlook. you don't have to save every time you exit it, it will do so automatically, and it opens fast. this is what you do: - Start Outlook - Click File > New > Note - Go to Personal folders > Notes **Right click on the note now to change the color** - Minimize everything but Outlook, and drag the note to your desktop - Change the name & make some random content - You are done! It will look like this:
  18. hey, i came along your site again, just to see how exactly the template worked, and saw you changed the font ("not that anyone cares") well, i care!
  19. well, i haven't taken any myself, but i would like to share these: Neave.com - Photos divided into a few categories, with witty comment on every photo. they are taken by paul neave, he is my big idol at least, i admire him, his website, and most things on it. visit His Webpage here, and do look around.
  20. small note: i would change the font, i hate times new romans, i said this to someone else as well, and promised i would make a tutorial for importing custom fonts, but i didn't, because i thought i knew how to do it, but i didn't.btw: this should go in the website review forum, but i'm not a mod yet
  21. well, ofcourse you could do microsoft sans serif, used for the Gooooogle Ads too, or verdana, arial, tahoma, helvetica, and more, but i think you could best find a nice font, doesnt matter if it is default or not, there is this method that allows you to add your own fonts, you just got to put them on your site, i will write a tutorial for that, today or tomorrow i will add it.
  22. Pixia should be added too. It's a free graphic software. find it here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. ugh! yuck! bleurch! *pukes all over his computer* sorry, i'll clean it up myself... it's a nice site, but the times new roman just makes me sick... i like it, how long did it take for you to make the template (just the images)? anyway, tell scott about the <font> tag and it will look good
  24. well, i have to confess something. i haven't bookmarked google either, it's my homepage. and ofcourse, i should've added Xisto.com/index.php too.... i wanted to, but forgot, and the edit button is gone. so hereby i also add gmail, deviantart.com, download.com, wikipedia.org, freetranslation.com and Xisto.com/index.php to my favourites. i already knew them all, but that doesnt matter, does it?
  25. well, that depends. what kind of anmation do you want? if you want something really simple like a walking stickfigure should be sufficient. check out unfreez - whitsoft development. i myself started with animated gifs in paint... the worst thing you can imagine! but now, i ehm.... still can't do anything else. i am experimenting, but haven't gotten anywhere hope you will find what you need
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