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Posts posted by Charly1405241472

  1. I'm fond of cycling. I especially like the Tour the France. My favourite cycling team would be Euskaltel|Euskadi, the Basque cycling team with Iban Mayo as figurehead. I'm hoping to see Armstrong participate at the Tour the France 2005. But the chances are slim. Note: the manager of Armstrong is Flemish, like me :P

  2. The section about Nader:It’s so sad that he doesn’t realize the good he’s accomplished. But for reasons only known to him, he’s more angry at the Democrats than he is at Bush. He has lost his compass. I worry he has lost his mind.I understand why Nader detests the Democrats more than the Republicans! Democrats are Republicans. Face it. Micheal Moore even wrote it before joining the Democrats for opportunistic reasons. Nader hasn't lost his mind, the Democrats have lost their principals.

  3. A shoutbox can be a good tool for a website because it is much more convienent for people to react in it, rather then a guestbook, or a forum. Most important is a good linking system. Every page should have a link towards the home-page. It's inexcuseable that someone who visits your website gets 'stuck' on a page, and can only get back to the homepage by pressing the "back" button (it's not very hard, but very inconvienent).

  4. I was and am a strong supporter for Ralph Nader, although I do not live in the States. I believe their isn't much difference between the Democrats and the Republicans, apart from their ethical views. They both need the support of big companies in order to get re-elected. That 's why a second Bush term may be better than when Kerry would be elected: Bush can't be elected a third time. This term he can do whatever he wants, without having to think about the companies that would finance his next campaign (because there will no be another one).

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