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  1. For some of us that dont work in companies $400 is a lot...Ive used one program called TSW Webcoder- its pretty good if your looking for a somewhat basic html editor, plus it has support for css, javascript, etc.
  2. Battlefield is IMHO the best FPS made. I love the mod Desett Combat, especially on the map El Alamein, where i fly around in the apache and own everyone!
  3. bbdesign


    Who in here plays Soldier Of fortune 2? Im always looking for new people to play...
  4. Bush is the better choice. Over the past four years, he has fought to make the United States safer and more secure, he has fought terrorism a great deal and brought freedom to Iraq. He will continue to do many more good things in the next four years.
  5. I agree with you- lunar eclipses are cool. Its amazing how celestial bodies line up sometimes....
  6. Michael moore is just another one of those crazy socialists that hates Bush and does not respect our soldiers fighting and dying for our freedom...
  7. squirel where did you get that shotty image? it look familiar but im not exactly sure from where...
  8. I believe the best thing about PS is that it is very powerful but it is very expensive if you buy it in a store. Of course there are always open-source alternatives to PS like the GIMP, but i still like photoshop.
  9. life would be so much easier if everyone would use firefox- that way we would only have to code to a single standard and not be bothered with workarounds...
  10. Javascript will work on any browser that supports it because it is client-side. PHP only works on servers in which it is installed
  11. sure.... that works, unless the person disables javascript
  12. I would reccomend learning java first to all those who are new to proramming. It is a realtively easy language to learn, yet it is still very powerful and easy to program complex applications.
  13. Um... WOW.... My brain would burst into flames trying to program with that stuff...
  14. There are some cool menus at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Does SP2 really fix a lot of the bugs? I dont want to waste time downloading it if it is not worth it, since im using dialup and I cant get DSL where im at for few months
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