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Posts posted by lxcid

  1. it looks great... fantastic effort... but i always think when it come to designing a website, u gotta put everything in the right place at the right time... everything u place inside a website shld hold a purpose... maybe not everything but most... so my comment would be... it took too long to download... around 3 min for me using a adsl...the content area was too small... since u are talking abt informative website... you gotta widen up the content so that people can absorb more... u can't manually scroll... this make it time consuming to drag it down to the bottom for a glance thru when it come to long listing... like ur computer book section... when surfing thru, i was expecting to be able to click on those red heading for the sub menus but it turn out not workable... anyway... to me... the sub menus was placed at the bottom... wasn't attracting too much attention... it does took me awhile to find it... maybe u can do something to it to let people notice tat its the sub menus more easily... visually its very appealing... beautiful piece of work and really see quite some effort put inside... some small animations was really cool... and i like it... all this are just my point of view... overall i give a 7.5/10... i really love ur site... :) if this is an individual work (my guess is yes) den u really did very superbly... :)last comment... maybe u can have a mix of html and flash... i think this mix would do good as text content may take up more space in flash den html... i wasn't too sure... i'm not a flash developer... :P

  2. https://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png


    This 3d environment desktop for linux is really darn cool... i watch a video on it which my teacher show it to me and i think its superb... for your info, this is done in java... and open source!!! can u believe it!!! i am a windows user... really too bad for me... sighx... anyway here's the screenshots taken from the site...


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    here is the where u can find more screenshot!





  3. i learnt c/c++ den when into java... java is not hard at all... its very easy... easier den c/c++... but c/c++ first... u gotta make sure u got some idea of those hard part in c/c++ thats are drop in java... or else going from java to c++ would be equally hard... cuz u dun noe anything abt those stuff... while u u have some idea of c/c++ den go into java is like learning abc...

  4. i'm a wannabe! i study in a course relate to this... 1 and a half year more to graduation... make 2 game though... 1 is an pac man the other is an action rpg which i rushed overnight... lucky to get a good grade... well... i do both in macromedia director... :) i really like macromedia director... u are just messing with its property to get it work... the graphic wise was good becuz i took it from the web... (megaman x4's zero sprites) i love those library and sprites idea... makes everything so easy to use... u all shld try it... :)

  5. look at it this way...c/c++: Neutraljava: sun product... improvement of c/c++c#: microsoft product... improvement of java...c# was heard to be portable too... but its aren't... i guess u already noe they answer...my way of explaining maybe abit misleading... java is ever improving... so can't actually say java is lousier den c#... u can expect a tough fight among the c# and java... which will only benefit us :)

  6. i wanna contribute something... so i posted this... recently i got a wireless network build in my home... its was so cool... i have a Linksys Wireless B usb network adapter (WUSB11) insert into my desktop which i will always use... den i wanted to test out my game... my all time favourite is the custom game of warcraft: frozen throne call defense of the ancient: allstar a.k.a dota allstar... i log into battle.net and joined a game... the game load and finally i was inside the game... it was so cool... but den... the problem came... my game just hang for 2-3 sec every so often throughout the game that i got so pissed... i stop playing dota... i tot usb stuff was all crap as b4 this i used a usb modem and a hell lotsa problems emerge... i stop my gaming habit for 2-3 weeks and finally i decided to search for a solution... any will do... i began to search for wad caused the lag... it didn't take me long but its not easy to find wad caused tat... its easy to fix but it troublesome as u have to do it everytime... ok... enough of my story... here is the solution...




    I'm using windows XP professional... The reason for this lag is because of linksys didn't configure it driver to stop the Wireless Zero Configuration service of windows when it have detected a network... thus it will always search for a network so often even though u already have one... everytime it search, u gonna lag 1 time... so the obvious solution is to stop the service by yourself...


    To off it,


    1. Go to Start, open Control Panel.

    2. Open Administrative Tools.

    3. Open Services.

    4. Search for the service "Wireless Zero Configuration" and open it.

    5. Click stop if necessary.


    5 simple steps and you are lag free! lol... do this if u noe u will encounter this problem with Linksys Wireless B usb network adapter (WUSB11)... i encounter this lag problem when i am playing warcraft on the net so i need to/will do this everything i wanted to play warcraft on the net... so i recommand u don't bother it if u didn't encounter lag... one more advice... do not set the service to manual... if u do so... u need to start it everytime to connect to your network... den off it to have lag free problem... might as well let it set it to automatic and off it when u wanted to solve the lag problem... :)


    I have make the a website teaching people to fix this problem... here is it... :)


  7. I don't know where to actually post this... i think general support would be most suitable...anyway... i wanted to ask about when i got my own hosting is it possible for me to do some bit torrent upload? my guess is no becuz of all the legal issue... but i'm still kinda curious... i have not decide wad type of website i gonna host... but i would like to noe abt this issue so that i can know where my limit are... :) tks...Oh yahz... and is it true that u all support jsp? if tats true! COOL!

  8. i vote none... i love jsp and i think it rocks... i will pick up php one day but not asp.net... powerful as u all say but i think jsp is almost as powerful... jsp is free too... though hosting is even harder to find... but there is some lying somewhere on the net...

    for a comparison of asp.net and jsp check this website... ( i do aquick search and found this... )


    when u talk abt this topic... it will goes back to the microsoft vs sun... but this site does show something... so check it out... u and search on web for more info...

    i think i'm abit out of topic... compare php to jsp and asp.net... i think jsp and asp.net... is more powerful...

  9. ehx... i noe nothing abt php... i can help u in html or jsp... sad to say i can't help much in javascript... but if u post the code... its still readable to me...edit: okay... y not u go into google.com and do a search on "php tutorial for beginner" or "php for beginner how to"... click any of those results and began reading... i can't help u cuz i'm noe nothing abt php... u can count on me for beginner help if its jsp... :) as i mention above :)

  10. hi new here...anyway... as expect... most are in c/c++... i'm a java programmer as i learn it from school... java is so darn cool... one for all language... u guys should try it... so my vote on java :):) I'm the only supporter for java... O.oEdited... I'm noe a little on c/c++... becuz i initially started as a c/c++ programmer... half way thru i got into multimedia computing course and began to touch java... i only noe the basic of c/c++ (but i think i forgotten all due to all those java programming... :P )... slowly i began to understand more as for 3 semester i been using java... right nw i feel the power of java... for people like me, i only need to learn java... i can go web service... like jsp... web application like applet... individual program... mobile application... etc... if i want... i can go back to c/c++ as they are so similar... it would be easy to pick up... though it does have it disadvantage... to me... all the advantage it provided beats all... i noe vb does provide almost identical advantage to java... but i wouldn't go for vb becuz it is so restricted to a os... java is a pure object-oriented programming... vb... on the other hand are actually nt... if i am not wrong... u can't have nested function in vb... vb does have it limitation compare to java... its initial programming structure aren't design for hardcore programming rather its design for ease of reading so that people pick up programming easily and fast... so i would choose java over vb...

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