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Sundari Harmony

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About Sundari Harmony

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. A big bang? Interesting. Well, I'm a christian so basically, it's all just a bunch of bull to me, but I won't go in to that! :)Me and my brother have pondered the universe and existence and what not, and we have come to the conclusion that humans are stupid and can not comprehend it. So we left it at that! We seriously sat and talked about that for like two hours, and came up with this conclusion *shrug*
  2. *nods* I want to make an avatar with a flash movie of the Geico Gecko dancing But I have noooooo idea how to do it. Anyone help?
  3. Well, I know what PHP is, but I can't do much with it. I need to learn a whole bunch more, hopefully I can find a great techy who would be willing to help out on my site once I get it up >_< My brother wanted to teach me PHP and what not, but he hasn't yet. I totally agree, I'd be lost without Invision board. It's so simple to use. That's my kind of thing, just put in the information and you're good to go.
  4. Well, someone recommended GIMP to me, but personally I still really want Photoshop. The GIMP to me is hard to navigate, and I'd just be better off with Photoshop. I don't like how it's seperated and everything .. I don't know, it's just confusing. Then when you try to open a file, you have to know the exact name because it doesn't show a preview, so that kind of sucks.
  5. I've never even heard of fireworks. I adore Photoshop, I want to get it so bad, but it is so expensive! grrawr.
  6. Oh wow, I didn't know that. I'd always heard of people using cell phones and lap tops and what not on airplanes and always thought it was fine. I suppose it was always just the newer planes *shrug* So even cd players could interfere with older planes?
  7. I have a co.nr for one of my sites ... it's not that bad *shrug* I also have a uni.cc ... and I don't really like .tk for some reason. I think of all of them co.nr sounds the most professional.
  8. Woah, that is kind of odd, I never knew it was called anything else, I suppose I just didn't think about it. I personally just think of it as the "At sign" *shrug*
  9. Well, no you don't make one here ... if you go to xanga.com, you sign up for an account and you just have sort of a journal hosted on their site. It's really simple and easy, you don't have to worry about hosting it anywhere else. A blog is more or less just for you, at least in my opinion ... writing down your thoughts and what-not.
  10. A blog for me is an online journal type of thing, I belong to sites such as http://xanga.com/ or http://www.livejournal.com/?page=0&nojs=1 ... they are both pretty cool.
  11. Hey thanks! If it has pop ups, well then I'm set!
  12. Interesting, never heard of that before.I use google most of the time, it tends to work the best. I'll use yahoo occasionally, it all just depends. I don't really like MSN's searches that much ..isn't there a search called 'dogpile' or something? ~_^
  13. Aww I love the ever changing google logo! It's so funny to go to google and have some random logo on there, all the athens ones were great, I love how they have ones for different occasions. Just makes the site that much cooler
  14. I have my Gmail account, but I never use it ... I like using my hotmail so the little pop up thing tells me if I have mail But from what I've seen, the account looks sweet, so I probably should start using it for something ...
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