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Posts posted by chronogamer28

  1. Am I the only one bothered by your hugh image as your signature? Can't you atleast make it a little smaller. Most of the times it bigger than your text :)


    lol, You are probably bothered by it because there aren't that many signatures hanging around these forums, mostly avatars only for most people. I have a sig and avatar request in graphics design if you want one :)

  2. *sighs* Since I'm not the type of guy that usually has a lot of free time, I'm going to need everyone to be VERY specific on what they want. It doesn't matter if you don't care, I would still like something to base on. But being VERY specific would be a huge help to me. Eric, I already know what you need and I'm going to get it finished soon. Effinella and Gokul, this post is for you guys and future posters here.-ChronoGamer

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