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Posts posted by qwijibow

  1. I would try simply changing to "default 1", but i'm not sure this will not break everything and make you need to re-install Linux.

    Unless you Accidently format your hard drive, then you never ever ever need to re-install linux to fix anything.

    Default select the "default" entry to boot...

    if default is 0, it will boot the first "Title" entry in menu.lst

    if Default is 1, it will boot the second "Title" entry in menu.lst.

    Timeout is the number of seconds to wait before booting the default "title"

    Timeout 10 ( for 10 seconds )
    Timeout 5 ( for 5 seconds )


    Always Always Always Read the Manual.

    (and if you dont know what a manual is, in a command line, run the command "man man")

    Ohh.. and as for Grub.conf, this is not a standard file, its just a symbolic link to menu.lst that some distro's ( redhat etc etc ) add.

  2. i bet, In 9 years, when NASA's New Horizons spacecraft reaches pluto, and finds a giant snow man, it will be redesignated a planet !but seriously, I wonder how much time, money and effort was wasted on this.Even in school exams, for the next decade or so, exam markers will be forced to accept pluto as a correct answer to "name a plannet" just to be fair to kids who have been taught otherwise in primary school.wether Pluto is a plannet, or random rock is an argument better suited to drunken scientists, on a night out in the pub.

  3. To Answer the origonal question:"How To convert java source code into an executable (.exe)"The Answer is simple, Compile it ! ( just like any c/c++ source code )i dont think SUN have a native java compiler ( javac convers the source to bytecode, to be later run by an interprever ( java ))However, native java compilers do exist.For Example GCJ ( part of GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection )Nativly compiling a java application has its advanatges, for example, you dont need to have JRE installed, but you lose the abbility to "compile once, run on any operating system"good luck.

  4. The Rule is as follows.....A 64bit Kenrel CAN run 32bit Userspace applications... HOWEVER... if those 32bit applications attempt to load 32bit kernel modules ( drivers ) into th 64bit kernel, THEY WILL FAIL !!!You can run 64bit and 32bit applications side by side.. but the dynamic linker cannot link 32bit and 64bit code together !!!the the application is 32bit, and needs to run partly in kernel mode, it will fail !do your homework before spending money...and stick to 32bit windows, 64bit windows is more of a proof of concept than it is a product.if your interested in 64bit computing ( and encrption ).... cough linux cough cough.32bit windows, and all your 32bit applications will run fine with a 32bit kernel.

  5. Maybe im just getting old... but i remember the good old days, playing blood omen, and it taking weeks to play from start to finish.The first Half-life game was fantastic !Half life 2 was much better in terms of technology, and ganmeplay, like the vehicles etc etc, but quite a bit shorter.and episode 1 was just a let down.no vehicles at all. nothing new...Episode 1 is just a few additional maps,you wonder round the map, doing the same old thing, shoot the aliens.i was just hoping that episode 1 would add to half-life 2... not just extend it slightly.if you buy the game, and play it through, believe me, th nd credits are just to un-expected, i was expecting it to load the next level, maybe show some kind of in-game movie...the girl says "wow, i cant believe we made it"and there i am checking how much ammo i have, thinking that it was a little too easy, waiting the the surprise boss / ambush... re-loading my weapons, deciding which gun to use on the enemy about to *unpredicably* surpise me... then it goes dark.. end rolling credits...

  6. Has anyone else played this game ?I Paid £25 for this, ( the same price of Half-life-2 ) AND COMPLETED THE GAME IN JUST A FEW HOURS.If anything, Half-life 2, Episode 1 should have been a free add-on mod to half-life 2.when i bough this game, i was expecting it to keep me amused for more than one afternoon !AND, just when i finally thought the boreing part was over, and the plot was about to start, then the end credits started playing !!!!then, when i finish, i am informed that episode 2 will be available shortly.Does valve really think it can spil one game into many tiny episodes, and sell each tiny part of the game at full price !After playing Half-life 2, episode 1 is more than a huge dissapointment, its a complete rip off, i would have been happ to pay £5 at most for this.. dont waste your cash !All episode 1 adds to the plot is that the girl survived HL-2, but you can see that by looking at the cd cover.

  7. The Best Advice, is to take the linux distro you have, and install it to a spare computer.The same way you learned how to use windows, Just start playing with it, trial and error.And learn how to solve each individual problem as you come accross it.Its impossable to learn linux all in one go. Just Install it, wait till you get stuck trying to do somthing, google it.. ( or post here ) and remember the solutuion you are given.then just like with windows, it will all become second nature.All the coments about linux beeing difficult to use for the average user are quite out-dated in my opinion, back from the oldern days when automatic installers didnt exist.Install it, break it, learn, repeat.

  8. Linux obviously purely Monolothic, Maybe must be confusing Minix with Linux... ( Minix is a completely differant OS... see http://www.minix3.org/ )

    Please try to keep these forums helpfull, do not post flase information.

    In Linux, the whole kernel runs with the proccessor in kernel mode.
    no part of the linux kernel runs in user land.

    Linux = Monolithic,
    UNIX = Monolithicm
    FreeBDS = Monolithic
    XNU = Micro
    Minix = Micro.
    MacOSX is a microkernel, with the whole FreeBSD system running in kernel mode.

  9. Monolothic kernels....Pros...1) Easy to write drivers.2) Fast3) Simple Design.cons...1) 1 faulty driver can crash the whole system.Microkernels...Pros...1) Very Stable, drivers dont run in kernel space, so faulty crashing driver can just be re-started without affecting the rest of the system.cons1) A little hader to program.2) Device Drivers must use message passing instead of driect calling to get anything done... you lose a little performance.The MacOSX kernel is what they are calling a "Hybrid kernel"its half monolithic, and half micro.But this doesnt make much sence to me...The reason for a monolithic kernel is performance...so MacOSX uses the FreeBSD kernel to run drivers that need high performance..for example the 3d graphics cards, networking, disk controlers..but these things are all the parts of the kernel which are generally less stable, and more likely to crash the system.Whats the point in having a half microkernel / half monolithic kernel, if every part of the system which would benefit the micro kernel design, is placed into the freeBSD monolithic kernel in the name of performance..doesnt this sound strange to you ?

  10. I never understand why so many people say windows is easyer to use.Recently, i was helping out a friend who had a new top of the range computer.It had SATA hard disks, 1 DVD rw drive, and no floppy disks.Anyways, All attempts to install windows XP failed, because windowsXP does not have SATA support, you need a 3rd party driver from the motherboard manufacturer...with no spare cd drives / floppy drives, windows was unable to detect the hard didsks.in the end, we managed to find a space floppy disk we could add.and then it wasnt too complicated to coax windowsXP install cd into loading the 3rd party driver, and installing.however, installing windows to this manchine involved taking it apart, and adding a spare floppy disk.with linux, ( wuich supports new SATA disks ) the install is jusrt a matter of popping in the install disks.ALSO, thile linux is installing, you can brows the internet, send emails, listen to music, watch DVD's, do your homework... whatever you like.

  11. yes, but MPlayer doesn't support ALSA, which is a pain in the neck.

    chris@localhost ~ $ mplayer -ao helpMPlayer dev-CVS-060414-22:32-3.4.4 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer TeamCPU: Advanced Micro Devices  (Family: 15, Stepping: 0)CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE SSE2Available audio output drivers:		mpegpes Mpeg-PES audio output		alsa	ALSA-0.9.x-1.x audio output		sdl	 SDLlib audio output		null	Null audio output		pcm	 RAW PCM/WAVE file writer audio output91 audio & 208 video codecs

    Thats on my computer, and ive dissabled most mplayuer features that i dont need, including the older OSS sound support, as i use a 2.6 kernel, and therefore the newer ALSA sound.

    you must have made some nasty mistakes when you compiled mplayer.. or maybe you are using a very old version.

    mplayer has supportde alsa since alsa was introduced the the late 2.4 kernels.

  12. Im Linux, you will find that almost all media players use FFMPEG, ( ffmpeg.sf.net ) or mplayer as a backend.I usually find that mplayer copes much better with damaged / partially corrupted / partially downloaded video's than ffmpeg.however, media players such as XINE, which use ffmpeg, has much better DVD menu's support, and ffmpeg is much better at converting between media formats.and both fully support DeCSS ( which is used to de-crypt copy protected DVD's )multimedia has coma a long way since 2mb computers were around.enjoy.

  13. Internet connection shareing (aswell as the internet itself) was invented on, and created for UNIX operating asystems like linux.No porblems here.Although before you spend money buying any new machines, i would recomend creating a single linux test machine,Many of your customers probably use windows at home, and are probably used to it.Back when i was in university, i found most people avoided the Linux computers simply because the login screen looked slightly differant.linus is cheaper, but no good if your custerms are scared of it.

  14. Going through all these different distributions (as can be seen in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), I got a doubt with respect to compatibility. Let us, for matter of this discussion, talk about a image editor I intend to use: GIMP. Now, would I need to ensure that GIMP would run on Linux distribution I would install? I mean, the GIMP that I can download from their site, would I not be able to run in any distribution?

    All Linux Software will run on All Linux distro's.

    The Major differance between distro's, is the package management ( how new programs are installed )

    And what porgrams are installed by default.

    Any distro can have the same software as any other distro.

    Pick a distro that mates your needs.

    for example... some distros are aimed at keeping software up to date.. other distros are more interesting in security..

    some distros are more aimed at servers, and some desktops.

    and some are all round, a litle of everything, like Fedora / redhat.

    Experiment with diferant distros... i used redhat, fedora, then slackware before i found the distro that was right for me... Gentoo :D !
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